Saturday, 26th April 2014 Start Times 12 hour at 07:00hrs, 6 hour at 10:00hrs
A track ultra distance event open to experienced runners, novices and walkers
Maximum 40 competitors in total
Under UKA rules Permit applied for IAU Bronze label event
The race will be held on the track at the K2 Leisure Centre, Crawley, West Sussex, RH11 9BQ and is a charity event (Advance International Ministries Reg No 1084190) to raise money to complete the building of a home for 100 children in Kiyindi, Uganda orphaned through the scourge of the century, A.I.D.S.
Please obtain sponsorship if possible, forms available on request, or from our website (see below)
First Name: ...... Surname: ..…...... Male/Female: ...... …....…….
Date of Birth: ………….…………..… Age on race day: …………..….. Minimum Age 20
Address: ...... …...... ……......
...... …..…………………
Postcode: ...... …...... Home phone number: ...... Mobile number: ......
Email Address: ……………………………………………………………………………………….…………………...
Name of Club: ……………………………………………………….. UKA Affiliated (Yes/No): …………………
Registered Number: ……………….……
Chosen event: 12 hour / 6 hour (delete as applicable)
Entry Fees: 12 hour £30 (£32 after 1stMarch). 6 hour £25 (£27 after 1stMarch)
(Plus £2 if unattached) NO REFUNDS OR TRANSFERS
Cheques payable to ‘Advance International Ministries’, c/o Pam Storey, 11 Oak Close, Copthorne, West Sussex, RH10 3QY
Please enclose a suitably stamped A5 envelope (9 x 6 inch). Closing date for entries is 31st March 2014 or when the entry limit is reached. If full your name can be added to a waiting list in case of withdrawals.
If you are a UK taxpayer, your entry fee can be gift aided and the Charity can claim back 25p for every pound from the Inland Revenue. I wish to gift aid my entry fee: Yes / No (delete as applicable)
Queries to: - 01342 717222 - .uk
Declaration:Please enter me in the 12 hour / 6 hour race for which I enclose the appropriate fee. I agree to abide by UK Athletics rules and I understand that the organisers will not be responsible for any loss or injury however occasioned resulting from the event. I declare I will not compete in this event unless I am in good health on the day or the race and that, in any event, I will compete at my own risk.
Mementos to all competitors completing the races, and prizes to the first Senior and Veteran (male & female) in both events. The oldest finisher in each event will also receive an award.
A special award in memory of the late George Dayantis, to any runner who beats George’s 2010 course record of 88.15 miles (141.87km).
Signature: ……………….…………… Dated: ……………….. Name of lap recorder ……………………......
Priority for entry will be given to runners who bring a person to lap record