Minor Change Request Form

Course: XXXX

Course Title: <Title>

Submitted by: <Your Name>

Phone/Email: <Phone/E-Mail>

Faculty Chair: Name>

Change needed by (launch quarter):<QX Year>

Date submitted:<Date>

Note: If clarification is needed to implement changes, you may be contacted by course development.

Use this form to request minor changes (content clarifications, course material updates, etc.) to an online course.If you are unfamiliar with the minor change process, you are encouraged to follow the guidelines posted on the iGuide Minor Changes page.

IMPORTANT: Before you fill out this form, read the following:

Digital Materials / Capella University is moving to all digital course materials. Minors that include updates to convert course materials to digital content will be prioritized over standard minors.To assist with this effort, we are asking you to submit, along with other changes, digital replacement material for any hardcopy materials required for this course.
Please follow the instructions on the Minor Changes page.
If you are unable to find a digital substitute due to time or other factors, or if the book is crucial to the field and only available in hardcopy, please escalate to your faculty chair.
Competency Alignment / Capella’s curricular and assessment standards ensure that course assignments and scoring criteria assess the course competencies. If you have questions about these standards or how your minor request might affect the course alignment to these standards, contact your faculty chair and the school’s assessment specialist in Course Development before submitting your minor request. If necessary, your minor request will be routed to an instructional designer or assessment specialist before being implemented.
Media Minor Scope / Media change types available through the minor process:
  • Reuse: the multimedia element already exists and is being used exactly as is with no modifications
  • Repurpose: the multimedia element already exists but a modification such as title change, content, UI, functionality or all of the above will modified as requested.
  • Internet media: external media, such as YouTube videos and podcasts, which requires a transcript.
For other media requests do not use this form. Please visit the Media Center to learn more about course media and to search media pieces in our archives. For media questions, contact the Course Media PM, Lee Yang – .

Change Summary

1.To begin, please indicate the scope of your requested changes:

Place an X in the column to the right if you are requesting changes to the following. / X / Area of Course
If you are requesting changes to the following, place a number in the column to the right indicating how many of each item are affected. / # / Area of Course
If you are requesting changes to the following, place a number in the column to the right indicating how many of each item are affected. / #
Course Materials / Studies / Quizzes
Course Overview / Assignments / External Tools
(Toolwire, etc.)
Grading / Discussions / Course Files
Course Project / Scoring Guides / Media
Unit Introductions


2.Use the Action column and key below to indicaterequestedactions and the Notes column to further clarify the changes, if necessary.

3.Indicate requested changes one of the following ways:

  • Complete the Current Text or Course Material column, and then make your changes in theReplacement Text or Course Material column. Please indicate your requested changes by highlighting affected text.
  • Or, paste the current text into theReplacement Text or Course Material column, and then use Track Changes to indicate your requested changes.

4.Use the Additional Comments section (last page) to further explain your changes.

5.Use the Scoring Guide and Grading Table templates to update changes to these items. Please include competency alignments for any new scoring guide criteria. To avoid confusion, please include the entire scoring guide or grading structure as you would like it to appear.

Course Materials and Text Changes

Action Key:

Delete: Use this to remove existing content.

Replace:Use this to replace existing content with updated content.

Add:Use this to add content that is not currently part of the course.

Unit # / Syllabus or Unit
Subheading (activity code: u01a1) / Current Text or Course Material (please include entire paragraph) / Action / Replacement Text or Course Material (please include entire paragraph) / Notes
Scoring Guide Changes

Use a new table for each new or revised scoring guide. Please include the entire scoring guide as you would like it to appear. If a checklist, you may skip the performance level criteria (non-performance, basic, etc.).

If you are submitting a revision of an existing scoring guide, pleaseinclude the existing scoring guide or track your changes in the Revised or New Scoring Guide table for faculty chair review purposes.

Unit X Assignment X
Scoring Guide
Criteria / Non-performance / Basic / Proficient / Distinguished / Criteria Weighting
OPTIONAL / Competency Alignment
Unit X Assignment X
Scoring Guide
Criteria / Non-performance / Basic / Proficient / Distinguished / Criteria Weighting
OPTIONAL / Competency Alignment
Grading Structure Changes

Use this template to show changes to the grading structure for the course. Remember that the total of grades for the course must equal 100%. Please include the entire revised grading structure as you would like it to appear. Include the existinggrading structure for faculty chair review purposes.


Activity / Weight / Scoring Guide
  1. Discussion Participation
/ __% / Discussion Participation Scoring Guide.
  1. Unit Activities
/ __% / s
<Competency-based activity code and name> / __% / <Activity name> Scoring Guide.
  1. <Name of Project> Components
/ __%
<Project activity code and name> / __% / <Project activity name> Scoring Guide.


Activity / Weight / Scoring Guide
  1. Discussion Participation
/ __% / Discussion Participation Scoring Guide.
  1. Unit Activities
/ __%
<Competency-based activity code and name> / __% / <Activity name> Scoring Guide.
  1. <Name of Project> Components
/ __%
<Project activity code and name> / __% / <Project activity name> Scoring Guide.
Additional Comments

Please include any additional comments to further clarify the changes you need made:

Faculty Chair Approval


To sign the document, simply type your name on the appropriate line. A faculty chair must approve all minor change requests.

Requested by:Date:



Approved by:Date:


Faculty Leadership

Faculty Chairs:Once you have approved this form, please e-mail it to your school’s academic associate or . If abook or other relevant course materialschange is involved, please also include n the email.