Improvement and control of pelletized biomass combustion process dynamics in electric field.

Data of Project:

Funding / European Regional Development Funding
Number and Title of Priority / 2.1. „Science and Innovation”
Number and Title of Activity / „Support to Science and Research” (trešā kārta)
Number of Agreement / 2014/0051/2DP/
Start Date / 01.09.2014.
Finish Date / 31.08.2015.
Total Cost of Project,EUR / 129773
Funding of ERAF (92,5%),EUR / 120040

Recipient of Finance:

Title of Leading Organization / Institute of Physics, University of Latvia
Number of Registration / LV90002112199
Address / Salaspils-1, Miera Street 32, LV-2169, Latvia
Number of Fax / +3717901214
Phone / +371 7945838
Manager / Dr. phys. Maija Zake
E-mail /

Locations of Project implementation: Institute of Physics, University of Latvia

Project team:

1. M. Zaķe - project leader

2. J. Valdmanis- leading researcher

3. I. Barmina - leading researcher

4. S. Vostrikovs- researcher

5. R. Valdmanis- assistant

6. A. Kolmičkovs - assistant

7. M. Purmalis- engineer

8. A. Cipijs- engineer

General aim of the project:- development of a new technology for more efficientuse of local renewable fuel resources, in the energy production and to improve combustion process and reduce greenhouse emissions formation.

Specific aim of the project;- development of a newcompetitive technology for clean and efficient combustion and thermal energy production proceseses of pelletized fuel and electrical control of theseprocesses in the heat generation installations, ensuring the transfer of knowledge in the form of a license agreement.

Project activities carried out

Advanced research:

Activity Nr 1.will cover a detailed process analysisof the specifics of the vortexformation dynamics during integrated bio-fuel gasification and combustion process and evaluationof the use of external electrical power for thecontrol and adjustment ofthe dynamics of this process.

Experimental researchand development:

Activity Nr2. Uz rūpniecisko un eksperimentālo pētījumu bāzes aktivitātes tiks sākts darbs pie jaunās tehnoloģijas izveides biomasas termiskās sadalīšanās un gaistošo savienojumu veidošanās, uzliesmošanas un degšanas vadībai, izmantojot ārējos elektriskos spēkus un izvērtējot elektriskā lauka konfigurāciju, polaritāti un potenciālu, kas nodrošina visefektīvāko šo procesu vadību.

will be include experimental studies of the swirl flame dynamics, the establishment of the pilot plant with controllable primary and secondary air supply, assessing their impact on the flow swirl number, recirculation zone and combustion dynamics of the formation.In the activity theimpactof electricalforceson the vortex dynamics, central recirculation zone formation, pelletized biomass thermal decomposition rate anddynamics of volatile compounds combustion, which includes the flow dynamics, heat and mass transfer processes and volatiles combustion process kinetics in variousstages of thermochemical conversion of pelletized biomass will be evaluated. Industrial and experimental research-based activities will start the work on a new technology for biomass thermal decomposition and formation of volatile compounds, ignition and combustion control using the external electrical forces and evaluating the electric field configuration, the polarity and the potential that provides the most efficient process management.

Activity Nr3.includes work that will be performed within the context of the industrial and experimental results publicity to achieve four articles published in SCI journals.

Activity Nr4.includes work that will be performed within the context of intellectual property rights (know-how) nonprofit transfer, which includes preparation of the license agreement and tender within one year after completion of the project.