Address Here, Building/Etc.
PO Box 26170
Greensboro, NC 27402-6170
August 25, 2017
Wonderful Candidate, Ph.D.
2014 Fantasy Lane
Greensboro, NC 27412
Dear Dr. Candidate:
I am writing to request that you allow Dean Celia R. Hooper and me to nominate you to Provost Dana Dunn for an appointment in the department name. Your record and the quality of your interview stand out and indicate to us that you would strengthen the Department/Program and the University.
Salary/Rank/Appointment/Special Assignment/Summer Pay: We would like to nominate you for appointment at the rank of Assistant Professor on a tenure-track line, effective August 1, 2018 at $XX,XXX a year. Your initial appointment is for four years, with a reappointment review occurring in the third year. Following reappointment and under normal circumstances, the mandatory year for your promotion and tenure review would be 20xx-20xx (6th academic year subsequent to hiring date). This is a 9/10/12 month appointment that would be paid in 12 monthly installments. Information about personnel matters appears on the UNCG website at in the Faculty Handbook section. Summer salary from teaching and research is limited to no more than one third of your nine-month base salary. We also agree to a one-time special assignment of $xxxx, paid the month prior to your start, to provide compensation for your time and effort prior to your official start.
Teaching load/Research Leave/Advising Duties/Dissertation Committee/Etc: During your first year, you will have a reduced teaching load (State what teaching load will be). After that, the position carries a regular teaching load of 5 courses per academic year. We try to provide a fair distribution of courses at various levels for each faculty member, catering both to the needs of the Program/Department and to the interests of the instructor.
Start-up Funding: As we discussed, the University will provide start-up funds for you to equip your laboratory and/or launch your research program. A total of $xxxx will be made available to you as funding is available (may be over multiple years) and may include funding for facility renovations, lab equipment, scholarly activity, computing equipment, and the like. You are expected to apply for grants and include such items in the grant proposals that you write: and it is our policy that when external funds become available, the University will be relieved of the relevant contributions. Details of our agreement include the following items and/or services:
Department addition: List as much detail on start-up agreements that you want to add. Add in any other agreements – agreement to provide a GA, agreement for furniture, agreement for space, etc. Any other special considerations or agreements? Special Assignment? Computer? Ipad? Etc.
As resources permit, you may be eligible to apply for HHS travel funds, UNCG International travel funds, and Office of Research and Economic Development travel funds to supplement funds made available to you by the Program Director/Department Chair for travel to meetings or conferences at which you present a paper, participate in a panel discussion, or preside over a session you have organized.
This letter itself does not constitute an official offer, but notifies you that, with your permission, we are submitting your name for professional and affirmative action review by appropriate administrative offices within the University. Upon successful review, the Provost will provide an official offer of appointment.
We realize that this is a very important decision for you, and we are ready to do whatever we can to help you make it. Please let me know as soon as possible, but not later than January 21, 2018. We are very enthusiastic about the possibility of having you join us. Your teaching and research interests are exciting and complement those of our faculty. If you are willing to let us proceed with your appointment on these terms, please indicate so by signing below and returning this letter.
On behalf of my colleagues in the department name, we are eager for you to join us here at UNCG and look forward to your response. If you have any questions, do not hesitate to call or send me an email!
With best regards,
Best Chair/Director, Program/Dept. Dean, School of Health and Human Sciences
Date Date
Number One Candidate