2003 Chicago Open
Round 7 – Tossups
1. The title character’s love finally ends up recuperating in a Swiss sanatorium with the family of Astley, an English rival and friend of the title character. His other rival in love had been the Marquis des Grieux, who traveled in the company of the Mademoiselle Blanche. Both of them succeeded in fooling the General, the employer of Alexey Ivanovitch, the title character, and hopeless lover of Polina. Their intermingled tale runs its course in the German resort of Roulettenburg in this short novel. FTP, name this novel that centers on Alexey’s vice, a work by Dostoyevsky.
Answer: The Gambler
2. When formally presented it consisted of ten points, with the tenth proposing an exchange of literature, music, and the arts. It was initially proposed during a campaign speech in Tampa, Florida and its first point called for a series of ten-year plans with the first being boosted by a request for 500 million dollars. The formal presentation was to the ambassadors of all countries involved and claimed that the revolutions begun in 1776 and 1811 in Philadelphia and Caracas were not yet over. FTP, name this program calling for the cooperation of the Americas, proposed in 1961 by John F. Kennedy.
Answer: Alliance for Progress or Alianza para Progreso
3. This phenomenon is often found in cuprates and other high temperature superconductors, and in transition metal halides and oxides. It occurs in materials where two sublattices acquire opposite spins. Chromium exhibits this behavior below the Néel point, transitioning to paramagnetism above. FTP, name this phenomenon in which adjacent magnetic domains are ordered but antiparallel, opposite in behavior to permanent magnets.
Answer: antiferromagnetism
4. A bordered wall painting is cut off on the right but another showing a harbor scene appears in the top center of this painting, and sets off the background wall. On the left a white floral swirl pattern dark drapery also sections off the center, which is dominated by the title figure, whose legs are barely elevated. She wears a white bonnet with some descending white lace, which matches the white lace peeking out around her hands and which is a stark contrast against her monochromatic dress. FTP, name this famous 1871 portrait by James Whistler.
Answer: Portrait of the Artist’s Mother or Whistler’s Mother or Arrangement in Grey and Black No. 1
5. This work contains the author’s disagreement with Schlegel over Schlegel’s notion of the “ideal spectator.” In the foreword the author warns the reader to avoid the temptation to see this work as a comparison between “gay dilletantism” and “gallant earnestness” and goes on for 15 chapters before discussing the modern ramifications of his ideas. Its first half contrasts the appearance, or illusion, to suffering, or reality, and goes on to claim that music is superior to all other arts because it represents the “world will” itself. FTP, name this work that claims that art is derived from a conjunction of the Apollonian and Dionysian worldviews, an 1871 text by Friedrich Nietszche.
Answer: The Birth of Tragedy
6. The title character lays “distorted and pale, / With the dew on his brow, and the rust on his mail.” He is said to have a “Gentile’s might,” which melts “like snow in the glance of the Lord!” Of course the “Angel of Death has spread his wings” on the title character’s host, which was gleaming “in purple and gold,” but that host falls victim to the plague outside of Jerusalem. FTP, name this poem which begins with the title character’s forces coming “down like the wolf on the fold,” a Lord Byron work on the downfall of an Assyrian king.
Answer: “The Destruction of Sennacherib”
7. After coming to power he eliminated the Kizilbash threat and the Shiite threat posed by Shah Ismail, which he ended at the Battle of Chaldiran, thereby driving the Safavids far eastward. Shortly thereafter he decimated the Mamelukes at Marj Dabiq, which led to the sharif of Mecca giving him the keys to Cairo, signifying him as the supreme ruler of the Islamic world. His tumultuous rise might even have included the murder of his father Bayezid II. FTP, name this man who became Ottoman sultan in 1512 and who was succeeded by his son Suleiman the Magnificent.
Answer: Selim the Grim or Selim I
8. One less-common version of these is named after its developer, Peter Pearson, who developed his algorithm in 1990 based on a pseudo-random walk. They must be functions, and ideally as close to 1-to-1 as possible. If it fails in this latter goal, then other techniques such as probing or chaining must be used. FTP, what are these functions, such as MD5 or SHA-1, used to produce tables of the same name?
Answer: hash functions
9. Among those who guest starred on this sitcom were Pamela Anderson and Tifanni Thiesen. Ben Stein had a recurring role as Stanley Willard, as did Jennifer Runyon, who played Gwendolyn, the title character’s girlfriend. The first family associated with it, the Pembrokes, was replaced by the Powells, at which point Ellen Travolta came in as the title character’s mother. Better remembered are Nicole Eggert as one of the daughters and Willie Aames as the clueless best friend Buddy Lembeck. FTP, name this 1980s sitcom starring Scott Baio.
Answer: Charles in Charge
10. He was regarded as a lying leaf, floating on the primeval waters and sucking on his toe, in his guise of Narayana. According to one myth, he produced the goddess Satarupa from his body, while another states that he came forth as the creature of all things one thousand, Purusha. His attributes include a garland of roses, which he wears while riding upon the swan Hamsa. FTP, name this husband of Sarasvati, revered as the creator god of the Hindu trinity.
Answer: Brahma
11. Among the songs he wrote with his brother was “Under the Bamboo Tree,” which T.S. Eliot quoted in “Sweeney Agonistes.” His “We to America” appeared in the collection Saint Peter Relates an Incident, which appeared after his first collection, Fifty Years and Other Poems. Better known are his personal history of New York, Black Manhattan, and his novel The Autobiography of an Ex-Colored Man. FTP, name this writer whose “Seven Negro Sermons in Verse” appeared collectively as God’s Trombones.
Answer: James Weldon Johnson
12. It was popularized by Friedrich List, who was able to take action largely due to the monarchial support provided by William I. Eventually incorporating the rival Steuers, it followed a policy of ethnic isolation until its first official constitution provided for an elected parliament in 1867. Later arrivals included the two Mecklenburgs, Alsace-Lorraine, and the Hanseatic cities, which did not join until 1888. Coming from the native for “customs union,” FTP, name this organization established in 1818 to overcome tariff barriers within Germany.
Answer: Zollverein
13. Its binding curve shows a steep upward curve followed by a flat region. When it’s unbound, it shows a dome shape, but after binding it takes on a more flat shape. The E7 amino acid residue is important because it causes a tilt in the carbon monoxide molecule before binding that reduces carbon monoxide’s affinity by 100 fold. It is abundant in cardiac muscle and skeletal muscle as well as in diving animals. FTP, name this molecule consisting only of 153 amino acids and one subunit unlike it’s oxygen carrying cousin hemoglobin.
Answer: myoglobin
14. Near the end of his life he succeeded Alfred Brunea at the Academie des Beaux-Arts. His minor compositions include Sonnet De Ronsard, for voice and piano, and the overture King Lear, which he composed during his eight years studying under Dubois and Guiraud. It was only with the orchestral overture Polyeucte that he established himself, and he would stay there with work like his “danced poem” La Peri and his major opera Ariane and Bluebeard. FTP, name this French composer best-known for his orchestral scherzo The Sorcerer’s Apprentice.
Answer: Paul Dukas
15. His prodigious output includes the works Human Nature and the Social Order and The Psychology of Wants, Interests, and Attitudes. He advanced the cause of statistics in social science research in his An Introduction to the Theory of Mental and Social Measurements, and he used those very techniques in his studies of transference of learning with Robert Woodworth. After studying under James Cattell at Columbia, he stayed at the school for almost 40 years. FTP, name this psychologist who published his dissertation as 1911’s Animal Intelligence, which explained his laws of exercise and effect.
Answer: Edward Thorndike
16. Early in the novel the title character muses on the occupant of a limousine that briefly mirrors her movements. Later in the novel she is devastated by news given to her by Sir William Bradshaw. In between we are privy to the title character’s musings on such figures as Lady Bruton and Miss Kilman, who is possibly sexually involved with Elizabeth, the title character’s daughter. Other figures include a former beau Peter Walsh, childhood friend Sally Seton, and the troubled Septimus Smith, who commits suicide. FTP, name this novel set during one day in the life of the title character and written by Virginia Woolf.
Answer: Mrs. Dalloway
17. During his peak years he acquired Bukovina from Turkey and Galicia from Poland. Also during this time, he persecuted and eventually dissolved the Bollandists, a Jesuit society. He did all this with the help of the state chancellor Wenzel von Kaunitz, who also helped him extend religious toleration to Protestants. Upon his ascension the duchy of Tuscany was given to his brother, who ruled for two years after his death as Leopold II. FTP, name this eldest son of Francis I and Maria Theresa who freed the serfs as emperor of Austria from 1765 to 1790.
Answer: Joseph II
18. With formula C3H4O3, it is the simplest of the alpha-keto acids. It gains its name from its production via the dry distillation of racemic acid and is originally derived from grapes, though it is more commonly produced by heading tartaric acid in the presence of potassium hydrogen sulfate. With a loss of one carbon dioxide it becomes known as acetyl-coenzyme A, and it can be reduced in some organisms to obtain ethyl alcohol and lactic acid. FTP, identify this end product of aerobic glycolysis, a three carbon acid.
Answer:pyruvic acid or pyruvate
19. It contains, among other things, the tale of the robber Angulimala and his garland of human fingers. The first has sections on “Discipline,” “Discourse,” and “Special Learning,” which are characterized as being of a “Basket.” Much of it is written in the Pali dialect, and it is all that survives of Pali literature. The Vinaya Pitaka and Sutta Pitaka are widely accepted by all of its readers, while the Sarvastivada school only accepts the Sanskrit portions. FTP, name this total canon of the southern schools of Buddhism usually divided into three sections.
Answer: Tipitaka or Tripitaka
20. It ends with a brief passage in which the “Easterner” explains everyone’s complicity. The once paranoid central character bests Johnnie but dies later that night, and the Easterner reveals at the end that the central character was right after all. The action takes place in Fort Romper, primarily at the establishment of Pat Scully, whose son cheats at a game of cards. This provokes the Swede, who is knifed in his drunkenness shortly thereafter. FTP, name this short story set at the titular location, a work by Stephen Crane.
Answer: “The Blue Hotel”
2003 Chicago Open
Round 7 – Bonuses
1. Name these things about the pancreas, FTP each:
A. These groups of cells are found scattered throughout the pancreas and contain alpha, beta, and delta cells. They are named after a German histologist.
Answer: islets of Langerhans
B. The delta cells of the islets of the Langerhans secrete this hormone.
Answer: somatostatin
C. The primary excretory duct of the pancreas is called the canal of this (and no, you don’t get points for pancreatic duct).
Answer: canal of Wirsung (do not accept canal of “Santorini)
2. Name these works in Old English, FTP each:
A. Attributed to either Caedmon or Cynewulf, it consists of a narrative introduction, relating to the vision of the cross, followed by the address of the visionary cross to the poet, telling of the crucifixion and resurrection.
Answer: The Dream of the Rood
B. This work primarily concerns the nephew of Higelac, king of the Geats, and also tells of king Hrothgar and his great hall Heorot.
Answer: Beowulf
C. This poem deals with the raid of the Northmen, under Anlaf, at the titular site in AD 991. The apparent hero is the ealdorman Byrtnoth.
Answer: Battle of Maldon
3. Name these things related to Jewish struggles against Roman control, FTP each:
A. Jewish victory at the gorge at this site in AD 66 includes the legend of their ambush of the Roman governor of Syria, Cestius Gallus, on the Sabbath.
Answer: Beth-Horon
B. Our primary source of information on Beth-Horon is this historian’s The Jewish War, published in AD 75.
Answer: Flavius Josephus
C. From AD 132 to 135, under the aegis of its namesake and Akiba ben Joseph, the Jews took part in this rebellion spurred by Hadrian’s attempts to Romanize Judea.
Answer: Bar Kokhba Revolt
4. Name these minimalist composers, FTP each:
A. One of the pioneers of the movement is this composer, whose The Tortoise: His Dreams and Journeys was an improvisation in which instrumentalists and singers come in and out on various harmonies over a fundamental played as a drone by a synthesizer.
Answer:La Monte Young
B. This composer developed a quasi-canonic procedure in which musicians play the same material slightly out of phase with each other. Recent works include New York and Vermont Counterpoint, but he is best known for this Piano Phase and Violin Phase.
Answer:Steve Reich
C. His harmonic and motivic development is reflected in works such as Grand Pianola Music and Harmonium. By the way he composed the opera Nixon in China.
Answer:John Adams
5. Name these things about an Egyptian goddess, FTP each:
A. This sky goddess was a daughter of Ra was represented as a cow.
Answer: Hathor (do not accept “Sekhmet”)
B. Hathor was believed to have been incarnated in this tree from which she gave food and drink to those in the underworld. Thus royal coffins were often made from it.
Answer: sycamore
C. In one story Hathor took the form of this goddess and killed all of mankind, but after drinking beer mixed with pomegranate juice, she was turned back into Hathor.
Answer: Sekhmet or Sakhmet
6. Consider a tube with a speaker at one end and closed at the other end, such that the lowest resonant frequency is 200 hertz. FTP, each:
A. The closed end is what kind of point for the pressure oscillations?
Answer: antinode
B. What is the second-lowest resonant frequency?
Answer: 600 hertz
C. If the tube is opened at the other end, and its length remains the same, what does the lowest resonant frequency become?
Answer: 400 hertz
7. Name these James Fenimore Cooper novels, FTP each:
A. Cooper is said to have invented the “sea novel” with this tale loosely modeled on the adventures of John Paul Jones and including the memorable character of Long Tom Coffin.
Answer: The Pilot
B. Cooper wrote this novel to repeat the success of The Pilot. It tells the tale of Harry Wilder and his relationship with the title character, the mysterious captain of the Dolphin.
Answer: The Red Rover
C. This Leatherstocking Tale contains Cooper’s most sinister villain in the figure of Magua, who wishes to avenge his family’s death at the hands of the Englishman Colonel Munro.
Answer: The Last of the Mohicans
8. Name these things about Japanese warrior customs in the 17th-century, FTP each:
A. Literally meaning “way of the warrior,” this samurai code of ethics had already been in place for more than three centuries by the time 1600 rolled around.
Answer: bushido
B. The philosophy, bushido, and the accompanying aphorisms and maxims were collected and codified in the first the first decade of the 17th-century under this title, meaning “hidden leaves.”
Answer: Hagakure
C. The Hagakure first appeared after this 1600 battle in which Ieyasu’s forces defeated those of Ishida Mitsunari, allowing for the establishment of the Tokugawa shogunate.
Answer: Sekigahara
9. Name these players who made their names as New York Knicks, FTP each:
A. He backed up John Stockton at point for Utah this past season, after breaking in as rookie of the year for the Knicks in the 1987-88 season.