Physical Fitness MJW00

"Physical fitness is the organic condition of the body which enables an individual to use his/her body in activities requiring strength, muscular endurance, cardiorespiratory fitness, flexibility, coordination, agility, power, balance, speed and accuracy - without undue experience of fatigue and exhaustion.

Physical fitness may also be defined as the ability to carry out daily tasks with vigor and alertness, without undue fatigue and with ample energy to engage in leisure time pursuits and to meet the above average physical stresses encountered in emergency situations. The components of physical fitness may be divided into two categories.

Health Related Components Motor Related Components

* cardiorespiratory fitness (cardiovascular) * coordination

* body composition * agility

* flexibility * power

* absolute strength * balance

* dynamic strength (muscular endurance) * speed

* accuracy

* reaction time

The health related components assume greater importance because they make an individual fit for life - a functional, productive human being for everyday living. The motor related components make an individual successful in athletic endeavors or areas of motor performance (skill)." (Physical Fitness Specialist Course and Cert., The Cooper Institute for Aerobic Research, 2000)

Cardiovascular Fitness (cardiorespiratory)

Cardio means heart, repiratory and vascular means lungs and blood vessels. In order to assess what level of cardiovascular fitness you are at, there are a few different assessment tools. There is the 1 mile run, 1 mile walk for time and a 3 min. step test. Together or alone, these tests will tell us what your level of cardiovascular fitness is at this time. The procedures and ratings for each of these are available from Mrs. W.

In addition to assessing your fitness level, we need to assess your resting heart rate and subsequently your target heart rate range, to ultimately devise a cardiovascular fitness plan or prescription.

To assess your resting heart rate: Count the number of heart beats per minute. This is your heart rate. To obtain a resting heart rate, you should be at rest when taking it. It is best when you first wake up in the morning (Basal heart rate).

Resting Heart Rate:______

To assess your Target Heart Rate Range: You need to know your age_____, and your resting heart rate______.

Karvonen Formula

220 - ______= ______

(age) a.

______- ______= ______** RHR : Resting Heart Rate

a. (RHR) b.

______x ______= ______** % of HR : You find the two

b. (% of HR) c. %’s that you should use on the

Cardiovascular Prescrition

______x ______= ______page, it is based on your

b. (% of HR) d. current fitness level.

______+ ______= ______

c. (RHR) e.

______+ ______= ______** e. and f. : Target Heart Rate

d. (RHR) f. Range ______- ______.