DEMOS: Passive Transport in Cells
Today you will be shown 5 demos and observing the various ways materials are passively being transported in and out of cells.
Pre-DEMO Questions:Answer the following questions before beginning.
1. Define Passive Transport: ______
2. What are the 3 types of passive transport? ______
3. Of the 3 mentioned above, CIRCLE the one that will most likely NOT be demonstrated in the following demos?
Demo 1: Food coloring and Temperature
1. In this demo, your teacher will be adding food coloring to 3 beakers of water.
a. What type of passive transport is taking place? ______
b. How do you know? ______
2. Hypothesize how you think temperature will affect this type of passive transport. (In other words, will heat speed up the rate, low down the rate, have no affect).
3. Once your teacher has added the food coloring to the beakers, describe the results below and include whether your hypothesis was supported or not.
Demo 2: Molasses and Water
1. What happens to the liquid in the tall tube as the bag is lowered into the water?
2. a. What type of passive transport is taking place?______
b. How do you know? ______
3. Using the diagram to the right, draw an arrow to show the movement of the
Demo 3: Apricots
1. Draw the apricots in each beaker in the boxes below. Be sure to show their relative size.
2. Describe what happened to the apricot in Beaker B.
3. a. What type of passive transport is taking place? ______
b. How do you know? ______
4. The apricot in Beaker B was placed into a(n) HYPERTONIC, HYPOTONIC, ISOTONIC (CIRCLE ONE) environment.
5. What type of environment is inside the apricot in Beaker B as it is being placed into the water.
6. In general, how does water flow based on your observations. (i.e. from hypertonic to hypotonic, hypotonic to isotonic, etc..)
Demo 4: Tea Bag
1. Draw arrows to indicate which direction particles are moving (into or out of the bag).
2. a. What type of passive transport is taking place? ______
b. How do you know? ______
3. Where in your body do you think this would occur?
Demo 5: Gelatin vs. food coloring
Take a look at both petri dishes. One has gelatin and food coloring and the other just has gelatin.
1. Describe what you see in both petri dishes (HINT: look at petri dish from the side).
2. In what directions does the food coloring go?
3. a. What type of passive transport is taking place?______
b. How do you know? ______
4. Where in the body do you think this type of transport would take place?
Demo 6: Red Onion and Salt
At this station, there are 2 microscopes set up. Under microscope A, you will see a prepared slide of a red onion set in just water. Under microscope B, you will see a red onion set in salt water.
1. Look into both microscope A and microscope B. ONLY USE THE FINE ADJUSTMENT to adjust the viewing to your eyes.
****Draw what you see in the circles below and label the parts of the cells present.****
Microscope AMicroscope B
2. a. What type of transport is taking place?______
b. How do you know? ______
3. What could be done to the onion cells in the salt water to return them to normal?
4. When salt water was add to the slide with the onion on it, what kind of environment was created around the onion cells? HYPERTONIC, HYPOTONIC, ISOTONIC (CIRCLE ONE).