Lilis Nurlina; Mochamad Ali Mauludin
The Staff of Animal Husbandry Faculty, Padjadjaran University
Hp : 081321343064; E-mail :
The condition of dairy farmer‘s business are still stagnan especially if it seen from business’s scale that no efficient. Beside that, they have less empowered to prepare input production. It made they must increase their participation (as an owner and as a user of their cooperatives). This research was conducted in Bandung Regency West Java Province. The method of research was survey. The sampling cooperatives was taken by multistage random sampling. The sample size for cooperatives were 4 and for respondent were amount 140 person of dairy farmer and 15 person key informan. Data was analyzed by using rank Spearman correlation. Result of the research showed that the member of Single Purpose Cooperative (SPC) and Multy Purpose Cooperative (MPC) Dairy Farmer almost have optimum’s role as a user of cooperative (buying input production and selling milk to their cooperative) so it include to high category (90.0 %), but not yet optimum in role as an owner of cooperative (74.0 %) (they follow in contribution cooperative’s capital but less in controlling cooperative). Dairy farmer’s empowerment not yet optimal (only reach 67.4 %), especially in inovative’s attitude (low category). The correlation between participation of dairy farmer cooperative member rate with their empowerment, have score rs = 0.489 and significant at α = 0.01, that include medium correlation if interpreted by Guilford’ rules . One of the constrain it was ratio of milk price (in dairy farmer) with concentrate‘s price not yet equal, besides that they less in dairy cattle ownership scale.
In entering globalization’s era and competitively business climate, dairy farmers needs to self-preparation by increasing human resources quality. The human resources especially from dairy farmers community become one of impact point to see the succeed of dairy business. The developing of human resources will appear from many human developing which have capabilities to managing the future, that have implicated to their capacity, equity, empowerment, sustainability and interdependency (Ndraha, 1990).
The successfull of strategic’s animal husbandry development beside are focused on technology intensification applicated, also wich give equal attention to developing dairy farmer‘s capacity, attitude, and their responsibilities so more and more dairy farmer that can participated and do changes process. So, it can said that the adaptive managing model and the suitable approach for dairy farmer can see from how much leading their capacity. Beside that, this approuching can motivated and stimulated dairy farmer to more actively and increasing their participation.
The globalization as external factor and low capacity of dairy farmer as internal factor are their problem which difficult to finished. From this problem, we should appear any alternative problem solving, so the dairy farmer more have empowered.
This research used survey methods on Single Purpose Dairy Farmer Cooperative (KPBS, KPSBU) and Multy Purpose Dairy Farmer Cooperative (Cipta Sari’s KUD; Sarwa Mukti’s KUD) in Bandung Area. The sampling research used multy stage random sampling which choosed 4 from 9 cooperatives and 140 respondent with 15 person informan (include cooperative leader, cooperative manager, animal husbundry unit leader, agent of change), area coordinator).
Collected the primary data used by interview with respondent (dairy farmer- cooperative member), and secundery data taked from cooperative office, like Animal Husbundry Division Office, GKSI (Indonesian Milk Cooperative Collective), Division of Small and Intermediate Business and Cooperative West Java Propince, and Statistics Center Division/BPS). The instrument value for participation and empowerment variable use Likert Scale. The data analyzed by Rank Spearman Correlation.
Result and Discussion
A. Participation Rate Of Cooperative Member
The participation of cooperative’s member are characterized by a “relationship of identity” that can be realized if the services provided by cooperative “in accordance” with the member’s interests and needs. This means that the member’s need must be responsed by cooperatives servicess and it must be continuesly adjusted. Achieving the cooperatives services with suitable adjustment for their member, needs the ability and motivation of cooperatives administrator and manager to influence and controlling the management (Ropke, 2004).
The participation of cooperative member can be seen from their contribution as an owner and as user. As an owner, the member must contribute formation and growth of cooperative from financial contribution (capital investment, the establishment of reserves, deposits) and through his personal effort by taking part in setting goals, decision making and in supervisor of cooperative life. In a position as a customer , the member take advantage of any services provided by cooperatives in supporting their interests (Rusidi, 2002).
The participation rate of cooperative member can be seen in Table 1.
Table 1. Participation of Cooperative Member’s Rate
No / Indicator / Maxvalue / KPBS / KPSBU / Cipta Sari’s
KUD / Sarwa Mukti’s KUD / SPC MPC Average
1 / As Owner / 15.0 / 10.6 / 12.0 / 10.9 / 11.2 / 11.3 11.0 11.1
2 / As User / 12.0 / 11.2 / 11.0 / 10.7 / 10.7 / 11.1 10.5 10.8
Sum of score / 27.0 / 21.8 / 23.0 / 21.6 / 11.9 / 22.4 21.5 21.9
The result of research showed that average of participation for the entire dairy farming cooperative sampling including high category with score of 21.9 (81.1 %), because they have participated in increasing cooperative capital , delivery the advice and criticism (especially for the members who say vocal and he can communicate well and pointed as opinion leader), besides that they utilize various services provided by cooperatives. Based on calculations, the average score 11.1 (74.0 %) including medium category for role as an owner, but the average score for as an user/customer were 10.8, including high category (90.0 %). This is understandable because the main motivation of cooperative member were to be able to get service production facilities and marketing the product (milk).
B. Member Empowerment‘s Rate
The organization that move in agribusiness and servecess must forces agriculture development, requiring systems and business competitiveness, peopleness, sustainable, equitable, and decentralized (Slamet, 2003). Similarly, dairy farmer cooperatives must oriented to their member’s need and also win the competition of IPS (Milk Industries) market. Based on such consideration, empowering the farmers have to relly on how the dairy farmer cooperative member can innovated, collaborated, integrated, and achieved their group and their cooperative, so they have the competences in technically, economically, and socially. In turn, it can maintain business sustainability of cooperative members, according to the concept of Chambers and Conway (1992). The member’s empowerment rate can be seen in Table 2.
Table 2. The Member’s Empowerment Rate
No / Indicator / Max Value / KPBS / KPSBU / Cipta Sari’sKUD / Sarwa Mukti’s
KUD / SPC MPC Average
1. / Dairy farmer capacity / 72.0 / 50.9 / 50.9 / 49.6 / 47.3 / 50.9 48.4 49.7
2. / Business equity for dairy farmer / 18.0 / 12.9 / 12.6 / 11.0 / 11.9 / 12.7 11.5 12.1
3. / Dairy farmer
self ness / 27.0 / 19.7 / 20.8 / 17.8 / 19.3 / 20.3 18.6 19.4
Sum of score / 117.0 / 83.5 / 84.3 / 78.4 / 78.5 / 83.9 78.5 81.2
Based on Table 2, the member’s empowerment rate were categorized as medium (adequate) for all cooperative sample (81.2/ 117.0 = 0.694/ 69.4 %). The member of Single Purpose Cooperative (KPBS and KPSBU) have higher score than Multi Purpose Cooperative (Cipta Sari‘s KUD and Sarwa Mukti’s KUD) in empowering rate. It means that their ability as the manager and the worker are better for single purpose cooperative member. It can understood, because they have more long experience in dairy farming business. Besides that, their cooperatives are big and developed so influence to milk‘s price from the cooperative because more efficient. It suitable with Wirasasmita (2004) opinion, that single purpose cooperative has more intensively transaction with their member, because some of services are facilitated by their cooperative.
In an effort maintain the sustainability of member’s business and empowering them, cooperative must obligated to maintain services oriented. This is a basic principles underlying the unique of cooperative and it must be owned and controlled by people who do business in them (Downey and Erickson, 2004).
C. Correlation between Participation with Empowerment Rate of Cooperative Member
Based on Spearman rank correlation analyzed showed that the correlation between participation rate and empowerment rate have score rs = 0.489 and significant at α = 0.01. If interpreted by Guilford rules (Rachmat, 1988), they include medium cerrellated. It means that has positive corellation between participation with empowerment rate of dairy farmer.
This is suitable with Ropke (1992) oppinion, which addopted by Salim (2004), that by dual identity, the strength and the weeknees of cooperative can be known, analyzed and can be growth furthermore. It could said that the member can take advantage from efficiency that created by their cooperative. It can realited by joint venture, collected force of capital, capacity and which created interdependence (large economic scale).
Conclusion and Recommendation
1. The participation rate of dairy farmer cooperative member were categorized in high, especially in its role as a customer, but role as an owner only include to enough (medium) category.
2. The empowerment rate of dairy farmer cooperative member were enough (medium) category, especially if it seen from their capacity as a manager, business equity and interdependence among them.
3. Member participation rate are positively correlated with empowerment rate, with Spearman rank correlation‘s value (rs = 0.489), and if interpreted by Guilford rules, means has enough relation.
1. In order to increase the participation of cooperative members especially in role as an owner, the administrator and manager‘s cooperative may provide offortunities for member to get involved in planning, implementation and even in evaluating the cooperative performance especially for cooperative leader as vice of member .
2. In efforting member empowerment improve, especially for multi purpose cooperative member, the organization need to promotte extension activities and its role as business pathner and sell the product (milk) to cooperative with profitable price for the farmer and their cooperative, so the farmer : (a) have achievement motivation in dairy business; (b) has capacity as a manager and a worker; and (c) the farmer objectivities into cooperative were achieved in a better life.
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