NWCG Publications
Example Title Pages
The following excerpts from NWCG publications demonstrate title pages that express the intent and objectives of the respective publications. Title pages should not be lengthy but should capture the standards that the publication establishes for NWCG-member agencies. Bullets may be utilized to capture specific points or content elements. For many publications, the standards are already identified within the text as an Introduction, Preface, or similar heading and can be relocated to the title page with minimal edits.
Resource Advisor Guide, PMS 313
The Resource Advisor Guide establishes NWCG standards for Resource Advisors to enable interagency consistency among Resource Advisors, who provide professional knowledge and expertise toward the protection of natural, cultural, and other resources on wildland fires and all-hazard incidents. The guide provides detailed information on decision-making, authorities, safety, preparedness, and rehabilitation concerns for Resource Advisors as well as considerations for interacting with all levels of incident management. Additionally, the guide standardizes the forms, plans, and systems used by Resource Advisors for all land management agencies.
Interagency Prescribed Fire Planning and Implementation Procedures Guide, PMS 484
The Interagency Prescribed Fire Planning and Implementation Procedures Guideestablishes national interagency standards for the planning and implementation of prescribed fire. These standards:
- Describe what is minimally acceptable for prescribed fire planning and implementation.
- Provide consistent interagency guidance, common terms and definitions, and standardized procedures.
- Make clear that firefighter and public safety is the first priority.
- Ensure that risk management is incorporated into all prescribed fire planning and implementation.
- Support safe, carefully planned, and cost-efficient prescribed fire operations.
- Support use of prescribed fire to reduce wildfire risk to communities, municipal watersheds and other values, and to benefit, protect, maintain, sustain, and enhance natural and cultural resources.
- Support use of prescribed fire to restore natural ecological processes and functions, and to achieve land-management objectives.
The Prescribed Fire Plan, PMS 484-1, is supplemental to the Interagency Prescribed Fire Planning and Implementation Procedures Guide, PMS 484. The plan is the site-specific legal implementation document that provides the agency administrator the information needed to approve the prescribed fire plan, and the prescribed fire burn boss the information needed to implement the prescribed fire plan. The Prescribed Fire Plan, PMS 484-1, is located at:
Interagency Fire Unmanned Aircraft Systems Operations Guide, PMS 515
The Interagency Fire Unmanned Aircraft Systems Operations Guide standardizes the processes and procedures for interagency use of unmanned aircraft systems (UAS), including pilot inspections and approvals. In support of fire management goals and objectives, the aviation community references these standards to utilize UAS in a safe, effective, and efficient manner. This guide further serves as a risk assessment for fire UAS operations and meets federal requirements for aviation safety and operational planning pertaining to recurring aviation missions. Agency level policy and guidance is provided through established federal or state plans and processes.
User Guide for Development and Maintenance of NWCG Data Standards, PMS 938
The User Guide for Development and Maintenance of NWCG Data Standards details the standardized processes and guidance for National Wildfire Coordinating Group (NWCG) committees assigned to develop or revise a data standards, and the technical requirements for complete data standards and geospatial data layer standards. The NWCG website will be utilized by committees for requesting new or revised data standards; searching and viewing requested proposed, and approved data; and searching and viewing data standards that are assigned to a committee for development and maintenance.
This guide is intended to help users and committees assigned to develop data standards approved by NWCG. Within this guide, users can find instruction on the definition, support, development, and management of wildland fire data element standards and geospatial data layer standards, collectively referred to as data standards. This guide will be continually updated as the process matures.