MVJI.201331.041 RE
The optical scope “P6x42” (hereafter the scope) provides target acquisition and is to be installed on the hunting weapons with cartridges of various caliber.
The scope is installed on the arms with the help of special support depending on the type of arms. The scope design is shown in picture A.1 (appendix A).
As the scope has no parallax that is common within the mechanical scopes and has a zoom it ensures more precise aiming.
One can measure with the help of the scope the distance to the target and its size.
Operatingtemperaturerangeisfrom -40 to +50 ° C.
Technical data
Magnification, ratio / 6Angle of view, degree / 4
Exit pupil diameter, mm, not less then / 7
Eye relief distance, mm, not less then / 80
Fitting diameter, mm / 25,4
Weight, g, not more than / 370
Overall dimensions, mm, not more then
objective tube diameter / 49
eyepiece tube diameter / 45
length in action position / 320
Completeness of the set
Package includes:
Optical scopeP6х42 1 unit.
Operating manual MVJI.201331.041 RE 1 copy.
Packing 1 package.
The scope is an optical constant magnification telescope arm with a mechanism of setting angles of sight and side correction angles. The scope design is shown on the picture 1.
Optical arrangement of the scope consists of the objective 1, lens inversion system 7 and eyepiece 3.
Theobjectivegivesareverseandreducedimageofthetargetinthereticuleplane.Lens inversing systemtransfers the image on the focalplaneoftheeyepiece and reverses it.Shooter sees in the eyepiece the direct and magnified image of the target and reticule that while moving the eye’s position don’t shift relative each other.
The scope has focus control ±3 dpt. for the better adjustment of image definition.The adjustment is made by rotation clockwise or counterclockwise of the eyepiece from zero mark till the optimal image focus will be set.
There is a reticule in the focal plane of the objective.Thedesignand description of the reticule are stated in appendix B.
The reticule is placed into the mount (picture 1), which you can move vertically and horizontally to install the angles of sight and side corrections.
Themovement of the reticule 6 is produced by two handles 2, which are placed on the top and to the right if you are looking from the side of the eyepiece.
Installation of angles of sight and side corrections is produced on the scales, which are fixed on the handles 2.
There is equal gradation on the angle of sight and side corrections scales. The scale’s division value is 1/14 0,001 distance, that match with shift 7,4 mm on every 100 meters of the distance (one click corresponds to the shift of the ballistic point BP about the diameter of the bullet cal. 7,62)
The shooter installs angles of sight during the adjustment fire and using, corresponding to different distances to the target and depending on weapon ballistics. For this purpose we recommend to make a table of angles of sight (example of the table is in appendix С).
onemustn’tdirectthescopetothesun! ItisharmfulforTHE eyes! tHE SCOPE SHOULD’T BE KEPT IN THE SUN FOR A LONG TIME UNLESS NECESSARY.
While using the scope placed on theweapon one should observe the fixed eye relief distance (80 mm).
Installation of the scope on the arms
We recommend installing and zeroing the scope on the weapoon in the armorer shops.
When the scope goes on sale,thereticuleisinthemiddleofcorrectionsrange
The scope is placed on the arms with the help of the special support, which is delivered separately from the scope according to weapon type.
Shooting accuracy with the scope depends on sight zeroing quality of the scope, it means from the correct position of it’s optical axis in relative with the bore of the arms, and on the quality of scope set in the support and it’s stability during shooting.
Scope sight zeroing during adjustment fire
Before the adjustment fire the caps 4 (picture 1) should be removed.
If the aiming point is shifted in relation to the ballistic point, one can make vertical or side correction of the scope to reach the accuracy of adjustment.
The reticule center should always be in the middle of field of vision.
While zeroing one should find the ballistic point and depending on its shift correct the aiming cross rotating the handles 2.
The ballistic point is lower the aiming point
The vertical correction is needed, turn the handle counterclockwise.
The ballistic point is higher the aiming point
Turn the handle of vertical correction clockwise.
The ballistic point is to the left from the aiming point
Horizontal correction is needed; turn the handle of side corrections in the direction that is shown on the picture.
The ballistic point is to the right from the aiming point
Turn the handle of side corrections in the opposite direction.
While aiming the shooter should match the eye pupil with exit pupil of the scope. If the match is correct the shooter can see all the field of vision with crescent-shaped shadows on its periphery.
5.2.6 One can use colored glass or shade which come with the scope packageif it is necessary when shooting in conditions of bright illumination.
1 The eyepiece set by shooter’s eye during sooting should be firmly fixed by adjusting ring 10.
2 The rollrange of the handles in one direction on each scale is more than one full turn, it means false zero position can be installed and the scale reading would not match with the results of adjusting fire. To avoid it one shouldn’t rotate the handles unless necessary.
3 One schould remember that set of the handles on their extrene position can disturb the reticule relative theadjusted position.
5.3 Firing at the stationary targets
5.3.1 In this case one should install the angle of sight scale on the mark corresponding with distance from the target, and side corrections scale – “0” mark.
5.4 Firing at the moving targets
5.4.1During the firing at moving targets one should take into account the movement of the target and shift the aim point forward in its direction.
It is necessary to protect the scope against shocks and falling.
After the using the scope in wet weather it should be rubbed and dried at a temperature not higher then +50 ° С. Lenses should be rubbed with clean soft tissue, flannel is better.
One shouldn’t take apart and repair the scope by his/her own means.
The place where the scope is kept should be dry; the temperature should be not lower than +5° С without sharp fluctuations, and humidity not exceeding 80 %.
Acceptance certificate
TheopticalscopeP6х42 MVJI.201331.041 assembly №______was manufactured according to specification requirements TU3-MVJI.201331.001-93, was tested by QC department and was qualified for servicing.
The chief of QC department
year,month, date / ______
print full name
The address for submission a claim to the quality:
Vologda optical-and-mechanical plant, JSC, 54, Maltseva Str., 160009, Vologda, Russia
The manufacturer guarantees that the quality of the scope is in strict conformity with the technical data of TU3-MVJI.201331.001-93, when following the terms of servicing and maintenance.
Defect liability period – 24 months from the date of purchasing the scope.
The scope shall be stored in distributing facilities not more then 3 years from the date of dispatching by the manufacturing plant.
At the end of the keeping time the sale by the trading companies is allowed only with the permission of the manufacturer plant.
If any defect shall appear during the defect liability period the Buyer has the right to repair the scope free of charge. The warranty repair is to be made by the manufacturer. The manufacturer is to compensate the Buyer for all the expenses incurred by him in connection with the sending the scope to the warranty repair.
The Buyer should send the scope to the manufacturer in the pacing securing the full safety of the scope from the damaging during transportation. The operating manual, summary description of the damage and legible return address should be send together with the scope.
In the case of the absence of the purchasing date and the Seller’s stamp the guarantee liability period is calculated from the date of manufacturing by the plant
Technically justified repair after the guarantee liability period is to be made by manufacturer. All costsconnected with the repair are to be paid by the Buyer.
The counterfoil on the warranty repair of the optical scope P6х42Taken «____» ______20 ____ . Executor ______
signature, print full name / Cut here / Guarantee card
Optical scopeP6х42
assembly №______
Manufacturing date ______
Seller ______
Number of the shop and the address
Purchasing date______
Seller’s stamp ______
Customer, address______
Done works on fault handling: ______
______Executor ______
date signature
date signature
the name of the department
executed the repair
«____» ______20 ____
Stamp here ______
Reticule with dots
В оптическом прицеле P6x42 установлена сетка с точками.
Thedistance between the dots: a= 1 thousand of distance.
The reticule with dots allows to estimate approximate distance to the target and change angles of sight and side corrections.
To estimate the distance to the target one should:
measuretheobject’ssizeL (inmeters) whichwilldeterminethedistance;
measure the object’s image size A (in thousand of distance, t/d) with the help of reticule;
definethedistanceto the target inmetersby the formula:
L х1000
Forexample, theobject’shighis1 mandtheimageisplacedon 3 divisions, the calculation will be:
А=1 th/d х 3
L х1000 1х1000 1х1000
А 1х3[th/d] 3 [th/d]
The reticule scale placed between the side alignment lines allows to make side corrections (the shift on one division corresponds to the BP shift on 10 sm. on every 100 m. of the distance)
Reticule with an aiming stump and side alignment lines
The reticule consists of the aiming strokes: vertical stroke is called the aiming stump and two horizontal stokes called side alignment lines.
The aiming is produced by matching the stump tip with the desired target, the side alignment lines should be placed horizontally.
If the aim size is known and it´s contour is clear one can estimate the distance to the target using the gap between the side alignment lines that is 7th/d. At the distance of 100 m the gap between the side alignment lines corresponds to 70 sm. in the country.Consequently, if the target’s size is 70 sm. and its image is placed between alignment lines, so it means that the distance to the target is 100 m. With another target’s size the distance (m.) is defined by the formula
D=NxL/0,7 ,(B.2)
whereN – the number indicated how much times the target’s image is placed in the gap between side alignments;
L, sm. – actual size of the target.
The reticule is a cross with thickened at the end lines.
While aiming the center of the reticule cross of flashing dot should be match with the desired target.
The distance to the target is measured by the method given in the description of the reticule with an aiming stump, but instead the gap between side alignment lines one should use the gap between thickened lines.
Parabolic scale reticule allows to estimate approximate distance to the target and quickly change angles of sight and side adjustment.
Toestimatethedistancetothetargetoneshouldplacethetarget’simagebetweeninclineddashedlineandhorizontalscaleline 1 untiltheimagetouchesthis reticule lines.The scale has a distance calibration in hundreds of meter for a 1,5 meter high target.Tomeasurethedistancetothetargetwithanotherhighthevalueshouldbemultiplied by index which is equal to relation of the target high to 1,5 m.
Forexamplethetargethighis 1/3 of1,5 m. anditsimageisplacedbetweeninclineddash 6 (600m.) and horizontal scale line (size A), then the distance to the target is 600х1/3=200 m.
The length of the horizontal scale line 1 to the side adjustment (line 3) for the 1,5 m. high target is 75 meters for the scope P6x42.
The scale 2 which is placed between side adjustments 3 has division value 1 th/d. It allows to make side corrections (the target shift on 1 division corresponds to the shift of the ballistic point on 10 sm. per100 m of the distance) and estimate the distance to the target (in kilometers) when one knows the size of the target (the target size in meters should be devide by the number image scale divisions).Thedivision value of the side adjustment lines is 10 thousand of distance that corresponds to 1m shift of the target on every 100 m of the distance.
There are 3 additional pikes above the aiming stump 4 under the central pike. They allow to adjust angles of sight while shooting at remote targetson 3,4 th/d, 7,2 th/d, 11,4 th/d. The match of the distances of the target with the angle of sight is determined by adjustment fire depending on the weapon type and the ammunition.
Appendix C
The table of angles of sight
Distance / Angle of sightRECORDOFCORRECTIONS
Corrections / Page number / Total amount of pages in the document / Document № / № incomingaccompanyingdocument, date / Signature / Date
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