Regional Advisory Group

Notes of the Workshop 5held on 19 June 2015 at 10.00 amin Education Authority (Belfast Region), 40 Academy Street, Belfast BT1 2NQ


In Attendance
Clare Mangan (EA) - Chairperson
Nichola Creagh (DOE)
Gerard Doran (EA)
Mary Field (Youthnet)
Brian Gibson (Youth Workers Alliance)
David Guilfoyle (YCNI)
Alan Herron (Playboard)
Robert Heyburn (DCAL)
Joanne Jones (ETI)
Arlene Kee (EA)
Stephen Mallet (Youth Workers Alliance)
Aoife McCallum (Foram na nÓg)
Rosemary Agnew (DARD)
Valerie Christi (Libraries NI)
Yvonne Crossery (DEL)
Kiera Lloyd (DOJ)
Ciaran Mac Giolla Bhéin (Foram na nÓg)
Gary Maxwell (DHSSPS)
Rodney McMaster (ETI)
Martin McMullan (Youth Action NI) / Aideen McCormick (EA)
Brenda McGrann (Youthlink)
John Meikleham (Scout Foundation)
Pat Morgan (EA)
Trevor Murphy (EA)
Chris Quinn (NIYF)
Michael Reid (Young Farmers Clubs of Ulster)
David Savage (DE)
Brenda Shearer (DE)
Paul Smyth (Public Achievement)
Tony Murphy (DCAL)
Jack O’Connor (DSD)
Cónall Ó Corra (NIYF)
Jacqueline O’Loughlin (Playboard)
Kyle Parks (Youth Congress NIYF)
Tom Reid (DRD)
Linda Wilson (DE)
1 / Introduction
The chairperson welcomed members to the fifth RAG workshop.
Libraries NI has responded to an invitation from the chairperson nominating Valerie Christie as a representative on the group. Unfortunately Valerie was unable to attend today’s meeting due to a prior commitment.
2 / Notes of Workshop 4 held on 24 March 2015
The notes of workshop 4 held on 24 March 2015 were agreed as an accurate record.
3 / Update from Department of Education
Brenda Shearer provided an update on budgets which, from the establishment of Education Authority, have been allocated at local and regional level to the Education Authority and the Youth Council for Northern Ireland.
She also provided an update on the consultation on the future of the Youth Council for Northern Ireland, the deadline of which has been extended to 3 July 2015.
4 / Update on Education Authority
Clare Mangan provided an update onthe Education Authority which had been established on 1 April 2015, the inductionof board members and board meetings held in April and May.
The first meeting of the newly constituted Children and Young People’s Services Committee was held on 4 June 2015 where members approved the scheme for the committee and were updated on aspects of the youth service, Priorities for Youth and the youth service budget for 2015/16. Members also approved the RYDP interim framework action plan for 2015/16. Members indicated that youth service was regarded as an important service and requested regular updates on youth related matters, including RAG. It was noted that the chairperson of the committee would be known before the next meeting to be held in September 2015.
It was the Education Authority’s intention to set up a committee relating to child protection and safeguarding adults and the authority is currently seeking membership from board members. This committee would also address issues related to youth service.
5 / Evaluation Report on the Regional Advisory Group
Clare Mangan stated that following the meeting held in March 2015 and the return of evaluation questionnaires, a summary of findings had been circulated to members. Gerard Doran provided an overview of the summary findings which included the membership and purpose of RAG, the two methodologies of the evaluation,the number of returns received and the analysis of responses. It was noted that in general there was a high level of overall satisfaction with the process and operational aspects of the RAG over the initial year. One member asked was there any variation by sector although it was noted that the evaluation report was for the total RAG membership.
Members indicated that they were content with the analysis of responses. There was an acknowledgement that the response from Youthnet had been included in the voluntary youth sector returns. In relation to communication within members’ constituencies, there was a need for an agreed communications strategy.
Clare Mangan indicated that officers would consider comments made by members and as chair, would forward the evaluation summary to the Department of Education as a formal overview of the RAG process so far.
6 / Updated Action Plan for Regional Youth Development Plan 2015-16
A copy of the updated action plan for the Regional Youth Development Framework for 2015-16, which had been approved by the Children and Young People’s Services Committee on 4 June 2015, had been circulated with papers for today’s meeting.
Following discussion at the last meeting in relation to taking this work forward, meetings had taken place between the statutory and voluntary sectors regarding populating action panels. Communication had also been received by the Department of Education from Youthnet regarding suggested additions to numbers of voluntary representatives. It was agreed that the membership of the assessment of need group would be expanded to 4 voluntary representatives and that a Youthnet representative would be included on the small grant scheme group. It was also agreed to include young people on the network for youth, small grants, annual report and residential and outdoor education groups.
It was noted that the framework of outcomes group was an already established group. It was also noted that 2 young people would act as Education Authority representatives on the local engagement group in addition to Youth Forum representatives. Chris Quinn extended an invitation to an event being hosted by the Young Forum which would be held over the next 2 weeks with the aim of involving young people in the action panels.
Chairs have been identified for each action panel and it is intended that each chair would arrange meetings of all groups within the next two weeks. It was important that any outstanding nominees should be forwarded to Carol Hall as soon as possible as timeframes have had to be adapted to take account of approval processes for the one year plan.
7 / Date of Next Meeting
Clare Mangan thanked members for their attendance and contributions at meetings held over the past year.
The next meeting would be arranged for October 2015 and dates for meetings would also be forwarded for the next academic year.