Monthly Meeting: June 13, 2017

BOARD PRESENT: Josh Johnson, Lynette Day, Stormy Burge and Dennis Trujillo

Coaches or Team Represented: James Ward & Team Manager (2nd Grade), Martin Morales (3rd Grade), Don Delay (5th Grade), Ryan Hanson (6th Grade), Mike Gurule (6th Grade-Yantorno), Marc Dahlberg and Brenda McCombs (7th Grade), Cory Troutner (7th Grade), Brandon Burge (8th Grade Goss), and Kevin Acker (8th Grade)

Board or Team/s not represented: Lintz (4th grade), Hutching (5th Grade), Mike Christopherson (Treasurer) and Stormy Burge (Marketing and Sponorship)

Meeting Called to Order at 6:32 PM

Approval of May 9, 2017 Meeting Minutes – Dahlberg motioned Ward2nd Meeting minutes approved.


Nothing New

Field Report: We will be getting turf on our fields at the end of this season.

Meeting with City on June 22, 2017 to discuss fields, parking, etc

Plan on getting rid of practices at Sister Cities and Vikan – Putting restrooms at those locations are very expensive


Nothing new

Vice President Report - Josh:

Shane Sweeney stepped down as VP. Board discussed a replacement and feels that moving Josh Johnson into that position would be the best for the organization. Also, with moving Josh into the VP role we need to replace Josh Johnson as Grade Level Director. This was also discussed and we felt that putting someone who is going to be around for awhile and have other grades represented that moving James Ward into that position makes sense. There were no objections to either candidate for those two positions. Moving forward – Josh Johnson is the VP and James Ward is the Grade Level Director

1.) Rule Change 2017 3A (43 Mandatory Play Time)43.1 (New version) All players in 2nd -5th grade on 60 yard fields will be required to have a minimum play requirements of 15 plays including kickoff, kickoff return ad extra point conversions. (Current Version) – All players, regardless of grade (2nd-8th)(FAILED)

43.1.2 (New Version)All players in grades 6-8 in Division 1 and Division 2 will not be required to have a minimum play requirement. All players in grades 6-8 in Division 3 will be required to have a minimum play requirement of 15 plays per game. (Current Version)15 plays including kickoff, kickoff return and extra point conversions.

Potential Complications of Change – Players could receive less play time.

*Vote- All (NO’s) except for Lintz, JMFA - FAILED


2.) Rule Change 2017 3B(43 Mandatory Play Time) 43.1 (New version) All players in 2nd -5th grade on 60 yard fields will be required to have a minimum play requirements of 15 plays including kickoff, kickoff return ad extra point conversions. (Current Version) – All players, regardless of grade (2nd-8th)(PASSED)

43.1.2 (New Version) All players in grades 6-8 on 100 yard fields will be required to have a minimum play requirements of 10 plays including kickoff, kickoff return and extra point conversions. (Current Version)15 plays including kickoff, kickoff return and extra point conversions.

Potential Complications of Change – Players could receive less play time.

This change would only effect grades on 100 yard fields. Will have no effect on grades 2-5 on 60yard fields.

*Vote – Majority with a (Yes) vote / JMFA Passed


3.) Rule Change 2017 3C (New & Current Version)12.2 All JMFA Areas are defined by High School Articulation. Any player living in HS articulation outside of the area and wishes to play must have a JMFA approved waiver prior to roster placement. 80% of players on a roster must live in or attend school in that high school articulation. 20% of the players may be from outside the high school articulation. This rule applies to the 2015 season going forward. All players on JMFA rosters in 2014 will be grandfathered for 2015.

11.4 (Current Version) At the conclusion of the waived season it shall be the option of all waived players to return to their home area or elect to stay in their waived area. (New Version) becomes part of 11.5.1.

11.5 (Current)Whichever area the player elects to play in that area henceforth shall be considered by all to be their permanent area for their remaining years of play in the JMFA program.(NEW Version) This would mean that a player who is a part of the 20% on the roster and chooses to stay on that team the following year; from that point on they become grandfathered in as part of that team. The following season they would be considered part of the 80% of that team, as they have selected that area to be their home area.

Potential Complications of Change-Would like to come up with a way to track, possibly adding a column on the official roster indicating that they are returning player from the previous year.

*Vote- All (NO) except for Lintz/ JMFA PASSED

4.) Rule Change 2017-3D (Current)29.1.2 (24) plays for 5th grade, without regard to the actual time involved. (NEW Version) 24 plays for 5th and 6th Grade, without regard to actual time involved.(FAILED)

Potential Complications of Change- None that we are aware of.

*Vote- (Stay with current version) / JMFA FAILED

5.) Rule Change 2017-3G (New Version)8.4.4 Line up in the offensive backfield for the purpose of being the kicker of a punt, extra point attempt, or field goal, or holder of extra point/field goal. In the event of a muffed snap, the patch player may cover the ball, or block to protect the holder. (Can’t advance)(PASSED)

Benefits of Change – Allows expanded roles for patch players.

*Vote – Yes for New Version Unanimous / JMFA Passed


6.) Rule Change 2017 3F (New Version) JMFA Camp Rule – Not sponsored by JMFA. Independent camps(PASSED)

* Vote- Yes to allow the change to remove JMFA from camp titles / JMFA PASSED

-Mile High Bulldogs are out of JMFA

-Red Zone Tournament is on hold until next season. Registration fees are too high. ($275) too high.

-Players Safety ay Dove Valley Field House on June 3rd and 24th.

Marketing and Sponsorship – Stormy:

AED Training – BYAFL will pay for one representative from each team. July 8th and 16th(Morning and Afternoon)

Clinic Coaches or players. Designed for new players & coaches

September 23, 2017 is the silent auction and spaghetti dinner

Cheer – Lynette:

Summerfest was June 3rd. Thank you to Coach Goss, Coach Jason from Goss’s team , James Ward for coming out and talking football to our community. They spoke to many families. Thank you to the mom’s who also came out to assist the booth. Greatly appreciated!!

Registration is now closed. We ended up with nine cheer squads, 2nd, 3rd, 4th, two 5th, two 6th, 7th (Johnson) and 8th (Acker)

Looking for five cheer coaches – if you know anyone who would be interested. Send them my way.

Brighton High School - Casey Pelton:Not Present

Camps – Full contact youth Camp. Registration will be placed on our homepage under registration. Cost for grades 2-5 is $25 for a one day camp and for grades 6-8 the cost is $50 for two day camp. Camp will be held July 24, 25 & 26th. Registration closes July 1st

Meeting Adjourn at 7:14 PM by Dahlberg and 2nd by Hanson