A warm welcome to all our visitors and to any new members of our parish
who share with us today's Celebration of the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass.
We are pleased that you have come to join us in our community of faith.
If you will be permanent members, please take the information leaflet available in the church porch and/or contact the Parish Office
BAPTISMS: Would parents please contact Fr Marsden or Deacon Norman personally, after one of the weekend Masses, to obtain the application form and see about enlisting on the next Preparation Course (if necessary) on 20th and 27th April.
APF-MILL HILL: Over the next few weeks promoters will be making contact with box holders to empty the red box donations for the missions. Thank you to everyone for your continued generous support for the work of the missions.
ST ANNE’S GUILD: Bingo will resume at 7.45 pm this Tuesday 7th April in the Parish Centre.
UKRAINE FUND RAISING: On Tuesday 21st April, there will be a coffee morning in the Parish Centre from 10.00 am until 1.00 pm to raise fund for Bishop Hryhoriy Komar’s diocesan and charitable works in Ukraine. We would be very grateful for donations for the tombola or the raffle which can be left in the box in the Sacristy.
CHORLEY HOSPITAL: Please contact St Joseph’s, Harper’s Lane (262713) if any member of your family is admitted into the hospital and needs the priest to visit. In emergency the ward staff will call in the duty priest chaplain via the switchboard.
WALSINGHAM ASSOCIATION: The annual Deanery Pilgrimage to the shrine of Our Lady of Walsingham will take place this year between Monday 15th and Friday 19th June. The cost will be £251 and deposits of £20 are needed by 19th April. To book or make enquiries please contact J. Noblet on 01257 265498. Our Pilgrimage this year includes a visit to the various Shrines and Churches in the area. All are welcome.
PILGRIMAGE TO LOURDES: There are still spaces available to travel to Lourdes with the Archdiocese of Liverpool, 24th – 31st July 2015 by air from Liverpool Airport or by Jumbulance from Burtonwood. Assisted Pilgrims (those with medical, mobility or other special needs) will be accommodated in the Accueil St Frai or in hotel’s dependant on need and travel circumstances. For more information, or to register as an Assisted Pilgrim, please call Adam Taylor at the Lourdes Office on 0151–727–4000 or visit our website www.liverpool-lourdes.com before the deadline of April 30th 2015 (deadline applicable to Assisted Pilgrims only). The pilgrimage is open to everybody in the Archdiocese and beyond.”
A joyful and blessed Easter to you all!
Fr Francis Marsden 01257 262537
and Deacon Norman Arrowsmith
Parish Secretary – Mr Michael Cross
E-mail address:
Parish website: www.stmarys-chorley.org
Parish Centre: 270122 or 07971 025985 (Manager – Heather Roscoe)
St Mary’s Catholic Church, Chorley
It was very early on the first day of the week and still dark, when Mary of Magdala came to the tomb. She saw that the stone had been moved away from the tomb and came running to Simon Peter and the other disciple, the one Jesus loved. “They have taken the Lord out of the tomb” she said, “and we don't know where they have put him.” So Peter set out with the other disciple to go to the tomb. They ran together, but the other disciple, running faster than Peter, reached the tomb first; he bent down and saw the linen cloths lying on the ground, but did not go in. Simon Peter who was following now came up, went right into the tomb, saw the linen cloths on the ground, and also the cloth that had been over his head; this was not with the linen cloths but rolled up in a place by itself. Then the other disciple who had reached the tomb first also went in; he saw and he believed. Till this moment they had failed to understand the teaching of scripture, that he must rise from the dead.
The Rosary is recited after Mass on Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday.
Sat. 8.30 pm Easter Vigil and Mass (p.216) – Jack Parkinson
8.00 am Mass (p.251) – Parishioners
10.30 am Mass (p.251) – Lauren Owen (A )
2.00 pm Msza Swięta po Polsku
4.00 pm Holy Hour with Evening Prayer (4.30) and Benediction
Mon 6 Apr Easter Monday
8.40 am Morning Prayer
9.00 am Mass – LISCF
Tues 7 Apr Easter Tuesday
9.30-11.45 am Morning Prayer and Exposition of the Blessed Sacrament
12.00 noon Mass – Bertram Leach
Wed 8 Apr Easter Wednesday
8.40 am Morning Prayer
9.00 am Mass – Thomas & Mary Langton et al (Foundation Mass)
1.00 pm Funeral Service – Josef Johnson
Thurs 9 Apr Easter Thursday
12.00 noon Mass – The McHugh family
Fri 10 Apr Easter Friday
9.30-11.45 am Morning Prayer and Exposition of the Blessed Sacrament
12.00 noon Mass – Dr Wladyslaw & Leokadia Grzeczynska & Paul Creaner (A)
Sat 11 Apr Easter Saturday
11-11.45 am Confessions
12.00 noon Mass – Francesca Millington (A)
Sun 12 Apr Second Sunday of Easter (Divine Mercy Sunday)
Sat 6.15 pm Mass – Violet Moore (A)
8.00 am Mass – Parishioners
10.30 am Mass – Winston Donalds
11.45 am Baptism – Evie Sylvia Coyle
3.00 pm Divine Mercy Service at Sacred Heart, Chorley
4.00 pm Holy Hour with Evening Prayer (4.30) and Benediction
Please pray for the sick and the housebound: Rita Almond, Emily Atkins, Christopher Ballestero, Pauline Bennett, Frances Bond, Brigid Cain, Michael Collins, Melville Coombes, Marie Croasdale. Monica Donalds, Joan Doran, Yvonne Finlayson, Martin Henry, Simon Holcroft, Paul Howarth, Thora Huddy, Peggy Hughes, John Johnson, Joan Jones, Mary Jones, Doreen Lang, Julie Lowe, Tusia Lynch, Debbie MacFarlane, Jude Mack, Mary McDaid, Rowland McGreal, ,Frances McHale, Veronica Mobbs, Alex Morris, William Morris, Canon Kevin Mullen, Christine Nelson, Kathleen Rae, Kathleen Reynolds, Margaret Rice, Gerard Shaw, Frank Snape, Molly Taylor, Paul Tiffin, Frank Waring, Agnes Young and parishioners in the nursing homes of The Adelphi, The Gables, Westwood, Gillibrand Hall etc.
RECENTLY DECEASED: Mary Jones aged 87, of Knowles St, at Greenways Rest Home, Bamber Bridge, who died on the 1st April. The funeral arrangements will be announced once they have been confirmed.
ANNIVERSARIES: Lauren Owen, Leokadia Grzeczynska, Francesca Millington, Violet Moore.
READERS: Easter Vigil: Kinga Grzeczynska, Hilary Carter, Angela Simm & Gillian Sharples. Easter Sunday: 8.00am Margaret Arrowsmith, 10.30 am Margaret Rossall.
11/12 April 6.15pm Roland Anderton, 8.00am John Gunn, 10.30 am Robert Barnes
PARISH COLLECTION last week amounted to £824, including £408 which was Gift Aided. This weekend there is the monthly collection for the Restoration Fund. Many thanks for your generosity. Please note also that the Easter Day collection goes entirely into the parish, and not for the clergy.
DIVINE MERCY SUNDAY is on 12th April and the Divine Mercy Service will be held at Sacred Heart Church, Brooke Street, Chorley commencing at 3.00 pm with Exposition and Chaplet of Divine Mercy followed by the Rosary and Confessions. Holy Mass will be at approx 3.45 pm with Adoration of the Sacred Image of The Divine Mercy.
SANCTUARY CEILING PROBLEMS: Holy Mass and other services are being celebrated on Our Lady’s altar. So please sit either in the north transept or towards the front of the main nave from where you can see Our Lady’s altar. The main tabernacle is empty, and the Blessed Sacrament is in the tabernacle on Our Lady’s altar.
Three layers of lime plaster need to be applied, a week apart, and then allowed to dry before the damaged section is repainted.
CHORLEY FOOD BANK, based at Living Waters, has issued an urgent appeal for donations. Stocks from generous donations at Christmas have been used up and donations have fallen since then. Faced with an increased demand e.g. 20 referrals in one day recently, the Bank is asking for urgent donations of essential items including long-life milk, pasta sauces, cereals, tinned fruit, tea and coffee, and instant mashed potato. Donations of tinned meats would be particularly welcome. If you can help please leave items in the box in the Pieta. Thank you.
Prayer to the Holy Family for the Synod
Jesus, Mary and Joseph, in you we contemplate the splendour of true love, to you we turn with trust.
Holy Family of Nazareth, grant that our families too may be places of communion and prayer, authentic schools of the Gospel and small domestic Churches.
Holy Family of Nazareth, may families never again experience violence, rejection and division: may all who have been hurt or scandalized find ready comfort and healing.
Holy Family of Nazareth, may the approaching Synod of Bishops make us once more mindful of the sacredness and inviolability of the family, and its beauty in God’s plan.
Jesus, Mary and Joseph, graciously hear our prayer. Amen.
WORLD YOUTH DAY 2016 – KRAKÓW, POLAND Dates: 20th July - 3rd August 2016 Cost: £1200 Theme: Blessed are the merciful, for they will receive mercy.” (Matthew 5:8) World Youth Day (WYD) is a celebration of the faith of the World’s young people led by Pope Francis. Every WYD is hosted in a different country, enabling the youth to share their faith and culture with those who have journeyed from other nations.
Usually taking place every 3 years, the last WYD took place in July 2013 in Rio de Janeiro, with the theme of "Go and make disciples of all nations."
Every young Catholic is personally invited by the Pope to take part in this once in a lifetime opportunity, a festival of faith and friendship. This life-changing experience is a chance to witness, share and develop your faith with the youth of the universal church.
The whole of the host nation embraces WYD, and during the first week we are hosted by families in other parts of the country. Known as ‘Days in the Diocese’, the week presents us with the opportunity to live in community, actively be involved in a different culture, learn about how they celebrate their faith, learn the language, sample local cuisine, and form friendships that last for a lifetime.
The second week takes place in the host city, where millions gather to take part in an opening mass with the Pope. Throughout the week we have the chance to take part in activities and explore aspects of our faith that aren’t available at home, such as praise & worship concerts, Taize, huge gatherings to listen to world renowned speakers, as well as events led by the Pope. The whole World Youth Day builds up to and culminates in an overnight vigil with all of the other pilgrims and a final mass celebrated by PopeFrancis on the Sunday morning. It is an opportunity not to be missed. Details on
The parishes of the deanery will probably be happy to sponsor a couple of young people for this and to cover some of the cost.