Principles of the Service;
Confidentiality- Forms the backbone of GUM clinics, in accordance with the VD Regulations Act.
It is primarily to protect patients, so as not to deter them from attending with potentially treateble STDs, through stigma or embarrassment.
Open access system- Patients can self refer, approx 25% are referred by GP or other health care worker.GP correspondence is only sent if patient has referral letter.
Appointment system- Patients are encouraged to make an appointment either by phone or attending at reception.
Such a person will however be offered an appointment immediately or next available if the problem is felt to be urgent.
The purpose of Genitourinary medicine services.
a.Promply diagnose and treat Sexually Transmitted Diseases.
b.To initiate partner notification/contact tracing, preventing further spread of disease.
c.To undertake Health promotion and prevention.
d.Teaching and Research.
Categories of Patients attending Clinics.
1 Asymptomatic.
2 Genital tract symptoms.
3 Contacts of known Cases of STD.
Common Genital Tract Symptoms.
a.Discharges-Urethral (male) and Vaginal(female)
c Swellings
d Rashes
e Miscellaneous.
Diagnostic tests.
All new attenders undergo full genital exam and full sreening tests for sexually transmitted diseases and genital tract infections.
These include Urethral swabs for N.Gonorrhoea(Male and Female)
Urethral swabs for Chlamydia (Male and Female)
High Vaginal swab for Candida and Bacterial Vaginosis(Female)-
Posterior Fornix wet preparation for T.Vaginalis and BV (Female)
Cervix swab for N.Gonorrhoea
Cervix swab for Chlamydia.
In addition all new attenders have Syphilis Serology taken.
Results-On site Microscopy enables results to be received on the day. and in many cases a provisional diagnosis can be made at initial presentation-ie Vaginal discharge due to Bacterial Vaginosis.
Treatment-Under the VD regulations act all treatment is free of charge, provided it is dispensed at the Hospital pharmacy.
Follow up- Patients diagnosed as having an infection would normally attend at least once for follow up and tests of cure.
Other clinics - A HIV testing service is carried out on Mon pm for patients wishing to have the test and appropriate councelling.
A monthly Minor procedures clinic for Genital Dermatoses every first Tue pm of the month.
Timetable of GUM Clinics.
Mon- 1.30- 5.0pm
Wed- 1.30- 5.0 pm
Thurs- 9.30-12.30am and 1.30-5.0 pm
At present students are welcome to attend on Wed pm and Thurs pm only,
maximum No 2 students per clinic session.