Community Pharmacy Swindon and Wiltshire Meeting
Thursday12th April, Marlborough Golf Club, Marlborough Common, Marlborough
Item / ActionsPresent: Lis Jardine (notes), Chris Shields, Aga Jankowska, Sai Jammigumpula, Arvi Sagar,
Zoe Pearce, Sian Williams, Nick Jephson, Charlie Wu
Apologies: Fiona Castle, Andrew Hobson, Alison Kidner, Robert Townsend
Guests: John Popowicz (item 4); Pablo Jimenez (item 6); Ali Hashimien all day
Election of Officers
Review of Job Descriptions
FC to add ‘To develop stakeholder relationships on a personal and committee level’ to Chair and Vice-Chairjob descriptions.
- Treasurer
- Chair
- Vice-Chair:
An anonymous ballot was taken; ZP and AHb received the most votes and ZP accepted the position. AHb will be asked if he is willing.
Thanks to our outgoing Chair
CS expressed the sincere thanks of the committee toward Nick Jephson, who has guided the LPC admirably through the choppy waters of the last few years. He will be missed as Chair but the committee will retain his expertise as a member.
Minutes of previous meeting
The minutes were accepted as a true record
Items for redaction from publicly published minutes
Matters Arising
-Today in my consultation room survey: keep open and harvest results monthly. LJ to chase members regularly and put reminders in bulletin.
-Turning Point – members fed back that late communications re move were inadequate. Current feedback from service users: some who don’t want to go to hub as ‘inappropriate’; not all users can access digital content/systems; needle exchange venues ‘pop-up’ inconsistently; people are falling through the net and not seeing their keyworkers. CS to feed back to Shared Care. FC toInvite TP (Natalie or a deputy) to attend next meeting.
-The committee requested that FC complete a complete service review for last financial year. This to include a report on how much money all LES are worth to CP in area plus spread of provision, gaps etc. Please remove commercially sensitive data. / FC
Guest: John Popowicz: Generation Gains Project, Swindon
JP gave a detailed presentation to the committee.
Community Pharmacy not the right environment for screening form - needs to be evaluated by Bath Uni.
JP took away several actions after suggestions from committee members. These included
- To include a telephone number on the Generations Gains flyers/posters
- To send a press release to LJ about the Generations Gains project to be included in the CPSW newsletter.
- Engage with the HLP Champions at individual pharmacies in Swindon Borough.
- Send updated flyers/posters to NJ for distribution in his mobility shops.
- To follow up a number of leads who could potentially help Generation Gains engage the cohort they are seeking.
- Contact the Local Medical Council and request an opportunity to deliver the Generations Gains presentation.
Rebranding the LPC as “Community Pharmacy Swindon and Wiltshire”
New logo ideas
LJ got some useful feedback and agreed to draft some further development ideas. / LJ
Guest: Pablo Jimenez from Wiltshire Medicines Management Team
HC professionals new number
Circulate and newsletter article to publicise this.
OTC consultation outcomes
After instructions from NHS England,BGSW teams will come to a decision weekcommencing 16/4/18 about how our area is how to implement the recommendations. There may be differences between Swindon and Wiltshire. There will be a special edition of MMT newsletter to explain. There will also be publicity material for HCPs and patients too (the committee asked that these be sent to FC for comment first).
-Committee emphasised in discussion how important it is that everyone gets the right information. Need a clear and definitive guide including letter to GPs around exceptions/restrictions/licencing issues of OTC medicines etc. FC should speak to Paul Clarke/Swindon MMT to get their partnershipwith this strategy. CPSW newsletter publicity.
-CW mentioned that recordingaround‘why not prescribing’ needs to be robustin case needed for medical defence. More patients with acute issues will be presenting and risks will necessarily be higher.
POD update
Issues where GP receptionists are telling patients to ask POD for repeatsinappropriately.
Request for money to expand - CCGdecision postponed until April 23rd. POD looking into moving forward with Repeat Dispensing now.Patients can be advised to ask for RD now via POD if suitable (i.e. three or fewer stable medicines).
Much education needed for patients and pharmacy staff.
GPs distrust system. Prescription duration often not set up properly. Need clear guidance for consistent best practice.
Pharmacies could do with a stamp saying ‘last batch’ because it doesn’t always print.
Practice and community pharmacies must work closely.Practice Pharmacists can leave the office, so ideally would to go to Community. PJ was asked to invite local community pharmacists to POD meetings and to Practice Pharmacist quarterly meetings. PJ will provide the meeting dates to Fiona. ZPsuggestedthat PJ speak to Denise Thompson in Chippenham for tips on best practice re relationship building.
All agreed that further Area Forums may be beneficial!
Updated list of Practice Pharmacists in newsletter (ideally with phone number). / LJ
Chief Officer Report
Medvivo project
CW fed back from recent meeting: looking to recruit 5 FTE pharmacists and train them as Independent Prescribers. Main work will be in 111 setting but very open to idea of job sharing with community Indemnity issue still quite major barrier. Generally, v positive.
SW and NJ requested that more committee members be invited future meetings.
Relationships with GPs
Ideally publish a joint statement CPSW and LMC re flu vaccination issues. FC to invite LMC to a meeting (or bring to Wessex LMC meeting 17 April).
Quality Points Report
-FC to feedback to NHS Digital that mailboxes are being locked frequently and this takes a 40 minute phone call to sort out. Mailbox addresses are so long they are difficult to communicate.
-People aren’t checking shared inboxes. CPSW needs a strategy for encouraging this.
-Newsletter – celebrate the success and say ‘look all these people got 80+ points, did you’?
-FC requested to benchmark against other areas. Best practice ideas? / FC
Strategy and Workplan discussions
Vision and Priorities
Community Pharmacy Swindon and Wiltshire is made up of members with diverse backgrounds and different skills coming together to support and encourage contractors to fulfil their potential. Aim is to make Community Pharmacy a better industry for contractors. CPSW is the interface between commissioners/stakeholders and contractors.
Building relationships is key. Step away from them and us mentality.
Things have changed in last year and CPSW needs to address service engagement. Sustainable and profitability is important. With provision, profit is there. To be remunerated fairly, CP must be in a strong position to negotiate (already delivering). Possible ‘Support Officer’ short term/six-month project, face to face, before CPSW can go out and sell CP to commissioners.
One long term vision is an IP in every appropriate pharmacy; perhaps IPs working with diagnosticians in partnership. Another is IT integration with rest of primary care, edit rights to patient records and ability to order blood tests etc.
The committee asked that the next meeting on May 17th be a full day to flesh out strategy. / FC
Lis request to increase hours and work solely for Swindon and Wiltshire
Committee agreed to increase employment to 12 hours. FC to update LJ’s contract with a start date of 1st June.
ZP requested the SLA for Naloxone
NJ reported Swindon hospital not supplying meds at discharge. This is against constitution. Collate examples and feedback to Sue Manketlow from last meeting?
CW reported ‘Echo’ repeat prescription management app. Free, but not very effective. Committee commented that this is likely to be refined until it’s a competitive service. / FC