SHEP – promoting health & well-being / since 1974

Table of Contents

What’s different about SHEP training ?

SHEP Short Courses ?

A selection of very affordable, twenty-hour, Community Education courses

SHEP Development Education

‘One World - Our World!’ A short course in global justice and sustainable development ?

SHEP Core Training Courses

A selection of stand-alone courses which form part of a unique training programme ?

SHEP Certificate in Personal Development 8

SHEP Certificate in Social Awareness & Community Empowerment 9

SHEP Certificate in Facilitation * ?

SHEP Certificate in Continuing Personal Development * ?

SHEP Certificate in Integrated Specialised Tutor Training (Kerry) ** 10

SHEP Certificate in Specialised Tutor Training (Caring for Our Well-being) ** 10

SHEP Certificate in Specialised Tutor Training (Grief, Loss and Change) ** ?

An Introduction to Advocacy (Level 6) ?

Leadership in the Community: An Introduction (Level 6)

SHEP Certificate in Reflective Practice for Social Justice ?

Participatory Methods in Community & Organisational Settings (Level 6) ?

UCC SHEP Diploma in Social and Psychological Health Studies (Level 7) 11

WIT RPL Programmes for SHEP students

WIT RPL Programme (Level 8) (for HDip in Social, Personal and Health Education) for SHEP students 20

WIT RPL Programme (Level 7) (Portfolio equivalent) for SHEP students 2?

SHEP Practitioner Training – a short guide ?

About SHEP Trainers & Tutors ?

SHEP’s Core Training Courses

& WIT RPL Programmes for SHEP Students

Autumn 2013 - Spring 2015

Commencing September/October 2013

SHEP Certificate in Personal Development 8

SHEP Certificate in Social Awareness & Community Empowerment 9

SHEP Certificate in Integrated Specialised Tutor Training (Kerry) ** 10

UCC SHEP Diploma in Social and Psychological Health Studies (Level 7) 11

WIT RPL Programme (Level 8) (for HDip in Social, Personal and Health Education) for SHEP students 20

WIT RPL Programme (Level 7) (Portfolio equivalent) for SHEP students 2?

Commencing January/February 2014

SHEP Certificate in Facilitation * ?

SHEP Certificate in Continuing Personal Development* ?

SHEP Certificate in Specialised Tutor Training (Caring for Our Well-being) ** ?

SHEP Certificate in Reflective Practice for Social Justice ?

Participatory Methods in Community & Organisational Settings (FETAC/QQI Level 6) ?

Commencing September/October 2014

SHEP Certificate in Personal Development ?

SHEP Certificate in Social Awareness & Community Empowerment ?

SHEP Certificate in Specialised Tutor Training (Grief, Loss and Change) ** ?

Introduction to Advocacy (FETAC/QQI Level 6) ?

WIT RPL Programme (Level 8) (for HDip in Social, Personal and Health Education) for SHEP students ?

WIT RPL Programme (Level 7) (Portfolio equivalent) for SHEP students ?

Commencing January/February 2015

SHEP Certificate in Facilitation* ?

SHEP Certificate in Continuing Personal Development * ?

SHEP Certificate in Integrated Specialised Tutor Training (Cork)** ?

SHEP Certificate in Reflective Practice for Social Justice ?

Leadership in the Community: An Introduction (FETAC/QQI Level 6) ?

* Requires prior completion of SHEP’s two foundation courses.

** Requires prior completion of the SHEP Certificate in Facilitation course.

Please note that all courses are offered subject to numbers. Course information and prices correct at time to going to press but may change. Please check the SHEP website and/or contact us on (021) 4666180.

‘Our mission is to provide education and training, of high quality, using primarily an experiential group-work approach,

which starts from the life experiences of each individual

and supports the unique, personal growth of each.

Through our core training and community education programmes, SHEP creates learning environments where people can develop their emotional and psychological capacity

to relate more creatively and lovingly to those around them.

We also model a way to work effectively with others

in building a supportive, just and sustainable community

at a local, national and global level.

For those who wish to become active in furthering this approach

to well-being and development,

SHEP provides training in facilitation and group-work practice as well as support in carrying out the work.’

About SHEP

The Social and Health Education Project (SHEP) is a unique, values-led. community-based organisation. Our mission is to work together with individuals and communities to develop capacities for positive change, to enhance health and well-being and to promote social justice. Since its establishment in 1974 the Project has been associated with experiential learning and participatory group work.

The Project has eleven areas of work, as follows: personal development training; community empowerment training; training of facilitators to work in the community; additional accredited training; community education for health and well-being; low-cost counselling; advocacy for vulnerable people and communities; supporting communities, groups and organisations; international learning partnership; development education, and influencing policy and participation.

SHEP is funded by a number of government bodies and some corporate funding. Our core funder is the Health Service Executive.

SHEP has grown considerably over the years and now works in Cork, Kerry and Limerick (though not all our training and servicesare available in all areas). SHEP has been offering training in County Kerry since 1997 and the project has grown considerably there over the years. A number of SHEP courses are now also available in Limerick City, through our partnership with a number of locally-based groups and agencies.

Our partnership with Sahakarmi Samaj, a Nepali non-governmental organisation, links our work here in Ireland with an innovative and effective community mobilisation and support programme in South West Nepal.

Since 1974 SHEP has been a pioneer in Ireland in the use of structured experiential training and participatory group work. The SHEP core training programme and three SHEP community education programme, which have evolved from this work, are unique. During 2014 SHEP will celebrate the 40th anniversary of the commencement of this work in social, personal and health education.

‘The SHEP Training Programme is informed by our belief in the intelligence, capabilities and creativity of each person.’

What’s unique about SHEP training?

Since 1974 SHEP has been a pioneer in Ireland in the use of structured experiential training and participatory group work. The SHEP training programme, which has evolved from this work over almost 40 years, is unique. Our distinctive training programme has something special to offer.

·  Our training uses primarily an experiential group-work approach which starts from the life experiences of each individual and supports each participant’s unique, personal growth.

·  We have a very strong emphasis on creating learning environments where people can develop the emotional and psychological capacity to relate more creatively and lovingly to those around them.

·  Our training is based on the belief that facilitation is an essential approach for empowerment and transformation of individuals and communities. For those who have completed the foundation courses training in facilitation and group-work practice is offered. Training people in facilitation skills enables them to support a wide range of developmental changes and transformative processes at the personal, collective and institutional levels.

·  Uniquely, our training programme includes three practitioner training options for those, who meet certain requirements and, who wish to become active in furthering SHEP particular approach to well-being and development. This can be done either through their own professional work or as resource people or volunteers working in their own communities. Two of the practitioner training programmes prepare people to work with either SHEP’s Community Education for Health Programme or Cork Advocacy Service.

·  Finally, and importantly, the SHEP training programme is facilitated by registered and licenced SHEP Trainers (in the case of core training courses) or registered and specially trained SHEP Community Tutors (in the case of the short courses) who work according to the ethos and values of the Project and who follow agreed codes of practice.

What are the key features of the SHEP core training programme?

It is important to point out that all of the courses offered by SHEP through our core training programme are:

·  part-time (usually involving one session per week)

·  delivered to provide supportive, enjoyable and friendly learning environments

·  open to, and normally include, participants from all sorts of backgrounds

·  accessible (open to people with various educational backgrounds

·  low-cost - because they are subsidised by SHEP’s main funder (the HSE)

·  and are informed by SHEP’s Learner Charter

Which courses can I start with?

Most people start training with SHEP by doing one of the two foundation Courses (most usually the SHEP Certificate in Personal Development which is the most important and most popular SHEP course), or with one of the short (twenty-hour) courses offered through our Community Education Programme. In order to increase the accessibility of the core training to the public there are now a number of entry/starting points (i.e, you don’t necessarily have to start with the foundation courses).

Entry requirements

No special prior qualifications are needed, just a willingness to be personally involved and to interact with others.This is a special strength of the training programme. There are no interviews to enter the SHEP Certificate in Personal Development or the SHEP Certificate in Social Awareness and Community Empowerment. However, places will normally be limited and places are offered on a first come first served basis. For all other SHEP courses applicants will go through a selection process which may include an interview. We have a policy for the recognition of prior learning (RPL) for those who can demonstrate that they have completed the equivalent of SHEP’s Foundation Courses and/or the SHEP Certificate in Facilitation.

What about course fees and ways to pay?

We appreciate that the cost of courses is a significant issue and our philosophy is to keep our training as affordable and as accessible as possible. Because we are supported by the HSE, all courses are subsidised. For those who are interested, SHEP operates an interest-free Fees Payment Plan. This means that the cost of the course may be paid over a number of months. To make our courses accessible to those facing financial hardship we offer a concessionary rate on some SHEP courses offered in Cork and Kerry. However, there is a very limited amount of money available within SHEP for concessions and it is unlikely that all applicants will be successful. We will therefore prioritise applications from those in greatest need of assistance. All applications are treated confidentially.

What type of accreditation is provided?

Most courses offered by SHEP are experiential courses: they are not linked to the National Framework of Qualifications, but are instead certified/accredited by SHEP. These are the most important courses on core training programme, and include the two foundation courses (on Personal Development and Social Awareness/Community Empowerment). The majority of participants in SHEP training participate only in experiential courses.

A small number of courses in the core training programme are linked to the National Framework of Qualifications. All of these courses are delivered by SHEP Trainers, reflect the SHEP ethos, and use experiential approaches as far as possible. They also include formal teaching elements and formal assessments.

Three of the courses are accredited by FETAC/QQI as Level 6 component courses. The oldest and most comprehensive externally accredited course is the two-year (Level 7) UCC Diploma in Social and Psychological Health Studies which consists of twelve modules. This course is offered in partnership with Adult and Continuing Education at UCC.

Our most established practitioner training programme (Specialised Tutor Training) does not include Level 6 module. The Level 6 courses are open access, stand-alone courses which also form part of SHEP’s practitioner training programmes in Independent Advocacy and Applied Facilitation.

‘The SHEP Training Programme is informed by our belief in the intelligence, capabilities and creativity of each person.’

Our Learner Charter

In SHEP you can expect

·  A caring and supportive atmosphere providing a safe and pleasant place to learn.

·  A quality service which is open and promotes learning for all.

·  Friendly and helpful staff, trainers and tutors who will treat you with dignity and respect.

·  Quality facilitation from well-trained and suitably qualified staff, trainers and tutors.

·  Accurate and accessible information about our courses and services.

·  Easy and accessible enrolment procedures.

·  The option of paying in instalments using an interest-free payment plan.

·  The guaranteed delivery of your course, once the course has commenced.

·  Classes to start and end on time.

·  The facility to pay your fees in instalments through an interest free payment plan.

·  Notification at the earliest opportunity of any re-scheduling, postponement or cancellation of classes.

·  Learning materials that are relevant and appropriate.

·  Confidentiality, when appropriate, in your dealings with staff, trainers or tutors in accordance with Project policies.

·  That staff, trainers and tutors will respond as quickly as possible to any difficulties you communicate to us.

·  To be kept informed about developments in the project that may affect you.

·  For assessed courses, course work marked and feedback given within three weeks of the agreed date for handing in the assignments.

·  A SHEP Certificate of participation, where attendance is over 80%.

‘The main thing you need to train with SHEP is a willingness to draw on your own experience.’

Short Courses

SHEP Community Education for Health & Well-being Programme

…. a range of very affordable, twenty-hour, part-time courses

where you will feel heard…

where you can gain a sense of belonging…

where your needs will be taken into account.

Short Courses

Through the SHEP Community Education for Health and Well-being Programme SHEP offers a range of open access, short courses, which use an experiential group work approach. Each of these courses normally consists of eight weekly sessions of two and a half hours. Up to sixteen people will be in the group. The group will be facilitated by a SHEP Registered Community Tutor who is a trained facilitator with lots of experience in creating a supportive atmosphere and in helping personal learning. Course topics that are available are listed below, and these can be adapted to meet particular needs:

·  Introduction to Personal Development

·  Men’s Well-being