What is Nourish?
OzHarvest’s Nourish program is a pathway to employment, aimed at vulnerableyouth between the ages of 16 - 25 years.OzHarvest delivers the Nourish program with the support of volunteers, mentors and qualified industry professionals.
How does Nourish work?
The course is designed as a stepping stone for participants into the hospitality industry. After completing an 18 week course the participants will graduate with a Certificate II in Kitchen Operationsor Hospitality which is a nationally recognized qualification.
OzHarvest has an ever growing list of food donors and industry contacts who are willing to provide work experience for Nourish participants who successfully complete the course.
How to get involved!
By completing the following form the participant isregistering their interest in the Nourish program. There are limited place available, so applicants will be subject to a review process, and will be contacted directly advising them of this.
If you have any questions or would like further information, please do not hesitate to contact us:
Ruth Byham- Nourish Program Coordinator
Phone: 0423139816 OR 08 700 700 80Email:
The team at OzHarvest looks forward to meeting you soon.
“Our young people have benefited dramatically from participating in the Nourish program and have progressed onto further education and career pathways through the success of the program’
DeliseKerehona – Manager – Ted Noffs Foundation, The Street University Liverpool
“This program may seem small in the scheme of a community but the results prove otherwise, the fact that a young person can have the chance to follow their dreams and finish with employable skills, despite having barriers is outstanding.”
Leah Campbell, Bakuma
“What I love about Nourish is that it takes disadvantaged youth and provides them with an opportunity to do something great and get some valuable skills. I can’t wait to start mentoring these young people.”
Matt Moran – OzHarvest Ambassador
OzHarvest is a for-impact organisation providing food rescue services and educational programmes with the wider purpose of Nourishing Our Country! This email and any attachments are confidential and may be subject to legal or other professional privilege. It is also subject to copyright. If you have received it in error, confidentiality and privilege are not waived and you must not disclose or use the information in it. Please notify the sender by return email and delete it from your system. Any personal information in this email must be handled in accordance with the Privacy Act 1988 (Cth). The views, opinions, conclusions and other information expressed in this electronic mail are those of the individual sender, and are not necessarily the views of OzHarvest.
PERSONAL DETAILSFirst Name: / Surname:
Date of Birth: / Gender:
Country of Birth: / Language/s Spoken:
Do you identify as Aboriginal or Torres Strait islander?
Mobile: / Home Phone:
Participant Details
Yes / No
Are you aged over 16, OzHarvest participants should be between 16 to 25
Are you an Australian or New Zealand citizen?
If not, what is your visa sub-class?
Are you currently living in South Australia?
Are you currently working in South Australia?
Are you currently attending secondary school?
Are you registered as a Flexible Learning Options student?
Are you an unemployed job seeker registered with an Employment Service Provider?
Do you consider yourself to have a disability, impairment or condition that you require learning assistance with? Please list.
What is your highest level of education and/or most recent course completed?
Are you interested in working in the Hospitality Industry?
To enable us to provide the appropriate support services, please advise if you have a criminal history?
To enable us to provide the appropriate support services, please advise if you have any addiction issues?
Are you currently receiving any financial/government benefits?
Youth Allowance Abstudy Austudy Newstart DSP Other
Are you linked to a Job Services Australia provider or another service that can assist you with accommodation and job seeking services? Please list.
Do you have a referral agency and/or case manager?
Please list contact details for both.
How did you hear about the Nourish program?
Please list.
Do you have any health problems that we should be aware of?
Have you started or completed a Certificate II in hospitality/ kitchen operations previously?
This signature acknowledges there is an 18 week commitment needed to participate in the Nourish program.
Name:Date / /
This form is to be discussed and counter-signed by an OzHarvest staff member.
Name:Date / /