Bluebonnet Baptist Association
Bluebonnet Baptist Association
Pastor Search Committee Workbook
Designed by Lynn Eckeberger and Ed Hale ()
Revised by J. K. Minton
Pastor Search Committee Workbook
Now That Our Pastor Has Left, What Should We Do First? 3
Electing the Pastor Search Committee 4
Appendix 1: Election Ballot: Pastor Search Committee 5
Check list for the Pastor Search Committee's First Meeting 6
Who Will Preach For Us? 7
Appendix 2: Job Description Worksheet for Interim Pastor 8
Appendix 3: Church Questionnaire 9
Who Develops the Job Description and Compensation Package? 10
Appendix 4: Sample Job Description 11
Appendix 5: Compensation Worksheet 12
Putting Together a Church Information Packet 14
Critical Agreements and Considerations 15
Code of Ethics 16
Pastor Search Committee Expenses 17
The Process of Finding a Pastor: Search Etiquette 18
Making a Second Visit with the Candidate 23
Appendix 6: Personal Evaluation 25
Appendix 7: Letter toCandidate’s References 28
Appendix 8: Personal Reference Information Form 29
Appendix 9: Prospective Minister's Sermon Evaluation Form 33
Appendix 10: Important Questions to Ask the Prospective Pastor 34
How to Present the Candidate to the Congregation 39
How to Make a Recommendation and Vote on the Pastoral Candidate 40
Appendix 11: Sample Covenant between Church and Pastor 41
Now That Our Pastor Has Left, What Should We Do First?
Most churches view the time between the resignation of one pastor and the call of another as unproductive. Some feel it is wasted time. Others fear the congregation will lose members or dollars. Still others are in a rush to call a new pastor as quickly as possible so those things can return to normal.
Significant studies of hundreds of interim congregations over the past twenty years are now showing that the interim between pastors can be an important time in the congregational life. R. Neil Chafin, an experienced consultant to congregations, says, “The way a congregation chooses to use its interim time will shape congregational growth, identity, and health for years to come. We also know that what is done in the interim time really determines whether the new minister and congregation will form a solid ministry team.”
Congregations that fail to make wise use of the interim time tend to repeat their history with the new minister. This can lead to pain and confusion for the minister and prevent the congregation from meeting its goals of spiritual growth for its members and ministry to its community.
Expectations of ministers and churches vary enormously. Membership in many churches is either plateaued or declining. Many congregations are unsure of their future. Each generation differs on expectations for the church. The interim is the best time to talk about and clarify these hopes and questions about church life.
A “Transitional Pastor” or “Intentional Interim” can help a congregation work through some discovery processes. Valuable information can be gained during the interim period that can greatly enhance the ability of the church to find the right pastor.
There are several conditions that often indicate the need for an Intentional Interim/Transitional PastorMinistry:
The pastor had been there over ten years;
There are undercurrents in the church that have not been settled;
The pastor left because of a moral failure;
The pastor was forced to resign;
There is significant conflict in the church.
The church must decide to do Intentional Interim/Transitional Pastor Ministry. The Intentional Interim/Transitional Pastor Ministry process is led by a Transition Team B a group of trusted church members who are selected by the church and who represent the diversity of the congregation. An Intentional Interim/TransitionalPastor is called to serve as a consultant to the church leaders. The responsibilities/expectations/commitments of the Intentional Interim/Transitional Pastor and the church should be defined in a written covenant that must be approved by the church.
Electing the Pastor Search Committee
Normally, a Pastor Search Committee is selected by the congregation and reports to the congregation. It should work on behalf of the congregation to recommend a pastor to the congregation, but it does not have the power to obligate the church nor make the choice of the new pastor.
A Pastor Search Committee is usually elected by members of thecongregationby using a secret ballot process, but review your Church Constitution for guidelines set forth by yourchurch. You must follow them.
Here are some practical suggestions:
- The size and composition of the Search Committee should be determined. Usually, the Committee should be composed of at least five (5) members and should not exceed nine (9) members. The qualifications to serve on the Search Committee should be clearly defined (e.g., deacon representation, gender representation, individuals serving in the same household, membership tenure, etc.).
- The congregation should announce the date when the election shall be held. In the meantime, the congregation should be encouraged to pray.
- You might want to consider limiting the age of members who are qualified to nominate and vote on Search Committee members (check your Constitution/Bylaws). If non-adults are allowed to nominate and vote, it is a good practice to ask that children and youth to sit with their parents. Clear instructions should be given for how to seek and determine God’s will. Parents should be encouraged to discuss this important occasion with their children prior to the vote.
- A ballot with blank lines(as many lines as there are to be Search Committee members) shouldbe presented to each member eligible to nominate/vote for committee members. Each member can write-in the names of those individuals whom he/she believes would serve well on the Pastor Search Committee. (See Appendix 1 for a sample ballot.)
- After receiving the write-in nominations, the number of candidates can be determined by selecting those members who receive the largest number of “write-in” votes. Again, it is probably best to select twice the number of candidates as there are places on the Search Committee for the final election of Committee members.
- This slate of candidates can then be presented to the church for election. Those who receive the highest number of votes would comprise the Pastor Search Committee (the next two individuals on the list receiving votes would serve as alternates).
Bluebonnet Baptist Association
Appendix 1
Election Ballot
Pastor Search Committee
As an active member of ______Church, I prayerfully offer these names for election to ourPastor Search Committee. I understand that the seven names receiving the largest number of votes will be asked to serve on the committee with the following exceptions: no two members from the same household may serve on the committee; at least two deacons must serve on the committee; and the staff will serve as ex officio members of the committee. Ifanyone declines the opportunity to serve, the person receiving the nexthighest number of votes will be asked. This process will befollowed until seven currently active, spiritually-mature members of the congregationagree to serve. The committee member receiving the greatestnumber of votes will be asked to serve as chairperson. Duties andresponsibilities of the search committee are outlined on thereverse of this ballot.
With prayer, I offer these names:
Search Committee Duties and Responsibilities:
1.Serve until the church approves a new pastor.
2.Secure pulpit suppliesand/or an interim pastor to serve duringthe time the church is without the pastor.
3.Refer to the Church Council any matters necessary to thewell-being of the congregation during the interim period.
4Lead the congregation to determine its expectations of thenew pastor and provisions for the support of thepastor and family.
5.Prayerfully and confidentially conduct the search for God'schoice of our next pastor in a progressive, orderly, andtimely manner with periodic reports to the church.
6.Prepare the candidate and the church tochoose the next pastor in accordance with thepolicies of the church.
7.Recommend the pastoral candidate to the church in "view of a call."
8.Upon calling the pastor, support the ministry of the church and lead the congregation to followour new pastor’s leadership.
Bluebonnet Baptist Association
Checklist for Pastor Search Committee’s Initial Meeting
1. ___Review the duties and responsibilities of the committee.
2. ___Determine the process of selecting someone to preach during the interim time.
3. ___Determine committee officers: chairman, vice-chairman, and recording secretary, (acorrespondence secretary might also be needed). Take good minutes at everymeeting!
4.___Discuss the considerations listed in "Getting Organized as a SearchCommittee", and review the "Code of Ethics" with the entire committee.
5.___Determine the place and time for weekly committee meetings. The importance of attendance at meetingsshouldbe stressed.
6.___Determine how often you will report to the congregation.
7.___If possible, plana committee retreat (one or two days) away from thechurch in a relaxed setting. Such a retreat would provide the committee a significant advantage forpraying and developing personal and working relationships.
8.___Review the overall process of searching/selecting the pastoral candidate.
9.___Pray for one another. A specific covenant of prayershould be adopted:
Expect the Holy Spirit to guide inthe process.
Pray for each member to be able to function in their secular responsibilities; in family matters; and pray that God will protect the committee from distractions.
Pray that committee members will communicate with honesty and with love in all matters.
10.___Determine when to conduct the Church Questionnaire(see Appendix 3 – Church Questionnaire).
Develop, distribute, review, and report the congregation questionnaire that seeks to determine the expectations of the congregation regarding the next pastor.
The questionnaire would include bothpersonal factors(age, education, experience, etc.) and pastoral tasks (visitation, preaching, teaching, administration, etc.)
First Report to the Congregation
Announcement: "Thank you for your confidence in us. Please pray for us aswe seek to serve the church in this capacity."
Confirm the preaching arrangements for the interim period and call thecongregation to special commitment during this time.
Distribute the Pastor Search Questionnaire to the congregation.
("This questionnaire will help us determine your expectations forour next pastor.”)
Your Search Committee will use the profile we gain from this questionnaire to help narrow the list ofpotential pastoral candidates.
Bluebonnet Baptist Association
Bluebonnet Baptist Association
Who Will Preach for Us?
The period in which the congregation is without its pastor is called the "interim period." This refers to “the time between the former pastor leaves and the new one comes." Providing someone to preach in each worship service during the interim is referred to as "filling" or "supplying the pulpit."
When the pastor leaves, at least four attitudes are evident in the congregation: 1) Grief (sadness); 2) Joy (gladness); 3) Anger (madness); and 4) Confusion. One of the primary goals of the interim period is to bring the people with different attitudes back together again.
One of the usual duties of the Pastor Search Committee is toprovide some one who will preach in the worship services (unless this duty is assigned to another group of members by your Church Constitution).
During the absence of a pastor, everyone wonders who might be preaching in his place. Here are two methods that are used by congregations to “fill the pulpit:”
- A recognized and experienced minister is asked to preach on a variety of different occasions. This is often referred to as "supplying the pulpit" and the one who preaches is said to be the "pulpit supply."
- A recognized and experienced pastor is asked to serve as temporary pastor. This does not mean he will become the new pastor. It merely means he will be the primary person preaching in all services of the congregation and serving in ways common to a pastor (sometimes making hospital visits, counseling needs, etc.). This is often referred to as an "interim pastorate," and the one who serves is said to be the "interim pastor." His work is completed when the congregation secures its new pastor. The church is well advised to call an interim pastor to help the church move through the transition from pastor to pastor. During a time when the members are anxious about the future of the church, the interim pastor strives to be a “non-anxious” presence for the congregation (see page 3). It should be understood that when a person agrees to serve as interim pastor, he also agrees not to allow himself to be considered as a candidate for the position of pastor.
Appendix 2
Job Description Worksheet for Interim Pastor
Principle Function: The Interim Pastor is responsible to the Chairman of Deacons and the Chairman of the Personnel Committee and shall provide pastoral and administrative leadership for the church and shall use his skills in proclamation and pastoral care to minister to the needs of persons in the church and community as negotiated in a covenant agreement.
Responsibilities to be Negotiated between the Interim Pastor and the Church:
Bluebonnet Baptist Association
_____ 1.Prepare for and preach at worship services on Sunday morning and Sunday evening — (3 units) {Note: 1 unit = 4 hours}.
_____2.Prepare for and lead mid-week prayer/Bible study service — (1 unit).
_____3.Administer office responsibilities, including the preparation of bulletins, newsletters, financial reports, etc.) — (¾ units).
_____4.Supervise the church staff and other church employees — (2 units).
_____5.Minister to the sick in the hospitals and nursing homes — (1 unit).
_____6.Participate in church outreach and visit prospective members — (1 unit).
_____7.Visit the homebound — (1 unit).
_____8.Counsel with members in crisis — (1 unit).
_____9.Meet with the Deacons in their regular meetings — (½ unit).
_____10.Meet with other church committees (e.g., church council, trustees, personnel committee, budget/finance committee, and search committee) — (½ unit).
_____11.Conduct training for deacons and committees — (1 unit).
_____12.Prepare for and conduct funerals and weddings — (1 unit).
_____13.Prepare for and serve as moderator for church business meetings — (¼ unit).
_____14.Attend other church functions (e.g. class socials, anniversaries, prayer breakfasts, denominational meetings, etc.) — (1 unit).
- Based upon the full-time pastor working 15 units per week (60 hours), the Interim Pastor shall be compensated based upon the following formula:
Pay = (# of units/15) X [Full-time Pastor’s salary and housing (or equivalent for church with parsonage)].
- In addition, the Interim Pastor will be reimbursed for mileage (50 cents per mile in 2009– see IRS Publication 463, Travel, Entertainment, Gift, and Car Expenses) and other expenses incurred as indicated by receipts.
Bluebonnet Baptist Association
Appendix 3
Our new pastor will best serve our congregation's needs if he were: (Please help us by checking your opinions)
Age:__Younger than 30yrs. __ 30-40yrs.
__ 40-50yrs. __50yrs.+ __ Age doesn't matter
Pastoral experience: __None previous __1-3 yrs.
__3-6yrs. __6yrs.+ __Doesn't matter
Marital status:__Single __Married __Divorced
__Married with children __Married status doesn't matter
Education background:
__High School grad __Some college __College Grad
__Seminary Graduate (Master Degree)
Pastor Search Committee Reporting Procedures:
Please check all that applies:
Kind of Reports: __written articles __announcements
Frequency of Reports: __weekly __monthly
__as the Committee determines
Prayer Support:
__I commit to pray often for our Pastor Search Committee.
Pastoral Ministry Priorities:
I know a pastor can't do everything, but I think these are the threemost important ways our pastor should spend his time (check only three):
___visit the sick
___visit the lost
___visit members
___spend time with the youth
___spend time with aged
___preparing to preach and teach
___private family time
___supervising volunteers
___church committee meetings
___counseling church members
___visiting prospective members and community residents
___administrating church program, building, office responsibilities
___ pastor’s personal spiritual growth and development
___other (please explain)______
My Personal Suggestion for a PastoralCandidate:
I plan to submit a resume to the Search Committee recommending that the following individual be considered (note – the Search Committee will not request that the minister supply his resume):
Minister's name:______
Name of Church:______
Town: ______State:______
The primary reason for suggesting this person as a possiblecandidate for our pastor is:
In case you might need more information regarding mysuggestion, you can contact me:
Name:______Phone: ______
Bluebonnet Baptist Association
Who Develops the Job Description and Compensation Package?
These matters must be clearly outlined and agreed upon by the congregation prior to searching for a new pastor. With regard to the duties (job description), be sure to involve the committee or body that will supervise the pastor (to whom he is responsible). See Appendix 4 – Sample: Pastor’s Job Description. Also, use the information received from the Church Questionnaire to make sure that the job description addresses the concerns and expectations of the congregation.
The Finance Committee, in cooperation with the Personnel Committee, should be responsible for determining the compensation package of the pastor.[1] The Search Committee should be prepared to help negotiate between the Finance Committee and the pastoral candidate the specific appropriation of the total compensation package. It is often a difficult task to represent both the pastoral candidate’s needs and the financial ability of the church (See Appendix 5 – Compensation Worksheet). Make sure you research the subject thoroughly from both the pastor’s perspective and the reality of your church budget.
After negotiating both the job description and the compensation package, provide a written recommendation to the congregation for an official vote to avoid any misunderstanding. It should include:
Duties of the pastor;
Specific tasks expected by the congregation;
Salary and benefits for pastoral support.
Appendix 4
Sample: Pastor's Job Description