Career Center Website
The Career Specialist does NOT endorse any organization/event. The following list is provided as an informational service only. It is strongly recommended that every participant, as well as parent or guardian, research the organization thoroughly, before participating, to be certain it is an appropriate fit.
College Visits: Be sure to check Naviance often for current college visit listing.When you sign up, please note the location of the visit. Visits take place in Room 343, unless noted otherwise. Please sign up for the college visits you’re interested in AHEAD OF TIME!!!As a courtesy, please cancel your registration if you are unable to attend for any reason. Thank you! Contact Ms. McDonald () if you need assistance.
College Visits / Date / TimeAPIASF/Gates Millennium Scholars Program / Thu March 17, 2016 / 9:30 AM
Colorado Mesa University / Thu March 17, 2016 / 11:30 AM
University College Dublin / Thu March 31, 2016 / 8:00 AM
Professional Development Day-No school / Fri May 27, 2016 / -
Program:Careers in Clean Water Event –Hosted by King County
What:Join the King County Wastewater Treatment Division for a job-shadowing event to explore careers in clean water. Staff members will be leading short, hands-on sessions to demonstrate the details of their job and share the steps needed to get hired. Examples of careers represented: Engineer (civil, mechanical, environmental,and chemical), Wastewater Operator, GIS analyst, Human Resources, Industrial mechanic, Electrician, Project management, Community relations
When:March 19 (10-1), April 9 (10-1), May 18 (3-6)
Where:Georgetown S Seattle Community College, Brightwater Treatment Plant in Woodinville, and at South Treatment Plant in Renton
Info:Email Casey Plank at
Program:Eastside Pathways Position-Content & Social Media Intern
What:The intern will play an active role in the development of Eastside Pathways’ online community. The student will be present at various social media platforms and help research, create and publish content that is relevant to the target audience, analyze and report on the activity on social media networks as well as the Eastside Pathways website.
When:April 25th, 2016
Note:This is an unpaid internship-5 to 6 hours/week
Apply:by submitting your cover letter and resume to Nahyeli Mendivil at
Deadline:April 4th, 2016
Program:Summer Business Institute at Seattle University
What:The program highlights: Business Seminars taught by Albers School Professors, Interactions with top corporate leaders, and Introduction to Campus Life.
Who:College Bound juniors from African-American, Latino/Hispanic, & Native American heritages-Minimum GPA 2.75
When:June 26-30, 2016
Cost:$50 (Due by April 30th if accepted)
Program:Well-l Kept Trainee Ecology Summer Internship
What:The program is designed to provide Bellevue youth with education, job skills, and career development training in the field of park resource management.
Where:Bellevue Parks
When:July-Aug, 2016; 9-3:30
Open to:14-18 years old
Note:Must be a resident of the City of Bellevue to apply. For more information, email Curtis Kukal at
Program:YouthForce-Teen Employment Conference
What:Free opportunity for teens- tons of workshops, free food (breakfast and lunch), prizes, and a chance to network at the Resource Fair with 30-40 companies who hire teens
Where:South Lake High School
When:Saturday, April 23, 2016, 9-3pm
Deadline:April 15th, 2016
Program:Bellevue College Nursing Fair & Advising Day
What:Network with local Universities on transfer options, one on one advising open to Pre-Nursing and Nursing majors, learn about healthcare opportunities to boost your resume, improve your chances of Nursing school acceptance, and Nursing student and Alumni Panel.
When:April 11, 2016; 11-3pm at Bellevue College cafeteria
Questions:Contact Chie McGaughey at/
Program:Summer ASM Materials Camp at UW Seattle Campus
What:Weeklong, summer camp utilizing hands-on learning principles of math, physics, & chemistry.
Who:Students entering Junior or Senior year of high school in Fall 2016.
What: Weeklong, summer camp utilizing hands-on learning principles of math, physics, & chemistry.
When:August 8-13 2016
Where:Mueller Hall UW Seattle Campus
Deadline:April 29, 2016
Cost:Students receive FREE tuition & knowledge
Apply:Applications available on-line at:
Note:This is a competitive application process. Students must have a basic knowledge of algebra, chemistry, & physics. See the flyer ASM Materials Camp at UW
Program:18th Annual Maritime Career Day
What:Come meet with representatives from more than 40 businesses, maritime organizations and training schools! Enjoy cool demonstrations! Check out industry displays!
When:Monday, May 9, 2016; 9-1pm
Where:Georgetown Campus of South Seattle Community College, 6737 Corson Avenue South
Register:See Mrs. McDonald in the career center, room 343.
Info:Contact Ken Saunderson, at 206.282.6858 or at .
Program:UW Engineering Discovery Days
What:Students and teachers participate in hands-on activities that demonstrate what engineers do and how they work. Families learn about admissions, scholarships and financial aid, UW housing and food options, and the honors program.
Where: University of Washington Campus; Seattle
When:Saturday, April 23, 2016 | 9 am - 2 pm*
Open to: All high school students in January
Program:2016 UW Summer Youth Programs
What:UW offers high school students one, two, and three-week half-day classes (non-credit) at one of three UW campuses – Seattle, Puget Sound Plaza (downtown) and Bellevue. For details please visit our website.
Where: University of Washington; various campuses
When:June 27, 2016 - August 5, 2016
Open to: High School Students
Register: or call (206) 685-6525
Deadline:Spaces filled on a first-come, first-serve basis.
Note:Questions? Call 206-685-6525 or send an email to
Cost:The cost of UW Summer Youth Program camps and classes vary and some may require an additional materials fee.
Program:Women Fly! 2016
What:WomenFly! Provides opportunities for young women (13-19) to explore a variety of aviation and aerospace professions first hand from women in all aspects of these careers.
Where: Museum of Flight
When:Thursday, March 25, 8:30-12:45
Open:To young women 9-12th grade
Register:; 206.764.5876
Note:The cost is $15 (payable on the day of the event). This event features interactive workshops, a mentoring lunch and a keynote presentation.
Program:2016 Summer Program: Bioinformatics- Coding for Medicine
What:This summer program is for students thinking of future careers in biology, computer science and medicine.
Who:9-12th HS students
When:July 5-18 or July 20-Aug 2, 2016; 10am-2pm
Where:Bellevue College
Program:Paid Scientific Summer Internship for juniors
What:The Baliga Lab at the Institute for Systems Biology is hiring 2 juniors to work fulltime for 8 weeks. Students gain experience in microbiology techniques, web page development, and curriculum design.
When:June 27-Aug 26, 2016
Register: At
Deadline:March 29, 2016
Note:$12/hour; 20-40 hours/ week. For more information call Claudia Ludwig at 206.732.1453 or email .
Program:WaNIC Summer Skills Academy
What:Students earn a .5 Oc. Ed. Credit by taking classes as: Computer Science & Engineering, Culinary Creations, DigiPen Art & Animation, DigiPen Cyber Security, DigiPen Robotics; DigiPen Sound Design & Engineering, DigiPen Video Game Development, DigiPen Video Game Programming, Dynamic DNA; Health, Health Careers Exploration, Introduction to Medical Careers, and Radio/TV Broadcasting
Where:WaNIC Skills Center: 11605 132 Ave NE, Kirkland
Who:9-12th grade students
Cost:Pay $50 lab fee, by 6/17
Questions:Call 425.739.8400
Program:Environmental Science and Technology Practicum
What:High school students have the chance to gain scientific skills that reach beyond the laboratory and to take science out of the classroom.
When:Saturdays, March 5 - 26, from 8 a.m. – 3 p.m.
Who:9-12 grade students
Cost:$395, or $365 for Pacific Science Center Members
Register:To apply, complete the scholarship portion of the registration form online at To learn more, call (206) 443-2925 or email .
Program:U.S. Coast Guard Academy’s summer program-Academy Introduction Mission (AIM)
What:Students will immerse themselves in Coast Guard tradition and Academy life with Cadet leaders: in the engineering lab, on the playing fields, on the parade grounds and on the water
Who:Current HS juniors
When:Attend one of the 3-6 day intense sessions
Where:New London, CT
Deadline:April 1, 2016
Questions:www. Call Susan Bibeau at 860.701.6782 or email her at
Cost:$475-scholarship is available
Program:YMCA Environmental Symposium
What:The Symposium gathers passionate, motivated student leaders together at the University of Washington to learn about the environmental issues facing our world and how to create a sustainable future for our schools, communities and beyond!
WHO:Youth 13-18 years old
WHEN:March 25th from 9:00 – 2:00
WHERE:University of Washington, Mary Gates Hall
REGISTER: or register bycalling 206.587.6116 oremailing us .
Deadline:March 18th. Space is limited so we encourage you to register quickly!
Program:Bioengineering Summer Camp at UW
What:The2016 Bioengineering Summer Campis a unique, 5-day experience for students entering the 9thor 10thgrade in the next academic year. Together with bioengineering faculty, staff, and students, campers will participate in a hands-on environment that will explore how bioengineers are inventing the future of medicine.
Who:Rising 9th and 10th graders
When:July 18-22, 2016
Where:UW Seattle Campus
Deadline:May 13, 2016 at 5:00 p.m.
Cost:$500. A limited number of need-based scholarships are available.Pending funding, a limited number of partial and full merit scholarships will be offered to a select number of applicants when admissions is offered.
Info:Questions can be sent to the camp director, Kalei Combs, at
Register at:
Program:Biotech Summer Camp at Shoreline CC
What:The camp provides 24 HS students with hands-on science activities, face time with scientists, exposure to potential careers, and a glimpse of community college life that can have a lasting, positive impact.
When:June & July, 2016; 9-4pm, Monday-Friday
Who:HS students
Where:Shoreline CC
Cost:$450. A limited number of financial need-based scholarships are available
Register:at http:/
Info:Contact DR. Dina Kovarik at or
Program:USC/Chevron Frontiers of Energy Resources Summer Camp
What:This camp offers a preparatory, interactive training program focusing on various energy resources including fossil fuels, solar, biofuels, nuclear energy, and information technologies for energy efficient operations.
Who:Rising juniors and rising seniors
Deadline:Friday, April 8, 2016
When:July 10-15, 2016 (Sunday-Friday)
Where:University of Southern California, Los Angeles, CA
Cost:Selected students are responsible for their own transportation to USC. While on campus, room and board will be covered by Chevron
Program:WaNIC Course Registration for 2016-2017 school year
What:WaNIC courses are one year, 2 semester courses offered for juniors and seniors. They allow a student to more fully explore a potential career field in depth.
Where:Radio/TV Broadcasting, Media Production, & Automotive Technology. (Bellevue H.S.): Horticulture, Welding, (Interlake HS) Cisco Networking, Culinary Arts, Media Production, Teaching Academy (Newport H.S.), Health Science, Teaching Academy & Graphic Design & Production Studio (Sammamish HS)
When:Begins February 1st
Open to: Current Sophomores and Juniors (Current freshmen by approval of instructor.)
Register:Applications available on February 1st, in the career center (343). For more information, email Mrs. McDonald at
Deadline:Courses are filled on a first-come, first-serve basis.
Note:For courses outside the Bellevue School District register on-line at:
Program:Department of Ecology (EYC)
What:EYC is looking for hard working teens who want to help clean the environment and earn money in the summer.
Where:King County
When:Session 1 June 28-July 22, Session 2 July 25-Aug 17, 2016
Open to:14-17 years old
Note:Register by April 13, 2016. For more information contact Sarah Elledge at 425.649.7029 or or Steven at 425.649.7048 or
Salary:$11/Hour-37.5 hours/week
Program:Paid Summer High School Internship Program at Fred Hutch
What:High school students are welcome to apply for an 8 week, paid summer research internship at Fred Hutch. The Hutch has an international reputation for its pioneering research in biological sciences, bone marrow and stem cell transplantation, cancer prevention, epidemiology, and biostatistics.
When:July 5 - August 26, 2016
Deadline:Monday, March 31, 2016
Register at:
Program:Maritime Career Day
What:Take a glimpse into the working world of trade, transportation, fisheries, government, and career training.
Where: Georgetown Campus of South Seattle Community College, 6737 Corson Avenue South
When:Monday, May 9, 2016, from 9-1pm
Open to: All high school students
Register:To reserve a space, phone (206) 282-6858 or email
Deadline:April 1st
Note:See Mrs. McDonald for more info.
Program:Tech Prep classes
What:Students enrolled in Tech Prep classes and earned a “B” or higher grade, are encouraged to sign up online for college credits.
Cost:There is a $46 annual fee, regardless of how many college credits a student earns in one year. The tuition is waived for students on Free and Reduced Lunch. See Mrs. McDonald for more info.
Program:Girls Rock Mathematics Internship-Community Service Opportunity
What:As intern-counselors, HS students play a very important role in helping young girls stay engaged in arts and excited about math. Intern-Counselors receive a letter of recommendation, a certificate of appreciation and 40 community service hours or HS credit.
Deadline:April 30, 2016
Note:Junior Counselor Training Date: Saturday, May 21,2016 (9:30am - 4:30 pm).Training is mandatory, so plan to attend!
Program: UW Math Academy
What:High-achieving high school juniors from Washington State live on the Seattle UW campus for a four-week, intensive, summer session. Students engage in coursework created by UW math faculty and designed to develop the skills necessary to meet the high standards of college-level math and engineering. Students also have enrichment opportunities to explore the range of career opportunities available to engineers through lab tours, research projects, site visits and networking events.
When:July 3rd to July 29th 2016
Note:Application open to all students from Washington State, the Math Academy especially targets underrepresented minorities in engineering including African American, Latino, Native American, Pacific Islander and female students.
Program:USC Summer Programs
What:HS students balance academic and college life as they prepare for college at one of the world’s leading private research universities. USC Summer Programs offers 4 & 2 week courses in a variety of subjects (Architecture, Business, Engineering, Journalism, Pre-Health, Pre-Law, etc). Students receive 3 units of transferrable USC elective credit upon successful completion of the 4- week program.
Who:HS students
Questions:Contact them at 213.740.5679 or
Program:2016 Seattle Aquarium Internship
What:This internship program is designed for those with a strong desire to move into the zoo/aquarium field as a career path.
Who:18 years old students who can commit to the full internship period (400-500 hours)
When:Begins in June 2016
Applications accepted until 3/10/16, by 5pm
Interviews: April 12–15, 2016
Decision: April 26, 2016
Contact:Katrina Bettis at or call 206.386.4342
Program:The Electronic Security Assoc. of WA Apprenticeship Program
What:This program qualifies persons to install, maintain, repair and inspect equipment.
Who:Students who are at least 18 years old and have a HS diploma
Info:Contact the WAESA office for more information, 360-739-7772 .
Program:University of Washington Nurse Camp
Summary:This Free week-long day camp is geared toward increasing access & opportunities in Nursing to minority & low-income high school sophomores & juniors who are at least 16 years of age by the first day of camp. All students are encouraged to apply regardless of their situation.
Shadow nurses at UWMC in various hospital units
- Get your CPR certification!
- Learn how to prepare for college and how to prepare to get into nursing school
- Have a chance to learn in the School of Nursing Learning Lab!
- Connect with nurses, students and faculty at UW, your future mentors
- Meet new friends!
- Get cool free stuff!
Note:Students will be selected based on how well they match themselves and their interests to the field of nursing. Space is limited to the 24 most qualified applicants who also meet our eligibility requirements.
Applications available beginning February 15, 2016
Deadline:April 15, 2016. Students notified in the first or second week of May.
Program:Imagine Tomorrow, WSU’s Problem-Solving Competition.
What:Competition rewarding students for innovative ideas and research to address the world’s energy concerns.
Where: Washington State University, Pullman
When:Competition takes place in May 20th, 2016.
Open to: All High School Students in Washington State.
Deadline:The deadline is April 1, 2016
Note:Student team members, their advisors and chaperones will stay in Washington State University residence halls at no charge. WSU will provide; Friday dinner, three meals on Saturday, and Sunday breakfast—at no cost—for all registered participants.
Program:Washington Business Week Summer Camps
What:Project based learning and competition based on real world problems. Offerings include: Business Week, Advanced Business Week, Healthcare Week, Agri-Energy Week, International Week, and Manufacturing Week.
Where:Various universities across the state of Washington. Students live on campus for the week-long camp.
When:Summer, 2016 (check the website for different dates)
Open to: High School Students (Grades 9-12) living in Washington, Oregon, Idaho or Alaska, including seniors who are graduating.
Register: Or call 253.815.6900
Deadline:Early Bird Deadline is May 1, 2016. Spaces filled on a first-come, first-serve basis.
Cost:$880. WBW offers Need and Merit-based Tuition Assistance.