"[Click here and type facility address]" "[Click here and type facility city, state, zip]" Phone: "[Click here and type facility phone]"
Press Release
Contact: "[Insert facility contact name for media]" FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE
Phone: "[Click here and type facility phone]" November 7, 2018
State-of-the-Art Prosthetic Technology Arrives Today!
Today’s advanced medical technology allows Americansto survive injuries and disease that would have been untreatable in the past. [Click here and type name] is at the forefront of applying new technology to help amputees to not only survive but to thrive in their lives with their new prosthesis. Their recent investment in the OMEGA® Tracer® System, one of the leading CAD/CAM solutions in the world, further highlights [Click here and type name]’s commitment to bringing the latest technology in their field to the patients that they serve.
By using the OMEGA Tracer System, the clinicians at [Click here and type name]will greatly enhance their ability to serve their amputee patients. The OMEGA Tracer software and OMEGA Scanner enable prosthetists to capture an amputee’s limb shape with an amazing level of accuracy,modify the shape to create a successfully fitting socket, and then fabricate the socket more quickly for the patient. Practitioners can also create custom-designed socket interfaces using this digital technology to greatly reduce the wear and tear that amputees commonly experience on their residual limbs.
Besides receiving the OMEGA Tracer System, the clinicians at [Click here and type name]spent three days in hands-on training conducted by the manufacturer’s training staff in the use of this innovative and powerful CAD/CAM solution. Combining these clinicians’ education and experience with this new technology will allow amputees to receive outstanding care in a clean, highly-efficient, and accurate manner.
[Click here and type name] is located at [Click here and type recipient’s address]where they provide a full range of services for amputees. Please call [Click here and type phone number] to learn more about how their trained practitioners help amputees every day.
The OMEGA Tracer System is developed and supported by The Ohio Willow Wood Company, Inc., a leader in the design and manufacture of prosthetic products, located in Mt. Sterling, Ohio. Serving the orthotic and prosthetic industry for over 100 years, WillowWood’s product line includes the well-known Alpha® family of liners, the Fusion™ II foot and the OMEGA Tracer CAD system. For more information about WillowWood and its products, please call 1-800-848-4930 or visit the company’s website at