2 Oakleigh Park South, Whetstone, London N20 9JU

telephone 020 8445 3854 fax 020 8445 0862 e-mail

headteacher Mrs C McMahon MA PGCE NPQH deputy headteacher Mrs M. Holloway

6th June 2016

Year 3 Trip to Shakespeare’s Globe Theatre- Monday 11th July 2016

Dear Parents,

We have arranged to take our Year 3 children for a visit to Shakespeare’s Globe Theatre near London Bridge. This year marks 400 years since the death of William Shakespeare and this is a great opportunity for the children to learn about his life and work.

The trip will take place on Monday 11th July 2016. We plan to travel by coach. You should drop off and pick up your child from school at the same times as normal. Children should wear full school uniform. Depending on the weather, you may wish to provide your child with water proof clothing. They will need to bring a disposable packed lunch with them, preferably in a small shoulder bag or backpack.

To assist with supervision, we will need a small number of parent volunteers to accompany us. Please indicate on the permission slip whether or not you would be able to help. We will contact parent helpers before the trip. If you do not hear from us please presume that your help is not required on this occasion.

This trip is an activity for which by law we are unable to make a charge. However, the trip cannot take place unless we raise enough money by voluntary contributions to cover the costs involved. We are fortunate in the high level of support that we have received from parents in the past, which has ensured that all the planned trips have been able to proceed.

We are asking for a voluntary contribution of £19.10 to cover the cost of the coach, Shakespeare Interactive Storytelling Workshop and a tour of the Globe Theatre.

Payments should be made by 24th June 2016, using our Wisepay system found on the school website.

Please print, complete and return the bottom section of this page.

Yours sincerely

Mr. A Florez Miss O lemon


Please complete and return to class teacher in an envelope marked with your child’s name, class and the

the school trip’s name: Shakespeare’s Globe.

Year 3– Trip to Shakespeare’s Globe Theatre Monday 11th July 2016.

(return by 24/06/16)

I give / do not give* permission for my child……………………………………………………………to go on the above visit.

I have made my voluntary contribution via Wisepay, ref number……………………

I enclose a voluntary contribution of £…………. Cheque / Cash (Cheques payable to Sacred Heart School)

I am / am not* available to help on this trip. I hold / do not hold* a current DBS check.

I have / have not* helped on a previous trip with this class.


*delete as applicable

Archdiocese of Westminster London Borough of Barnet