Pi Kappa Alpha
Alpha Phi Chapter By-Laws
Note: There are four categories of laws controlling the actions of student members and chapters.
I. Constitution of The Pi Kappa Alpha Fraternity
1. Basic law of the Fraternity.
2. Amended only by two-thirds vote of student chapters.
II. Chapter Codes of the Pi Kappa Alpha Fraternity
Adopted by majority vote of chapters and International Officers.
III. Chapter By-Laws
1.Basic law of the chapter.
2. Must not conflict with Constitution & Chapter Codes of The Pi Kappa Alpha Fraternity.
3. Contains backbone of chapter long range operating program and policies.
4. Comparable to Constitution of The Pi Kappa Alpha Fraternity.
5. Minimizes “hasty” legislation by requiring two-thirds vote of approval at two (or three) meetings in order to amend.
IV. Chapter Laws
Routine chapter action which requires simple majority.
Every chapter should have a written set of chapter by-laws. Since the size, circumstances and requirements of the chapters vary, some latitude is permitted in the exact by-laws, but no chapter by-law or chapter law may be in conflict with the Constitution & Chapter Codes of The Pi Kappa Alpha Fraternity. Experience has indicated the soundness of the accompanying chapter by-laws. We have printed and distributed them to the chapters for your information and convenience. Every chapter should have a study of its By-Laws each fall by its executive committee or some other special committee which should report to the chapter, familiarize the members with the By-Laws and recommend such modification as may be needed from time to time. The By-Laws should be changed as infrequently as possible.
The PRESIDENT is responsible for seeing that the complete set of chapter By-Laws is placed with the Constitution & Chapter Codes of The Pi Kappa Alpha Fraternity and is immediately available for reference during chapter meetings. He should likewise furnish the Memorial Headquarters with a copy of the chapter By-Laws, and submit to the Memorial Headquarters changes in the chapter By-Laws as they are made. Insertions and alterations should be neatly handled. The printing is one side only and loose-leaf to allow for insertions.
Article I: Purpose
Section 1: Name: This organization shall be known as the Alpha Phi Chapter of the Pi Kappa Alpha Fraternity; located at Iowa State University.
Section2: Purpose: For the establishment of friendship on a firmer and more lasting basis; for the promotion f brotherly love and kind feeling; for the mutual benefit and advancement of the interests of those with whom we sympathize and deem worthy of our regard, we have resolved to form a fraternity, believing that, thus we can most successfully accomplish our object.
Section 3: Governing Laws: The laws governing this chapter shall be the Pi Kappa Alpha Constitution and Laws, the Pi Kappa Alpha Ritual, and these Alpha Phi Chapter By-Laws. Meetings shall proceed according to the guidelines provided in the most recent edition of Robert’s Rules of Order.
Article II: Chapter Organization
Section 1: Elected Officers: the elected officers of the Alpha Phi Chapter shall consist of the SMC, Internal IMC, External IMC, Membership Development IMC, Assistant ThC, SC, MC, and Brother-at-Large.
Section 2: Cabinets: The Internal and External IMC’s will each chair their respective cabinet meetings, each cabinet will meet at least once per week to discuss the various matters of business concerning each committee so that each IMC shall remain aware of each committee’s progress.
Section 3: Executive Council: The SMC shall chair the Executive Council, which shall consist of all elected officers, IFC Representative, Rush Chairman, andHouse Manager. The EC shall meet on a regular basis; the date and time to be determined by the SMC. The EC is to be responsible for the developing a tentative meeting agenda for each Chapter meeting. Meetings of the EC shall be held in closed session. Members wishing to attend shall be allowed to so at the approval of the SMC.
Section 4: Secondary Chairmen: The House Manager shall chair the assistant house manager who will be appointed by the SMC and House Manager. The Assistant House Manager is responsible for helping with all of the responsibilities the House Manager has to the house.
Section 5: Committees: The SMC, as head of the Executive Council, shall officially appoint all committee chairmen unless he delegates that duty to another elected officer. The following committees will be appointed at or before the first regular chapter meeting of each year.
Section 6: Committees: Alumni Relations, Social, Community Service/Philanthropy, Brotherhood, Communications, Public Relations, Athletics, Scholarship, Fundraising, Historian, Risk Management, Campus Involvement, Special Events, IFC Representative, and Speaker Coordinator.
Section 7: Term of Office: The term of office for each elected officer and each committee chairman shall be as follows:
Section 8: Term of One Year: SMC, Internal IMC, External IMC, Membership Development IMC, SC, MC, ThC, IFC Representative, Rush Chairman, House Manager, Kitchen Steward, and all Committee Chairman.
Section 9: General Membership: Each member of the Alpha Phi Chapter will maintain a cumulative and semester GPA of a 2.5
Section 10: Probation: A member (active or pledge) will be put on probation when his semester GPA fall below a 2.5. These brother s will also be required to participated in an organized study hours program to be set by the Scholarship Chairman. If a Brother has zero mid-term grade reports on Access Plus during the semester he is on probation and has a Cumlative GPA of 2.8 or higher; He will be relieved of probationary status.
Section 11: Suspension: A brother will be placed on suspension either after two consecutive semesters of probation or if his cumulative GPA falls below a 2.25. These brothers will not be allowed to participate in any chapter events except for chapter meetings. They are require to attend study hours. These brothers have one semester to raise their GPA above 2.25; or they will be expelled from the chapter.
Section 12: Expulsion: A member (active or inactive) will be automatically expelled if he has two consecutive semesters where his GPA falls below 2.25, unless his cumulative GPA is 2.5 or higher.
Article III: Duties of the Chapter Officers & Committee Chairmen
Section 1: General: The duties of the officers shall be those prescribed in the Pi Kappa Alpha Fraternity Constitutions and Laws and those prescribed in this Chapter’s By-Laws.
Section 2: Enforcing Rules: It shall be the duty of the SMC and all other chapter officers to read thoroughly, understand and enforce all provisions of the By-Laws and policies of the Alpha Phi Chapter.
Section 3: The SMC: The SMC shall be responsible for the management and supervision of the Alpha Phi Chapter and all its endeavors. He shall also be custodian of, and responsible for: the ritual books, the constitution and laws of the Chapter, initiation regalia, and all other secret matters.
Section 4: The Internal IMC: The Internal IMC is the executive IMC and shall perform all of the duties of the SMC in his absence. He shall also supervise the following committees: Scholarship, Brotherhood, Fundraising, Risk Management, Alumni Relations, and Historian.
Section 5: The External IMC: The External IMC shall be directly responsible for the following committees: Community Service, Public Relations, Social, Campus Involvement, Athletics, Speaker Coordinator, and Special Events.
Section 6: The ThC: The ThC shall be responsible for the management of all the financial duties of the Alpha Phi Chapter. He shall prepare and file a complete quarterly financial report and make a monthly report to the Chapter. Upon request from the SMC or the Chapter, the ThC shallprepare and submit special reports as to the financial of the Chapter.
Section 7: The SC: The SC shall be responsible for the keeping of the chapter minutes, Membership records, as well as all chapter policies. He shall also be responsible for submitting the necessary reports and documents to the international communications of the chapter.
Section 8:The MC: The MC shall be responsible for the keeping of the By-Laws and enforcement of Robert’s Rules of Order at all meetings. He shall assist the ThC in the collection of delinquent accounts. The MC shall directly chair and supervise the Judicial Board and its operations and decisions.
Section 9:The Judicial Board: The J-Board shall be chaired by the MC and shall consist of one representative from the freshman, sophomore, junior and senior class selected by the MC, none of whom may already be on the EC The J-Board shall be responsible for considering misconduct and violations of any rule governing the chapter. The J-Board shall be responsible for administering any punitive or disciplinary measures including monetary fines. Any member may bring a matter of concern before the J-Board. The J-Board shall meet on a weekly basis, including emergencies, at a time and place designated by the MC.
Section 10: Committee Members: Must have reports handed into their superior before weekly meetings commence. If not, they will be spoken for by their superior and may be subject to additional sanctions by the Executive Council.
Article IV: Elections
Section 1: Time of Elections: All elections of chapter officers shall occur at the third to last chapter meeting preceding the end of the calendar year. All terms shall last from December to December.
Section 2: Filling Vacant Offices: In the event of a resignation or inability to fulfill the duties of an elected office, the SMC shall temporarily appoint a member as an assistant to fulfill the office. The SMC shall call for an election to fill the vacant position at the next chapter.
Section 3: Qualifications for Holding Office: Any member, to be eligible to be a candidate, must be and remain in good financial standing and be in good academic standing with Iowa State University. Each officer must have a minimum cumulative GPA 2.5.
Section 4: Qualifications to Vote: All initiated chapter members and new members in good standing are eligible to vote in Chapter Elections.
Section 5: Nominations: Nominations for chapter officers shall be opened one week prior to the date of the schedule elections. Nominations will remain open for the entire week preceding the election.
Section 6: Voting Procedure: Voting for chapter officers shall be done by secret ballot. Absentee ballots will be accepted by any current officer prior to the chapter vote. Voting shall occur on a top down structure (SMC, Int. IMC..). This procedure will allow a non-elected candidate to slide down to the next office.
Section 7: Installation of Officers Elect: Elected officers shall be installed at the next scheduled meeting following the election.
Section 8: Challenge of Elected SMC or IMC: A re-vote shall be required if two-thirds of the chapter in good standing challenge the SMC or IMC.
Article V: Removal of Chapter Officer
Section 1: Procedure: Any chapter officer may be removed from office by the following procedure: A petition signed by at least 25% of the chapter, of which 50% must be initiated members (rounded down to the nearest whole number). Must be filed with the Judicial Board; the petition must state the reasons for the removal and the J-Board must make a full review to the chapter as to its conclusion the names of the petitioning member will not be disclosed to anyone not residing on the board; to remove the officer it shall require a two-thirds affirmative vote of eligible member present at the duly constituted meeting.
Article VI: Meetings
Section 1: Holding Meetings: Regular meetings of the Alpha Phi Chapter shall take place in the designated chapter room each Monday evening at 6:30 PM. This excludes Mondays that fall on a holiday or part of final exam week. One summer meeting will be set by the EC the end of the spring semester.
Section 2: Changes: Any temporary change of the time or place of a regular meeting or mandatory event must be made by the EC or the SMC, and notice of the change must be posted at least 48 hours before the meeting was to be called.
Section 3: Notice of Initiation: The chapter or EC upon regular motion shall set the date and time for each meeting at which any person is to be initiated. The SC shall announce the time and date selected four weeks prior to the date selected.
Section 4: Formal Meetings: Chapter meetings will open with the proper ritual for initiated brother to be followed by the preamble and closed with Ode to a Pledge to be followed by the proper ritual for initiated brothers.
Order of Business:
- Call to order by SMC
- Preamble
- Roll Call
- Initiation of new members
- Officer and Committee Reports
- Old Business
- New Business
- Announcements
- Ode To a Pledge
- Adjournment
Section 5: Absence for Ritual Meetings: Any active member absent from a meeting shall notify the SC within 24 hours of the meeting. Failure to notify the SC will result in a $5 fine to be paid to the ThC at the following meeting.
Section 6: Parliamentary Procedure: Robert’s Rule of Order, revised, shall be the governing parliamentary procedure for all meetings, except that RRO will also yield in any conflict with the Pi Kappa Alpha Constitution and Laws or the Ritual of Pi Kappa Alpha.
Section 7: Summers: The chapter shall remain active during the summer months for rush and administrative purposes. One summer meeting will be held with the date set by the EC before the end of the spring semester.
Article VII: Finances
Section 1: Depository of Funds: The ThC shall deposit all money of the chapter, from all sources, into the chapter’s account at First National Bank. The funds shall be withdrawn only by the ThC or the SMC.
Section 2: Financial Records: The ThC shall keep a set of records and such books that are necessary to give a complete written record of all financial transactions. These Records shall be audited at the close of the ThC’s term in office.
Section 3: Dues: The sum of chapter member dues shall be paid in one installment or in installments throughout the semester. Chapter dues shall be $250 per semester, with an additional $50 parlor fee for out of house members. This payment schedule shall be subject to change by members working out a payment plan with the ThC because of financial duress. Alternate payment schedules shall be determined by the ThC.
Section 4: Pledge Dues: Each prospective pledge of the Alpha Phi Chapter shall be required to pay a $50 fee (after accepting his bid, but prior to the time of receiving the pledge oath, thus becoming a pledge of Pi Kappa Alpha). This fee shall include: National Dues, a pledge pin, and a copy of the Garnet and Gold. The $50 fee is NON-REFUNDABLE.
Section 5: Delinquent Dues: Any member who has not paid his obligations to the chapter by the 25th of the month and has not made an arrangement with the ThC, or has deviated from any such arrangement shall be deemed as delinquent and subject to fine. A $5 fine will be applied to the total amount due each week delinquent, up to $25. If the bill is not paid that member is then placed in bad standing and subject to provisions of the Pi Kappa Alpha Fraternity Constitution and Laws. Both the principle and the fine must be paid before the debtor may returned to good standing with the chapter.
Section 6: Bad Standing: Any member placed on bad standing shall not be able to attend house party and/or formal. If bad standing continues for extended period of time, the member shall be put under review by the J-Board to decide possible suspension. If passed, the EC shall meet and vote of possible suspension.
Section 7: Community Service: Any member will be placed in bad standing if they do not a) complete 20 hours of community service a semester or b) pay a $75 fine instead of completing the 20 hours of community service.
Section 8: Payment from Chapter: Payment from the chapter will be in the form of a check from First National Bank in Ames. All checks written by the chapter will be required to have the signature of both the SmC and the ThC. Any purchases exceeding $1,000 will also require the signature of the university chapter advisor.
Article VIII: Pledges
Section 1: Definition: An individual shall be considered a pledge of the Alpha Phi Chapter After he accepts a bid or other formal invitation to assume membership as set by this chapter, and after the individual has participated in the official pledging ceremony as prescrived in the Ritual of Pi Kappa Alpha.
Section 2: Termination of Pledgeship: A pledge member of this chapter shall be terminated from membership after receiving 33% or greater, of the votes cast by the members present. The pledge blackball vote shall be cast by a show of hands.
Section 3: Requirements for Initiation: All pledges must receive the unanimous approval of the members present in a meeting called for the purpose of granting membership. In addition, all pledges must possess the following qualifications.
- Have completed a course in Pledge Education as set forth by the Pledge Manual and the Pledgemaster.
- Have taken and passed the final pledge test to be administered by the Pledgemaster.
- Have paid his initiation fee in full, as well as all obligations due to the chapter.
- Have complied with the requirements for initiation as specified by the International Headquarters of Pi Kappa Alpha
- Have no more than 2 mid-term reports on Access Plus.
- If a pledge has any mid-term reports, the reviewing council will obtain grade reports for all of the pledges classes. If the student shows adequate success in his scholastic endeavors, he will be eligible for initiation.
- The Initiation Review Council will consist of the President, Pledgemaster, Internal VP, and Scholarship Chairman.
- If the pledge is ineligible due to Section 3 (Subsection 5), he will be eligible the following semester, if he achieves a semester GPA of 2.25 or higher and meets all other requirement s set forth in Article VIII.
Section 4: Rook: A rook shall be defined as any pledge who has not fulfilled his requirements for initiation, but has not been terminated from membership. A Rook may not retain this status for a period exceeding one semester.