Please complete and return this form to us at least four (4) weeks prior to the performance. Do your best to describe the anticipated audience so that we can prepare an ideal music play-list. Our goal is to make this an exciting, memorable event for all involved.
Music Mayhem Live Format
Running time for each game is approximately 20 minutes. We play a minimum of 3 games per one hour set. Games are played with 3 teams with 4 and more players per team. If logistically possible, we will play 1 game with the audience divided into teams. Audience participation and interaction is incorporated into every game.
The games will vary according to music style, era or other predetermined themes. We primarily use popular music, using the average age of the audience as our main guide in preparing the play-list.
Audience Information
Purchaser & Performance Date: ______
Ave. Age: ______Age Range: ______to ______Men/Women Ratio: ______/ ______
Estimated Attendance: ______
Please check the following musical styles and eras that you would like included in your play-list. Please also indicate if you would like us to incorporate any particular songs or themes into the performance.
Music Preferences: ___ Pop ___ Classic Rock ___ R&B ___ Rap/Hip-Hop
___ Oldies ___ Motown ___ Country ___ Alternative
___ 80’s ___ Disco ___ Christian ___ Gospel
___ Jazz ___ Broadway ___ Movies/TV
___ Other (specify): ______
Song Requests: ______
Theme Requests: ______
Comments & Other Relevant Audience Info: ______
Please contact us with any questions or comments regarding our upcoming performance. Thank you.
Music Mayhem Live, 2912 33rd Ave NE, Minneapolis, MN 55418
Phone: (612) 730-8872 Fax: (612) 789-0569 E-mail:
Purchaser: ______Contact: ______Phone: ______
Venue Address: ______
Performance Date: ______Start time: ______End time: ______
Preferred Set-up time: ______Sound check time: ______
____ One (1) standard height full podium.
____ Twelve identical standard height chairs.
____ Amplified sound system with minimum of two (2) speakers. System should have at least one input to allow for stereo audio connection to our music source.
____ Two (2) microphones with stands, if possible one (1) wireless. All corded microphones are acceptable but will limit some interaction with the audience.
____ Fixed or portable theater screen for projection of Music Mayhem computer generated game board. Projection may also be done on a white wall above or adjacent to stage.
____ Projector system provided by purchaser.
____ Standard three-prong grounded outlet power strip and 25’ extension cord.
____ Stage area dimensions should be communicated to Music Mayhem Live at least two (2) weeks prior to the performance. Preferred stage dimensions 20’ x 20’.
____ For indoor or evening outdoor performances, an adequate light system. Prefer a minimum of three (3) spotlights whose positioning and intensity can be adjusted.
____ Outdoor performances should have a back-up indoor venue available in case of inclement weather.
____ Please complete the Audience Information form at least four (4) weeks prior to the performance. We will then contact you prior to the performance for additional info to prepare our music playlist and to answer any questions you may have regarding the performance.
____ Hotel Accommodations – one non-smoking room, two beds.
Hotel name: ______Hotel phone #: ______
Reservation made under (name): ______
Confirmation #: ______Date: ______
State Withholding: Some states levy a nonresident entertainer tax and require colleges to withhold a percentage from the final payment amount.If you plan on withholding any part of the agreed payment amount, this must be communicatedto Bass-Schuler EntertainmentDURING the negotiation processso that the deduction can be taken into account when calculating a performance price. If the withholding is not negotiated at the time of contracting, PURCHASER agrees that it will be solely responsible for any nonresident taxes incurred (i.e. the amount of the payment will be increased so that the final check will be for the amount agreed to).
Please contact us with any questions. Remember to also complete and return the Audience Information form. We look forward to a great performance. Thank you.
Music Mayhem Live, 2912 33rd Ave NE, Minneapolis, MN 55418
Phone: (612)730-8872 Fax: (612) 789-0569 E-mail: