Do we consider the Saints to be mediators between us and God? And what type of mediation do the Saints present? The scripture clearly speaks that they do offer intercessions (St. James5:16). We as alive believers do offer intercession on behalf of each others as well. The Saints Intercession is of course mightier because they are already with the Lord.
The Orthodox Church believes that we have One and Only One Mediator between God and man, Who is "The Man Christ Jesus" (1 Tim 2:5) .
St. Paul emphasizes that the Lord Jesus's MEDIATION, had been accomplished in His Human nature. For Jesus the Lord is fully Man and fully God, so He is the One and the Only Perfect Mediator between God and man. He is the Only One who reconciled the earthly with the heavenly, the only One who opened the door to heaven to all nations Jews and Gentiles who believe in Him.
It is important to know that the Orthodox church highly values the intercession of the Saints and intercessors but NOT as Mediators. We clearly see their intercession in the book of the Revelation as they lift up our prayers. Also, The book of the Revelation tells about “another angel, who came with a golden censor and stood at the altar. He was given much incense to offer with the prayers of all the saints upon the golden altar which was before the throne.” ( Rev 8:3). It’s clear here that the angels offer and lift our prayers to come before Christ. As well, we see the Twenty Four elders, of chapter 5 in the book of the Revelation, holding their censors full of incense which are the prayers of the saints.
So it’s obvious that they lift our prayers before the throne. Is this the only way that our prayers are lifted up before Christ? Of course no, but it’s clear from the scripture that the Saints do lift up our prayers before Him. (St. James5:16)
The Church placed the Virgin Mary above all the Saints and considered Her more honorable than the Cherubim, even more glories, beyond compare, than the Seraphim (highest ranks of angels).
St. James in his epistle writes “the prayer of the righteous man is powerful and effective” James5:16. No one can deny that our beloved Saints men & women are righteous. therefore their prayers are powerful and effective. The scripture speaks of many examples where a righteous individual’s intercessions benefited the people. For example Moses’ intercession for the people of God, in pleading with the Lord for mercy, held back the hand of God from consuming the nation in His wrath (Ex 32). Abraham’s intercession saved Lot’s family from destruction (Gen 18).
The Orthodox Church always maintained a perfect biblical balance in faith. While some denominations totally deny the power of intercession and others lift the saints to be C0-Redeemers, the Orthodox Church maintains the perfect biblical balance, that there is One Redeemer Who is Christ Himself, while believing in the power of intercession. One of the church fathers says “God , through His Holy Spirit, is the teacher of the Prophets, the Companion of the Apostles in their travels, the power that strengthens the Martyrs, the inspiration of the Fathers and Teachers, the perfection of all Saints”. In celebrating the Saint’s feasts, we celebrate God’s work in them; we celebrate God’s forgiveness to their sins and of course we celebrate their victory. When we have strong biblical foundation of our belief, no one can take away from us our experience.
St. John Chrysostom (the Golden mouth) says “If you recognized that you are being chastised by God, do not flee to the enemy, but rather run to the Saints that they may intercede on your behalf”. Get to know them, have them as role models for your life, ask their intercession, and they will intercede on your behalf. One day we will shall ALL meet in the Heavenly Kingdom.