Line Manager’s Toolkit
Retirement and Long Service Award PolicyToolkit
Section / Page1 / Introduction / 3
1 /
Acknowledgement of Retirement Request
2 /Retire and Return to Work Application Form
3 /Retire and Return to Work Process
4 /Process for Appealing Outcome of Retire and Return to Work Request
5 /Retire and Return to Work Appeal Procedure
6 /Retirement Recognition Template Letter
7 /Request for Retirement Recognition Letter
8 /Application for Retirement Function Funding
9 /Long Service Award Nomination Form
Version No / Type of Change / Date / Description of change1 / Toolkit Created / November 2015 / Creation
1.1 / Correction / May 2016 / Correction of a typographical error on the application form
1.2 / Correction / July 2016 / Correction of grammatical error on Appendix 8 and HR Advisor name change. Updated letterheads to reflect new Foundation Trust logo.
The toolkit includes a number of forms and documents to support you as a line manager.It is recommended that before you read this document you familiarise yourself with the Retirement and Long Service Award Policy which is available on the HR policies section of the WCT staff zone.
The forms and documents are as follows:
Form/Document / DescriptionAcknowledgement of Retirement Request / Template letter for line managers to acknowledge any retirement requests received (not to be used for individuals requesting retire and return to a contracted post)
Retire and Return to Work Application Form / Application form be completed by any employee requesting to retire and return to work in line with the trust’s Retirement Policy
Retire and Return to Work Process / A flow chart to support managers respond to retire and return to work requests
Process for Appealing Outcome of Retire and Return to Work Request / A flow chart confirming the process to follow when appealing the outcome of a retire and return to work request that has been declined
Retire and Return to Work Appeal Procedure
/ Procedure to follow during a retire and return to work appeal hearingRetirement Recognition Template Letter / Template letter to be sent by Divisional Manager/Head of Service to acknowledge any retirement requests within their service
Request for Retirement Recognition Letter (over 25 years’ service) / Application form to be completed by line managers for staff retiring with in excess of 25 years NHS service to request that a recognition letter is sent from the Chairman
Application for Retirement Function Funding / Application form to be completed by eligible employee to request funding to contribute towards a retirement function
Long Service Award Nomination Form / Application form to be completed by eligible employee (or manager/colleague nominating the employee) to be nominated for a long service award
Appendix 1
Strictly Private & Confidential
Dear Name
Re:Acknowledgement of Retirement Request
Thank you for your letter of (day-date-year) requesting to retire from your role as (job title) giving xx weeks’ notice in line with your contract of employment.
It is with regret that I accept your resignation but I hope that you have found your time with the trust both challenging and enjoyable. I acknowledge that your last working date with the trust will be (insert date) and your P45 will follow in due course. In addition to this, your outstanding annual leave entitlement for (20xx/20xx) is xx hours which will be included in your final salary / we have agreed that you will aim to take your outstanding annual leave before your retirement.
I would like to take this opportunity to invite you to meet with myself to discuss your upcoming retirement and any options that may be available such as flexible working, flexible retirement and volunteering (if applicable). Please contact me on (insert number) to confirm a suitable date for this meeting to take place.
To enable the trust to identify positive aspects of working with the trust and review any areas the organisation may need to improve on, I would be grateful if you could complete the enclosed exit interview questionnaire and return it either to myself or the address detailed on the form.
Delete following paragraph if employee has less than 10 years’ service in NHS, last 12 months with the trust – To recognise your hard work and commitment to Wirral Community NHS the trust, the trust can provide a contribution of up to £150 towards a retirement function. All attendees must be that of your work colleagues. In order to access this funding, please complete the enclosed application form.
Please can you ensure that you return all property belonging to Wirral Community NHS the trust including your I.D. badge, (insert other property) to me by no later than your last day of employment.
Please do not hesitate to contact me should you require any further information or assistance. I would also like to remind you of the Employee Assistance Programme (EAP), the trust’s free and confidential advice and support service which remains available to you up until your last day of employment with Wirral Community NHS the trust.
Finally, you are a valued colleague of (insert department) and I would like to thank you for your contribution to Wirral Community NHS the trust during the last XX years. I wish you a long and happy retirement andI am sure you will be missed by your colleagues as well as the friends you have made over the years.
Yours sincerely
(job title)
Encl.:Application for Retirement Function Funding
Exit Interview Questionnaire
cc:HR Dept.
Retirement and Long Service Award Toolkit – Version 1.2
Appendix 2
Retire and Return to Work Application Form
SECTION A- To be completed by employee & submitted to Line ManagerName
Job Title
Service / Department
Line Manager
Current contracted hours and work pattern
Contracted hours worked per week:
Please outline your current working arrangements in the table below:
Day / Hours Worked Per Day / Work Pattern / Day / Hours Worked Per Day / Work Pattern
EXAMPLE / x / 7.5 hours / 9am-5pm / Thursday
Monday / Friday
Tuesday / Saturday
Wednesday / Sunday
Please provide any further details to explain your working pattern e.g. term time only:
Retire and Return to Work Request
In the first month you can only work a maximum of 16 hours per week. How many hours per week do you wish to work after this period?
Please outline your proposed pattern of flexible working in the table below:
Day / Hours Worked Per Day / Work Pattern / Day / Hours Worked Per Day / Work Pattern
EXAMPLE / x / 7.5 hours / 9am-5pm / Thursday
Monday / Friday
Tuesday / Saturday
Wednesday / Sunday
Please provide any further details to explain your proposed working pattern e.g. term time only:
What date do you want to retire from?
On what date to you want to return to work?
You are required to have an employment break of a minimum 2 weeks
If applicable, when do you want to commence your proposed hours?
Please outline and detail the implications and effects on the service of your retire and return to work request being accepted:
I think this change in my working pattern will affect my employer and colleagues as follows:
Please outline how any implications of increased workload or decreased staffing availability to patients of the proposed working pattern/hours may be potentially overcome:
I think the effect on my employer and colleagues can be dealt with as follows:
I am aware of the implications this request will have on the terms and conditions of my employment and understand the obligations and responsibilities under the trust’s Retirement Policy. I understand that I should speak to the trust’s Pensions Department and/or an independent financial advisor for information and/or advice on the pension implications.
Signature / Date
SECTION B- To be completed by Line Manager & returned to HR
Date request received
Date acknowledgement & invite letter sent
Date meeting held
Decision (circle) / Fully Met / Partially Met / Declined
Reason for decision:
Date decision sent out
Appeal Received / Yes / No / Date:
Appeal Decision / Upheld / Overturned / Date:
Name / Job Title
Signature / Date
Appendix 3
Retire and Return to WorkProcess
Appendix 4
Process for Appealing Outcome of Retire and Return to Work Request
Appendix 5
Retire and Return to Work Appeal Hearing Procedure
An appeal panel will usually consist of 2 panel members. At the hearing of an employee’s appeal against a rejected retire and return to work request, the following procedure shall be used:
The Chairperson of the Panel shall:
- Introduce all present and their role;
- Explain the purpose of the retire and return to work request appeal hearing;
- Explain the format of the retire and return to work request appeal hearing.
1)Employee Case
(a)The employee or his/her representative shall state their case in the presence of management’s representative.
(b)Management’s representative shall have the opportunity to ask questions of the individual.
(c)The members of the panel shall have the opportunity to ask questions of the employee.
2)Management Presentation of Case
(a)Management’s representative shall state management’s case in the presence of the employee and his/her representative.
(b)The employee or his/her representative shall have the opportunity to ask questions of management’s representative.
(c)The members of the panel shall have the opportunity to ask questions of management’s representative.
3)Summing Up
(a)Management shall have the opportunity to sum up their case;
(b)The employee / worker or their Trade Union representative shall have the opportunity to sum up their case
NB: In summing-up neither party is able to introduce any new matter.
(a)At their discretion, the panel may request to adjourn the appeal hearing.
(b)Management’s representative, the employee and his/her representative, shall withdraw.
(c)The panel shall deliberate in private, only recalling both parties to clear points of uncertainty on evidence already given. If recall is necessary, both parties shall return.
5)Confirmation of Decision
(a)Within 7 calendar days of the panel hearing, the panel chairperson will notify the employee in writing of the outcome of the employees appeal and subsequent hearing.
Appendix 6
Strictly Private & Confidential
Dear (name of retiree)
On the occasion of your retirement I would like to take the opportunity to thank you sincerely for your invaluable contribution to the trust and to NHS services over the past (xx) years.
Your long and loyal service and the commitment that you have demonstrated has been …….(insert any other information)
Thank you so much for all that you have done. We sincerely appreciate all your hard work and efforts……….. (insert any other information)
You will be greatly missed by all who have had the privilege of working with you.
The success of our trust is dependent on the efforts of its employees. I want to emphasise that you have been an important and valued member of our team and will be an important part of our future success
Finally, please accept my heartfelt thanks for your service to the NHS and our trust, and my very best wishes for a well-earned rest and a long and happy retirement.
Yours sincerely
Job title
Appendix 7
(To be completed by Line Managers for staff retiring with in excess of 25 years NHS service)
I write to advise you that the employee named below has in excess of 25 years’ NHS service and is due to retire in the near future.Please would you write to this member of staff to acknowledge their service.
Full Name
Home Address
Job Title
Work Base
Continuous service with the NHS
Continuous service with Wirral Community NHS trust
Planned Date of Retirement
Details of Previous Posts
Personal Attributes
Any Particular Achievements
Any Other Relevant Information
Line Manager Name
Print name
Return to: Head of HR, St Catherine’s Health Centre, Derby Road, Birkenhead, Wirral, CH42 0LQ
Appendix 8
Full NameHome Address
Job Title
Work Base
Line Manager
Contact Telephone Number / Work:
Continuous service with the NHS
Continuous service with Wirral Community NHS trust
Planned Date of Retirement
Please make cheque payable to
I declare that I understand the retirement function funding, up to a maximum of £150, is only available to me for a function to be held with former work colleagues within the trust, therefore, I can confirm that my former work colleagues will be in attendance
Employee Name
Employee Signature
Line Manager Name
Line ManagerSignature
Return to: Laura Aspey, HR Advisor, St Catherine’s Health Centre, Derby Road, Birkenhead, Wirral, CH42 0LQ
Appendix 9
Full NameJob Title
Work Base (full address)
Line Manager
Contact Telephone Number / Work:
Continuous service with the NHS
Supporting Documents Attached (please give details) e.g. payslip, contract of employment, pensions agency letter or information, payslips/P60s covering the employment period, contract of employment with proof of end date (if applicable).
If eligible, do you wish to attend the ceremony
I accept that the award will be given in vouchers unless stated otherwise (vouchers ensure that taxation will not apply to gift), my preferred choice of vouchers is: (Please tick one)
High Street Vouchers
Marks and Spencer’s Vouchers
I declare that I have not received a long service award before in this authority under any of its previous names i.e. Wirral Health Authority, Wirral and West Cheshire Community NHS the trust etc. or any other NHS organisation and am eligible for this award.
Return to: Lynn Tofield, HR Advisor, St Catherine’s Health Centre, Derby Road, Birkenhead, Wirral, CH42 0LQ
Retirement and Long Service Award Toolkit – Version 1.2