Rosa Vocational Training Centre for the Mentally Retarded – 2nd Half Year Progress Report, Sebama Foundation. November 2004

- Minu Palani

SAC Program update -

Support A Center (SAC) Update:

Asha for Education - Colorado Chapter’s SAC program to Rosa Center is transitioning into its 3rd year. Over the years we have witnessed more awareness in the villages surrounding Sebama Foundation to send children with mental retardation to Rosa Center for acquiring self-supporting life skills. The current student population in the Rosa Center is 34, with girls to boys’ ratio of 12:22.

As per the site visit conducted by Mr. Raj Jeba and Mr. Chandravel (Asha volunteers of Chennai Chapter) in May 2004, the Rosa centre had 25 children. Since then 9 more children have joined the Rosa Center. For more information on the site visit, please visit the project website and click on “site visit” under History (green column):

Similar to last year some children from migrant labor households have moved with their parents to Bangalore. This is one of the most challenging aspects faced by the Rosa Center. The drop-out of children (11 children for the year October 2003-2004) from Rosa Centre is easier as these children are in special education and do not have regular school curriculum. In spite of the rate dropout more children have come into the program. Thus the student population is sustained at mid 30’s. An attachment to this report will contain individual child’s progress report.

Beyond SAC – Other activates

By the beginning of 2005 the children of Sebama Foundation will have a new classrooms. In the year 2004, Colorado chapter approved Sebama Foundation to receive a classroom construction fund of US $ 73,000.00, with entire contribution coming from First Data Western Union Foundation. For more information on the classroom construction please visit the website:

Budget for Year 2004-2005:

The current year total budget is forecasted to be at US $ 4760.00. The breakout of the budget are Special education teacher salary of $ 667.00/ per annum; 3 Ayah’s (Care Givers) salary of $333.00/ each per annum; and children’s education, room & board costs of 3094.00/ average 30 children

Your support covers the children’s education, room & board, teacher and caregiver salaries. Although there is a marginal increase in the budget from pervious year, the SAC support for the 3rd cycle is still at $ 144.00/ per child & year.

Payment options:

Starting Oct 2004, we are encouraging donors to pay either in full or in half-year installments (72.00/ 2 payments) only. We are no longer taking quarterly support (36.00/ 4 payments).

You pay online using recurring payment option in the following website:

Please click on recurring donation, select “Colorado” for chapter and under comments section “please note that this fund is for Sebama Foundation SAC program”

You can also pay by check via regular mail. Please write in the memo of the check “ SAC Sebama Foundation”

Asha for Education

P O Box 234

Lafayette CO 80026

SAC Program update -