Minnesota Department of Transportation (MnDOT)
Multicultural Marketing
Note: This document is available in alternative formats for persons with disabilities by calling Ashley Duran at 651-366-4627 or for persons who are hearing or speech impaired by calling the Minnesota Relay Service at 1-800-627-3529.
This RFP does not obligate MnDOT to award a Contract or complete the project, and MnDOT reserves the right to cancel the solicitation if it is considered to be in its best interest.
Project Specific Information
Project Overview:
This work is intended to increase MnDOT’s presence and relationships with Minnesota’s multicultural communities through ensuring multicultural expertise in marketing, communication, engagement and sustained presence. This includes the intention to achieve a sustained and relevant presence within multicultural communities that augments the multiple MnDOT offices that have established connections and presence within these communities, including the Affirmative Action Office, Office of Civil Rights and Office of Human Resources.
The purpose of this RFP is to solicit proposals from consultants with the demonstrated resources, expertise and abilities to provide a menu of optional strategic marketing and outreach services to help build relations, educate, inform and engage Minnesota’s many cultures for MnDOT’s Multicultural Marketing Program.
The services MnDOT is seeking include consumer research, advertising, special events, alternative language messaging/media. All paid media will come from Contract funds, and Responder’s should include those costs in their cost proposal. Paid media is anticipated to include print, radio, social and commercial (with the knowledge that some ethnic print media newspapers print at no cost).
Project Goal:
The goal of this project is to have a sustained presence in, improved relations with and engagement of Minnesota’s multicultural communities.
Scope of Work and Deliverables:
Anticipated Duties:
The successful responder, who is not a State employee and has demonstrated expertise and success in multicultural marketing, engagement and communication, will assist MnDOT in fostering multicultural leadership and competence through understanding, creating best value for, coordinated communication to and having a sustained presence with four targeted racial, ethnic and cultural communities throughout Minnesota. This includes:
1.1 Demographics Segmentation: The successful responder will develop profiles of targeted groups by geography with real-time, current data that includes latest census information.
1.2 Preferred Communication Methods: The successful responder will identify the preferred effective communication methods of targeted groups.
1.3 Customer Added Value: The successful responder will assess targeted groups understanding and perceptions of MnDOT’s products and services.
1.4 Coordinated Communication Tools: The successful responder will develop coordinated methods and templates to reach targeted groups, share information and gather input from targeted groups. All paid media will come from Contract funds.
Anticipated Deliverables:
1. Meetings
a. The successful responder will hold meetings with MnDOT’s Project Manager, at MnDOT’s Central Office, including a Contract kick off meeting, a deliverable development meeting and meeting at Contract conclusion.
2. Demographics Segmentation
a. The successful responder will create a Microsoft Office compatible database and a summary of the identified contractor profiles of targeted groups by geography with real-time, current data that includes latest census information. This will include:
- A Draft database and report concept
- A Draft database and report with 50% complete
- A Final database and report with 100% complete, submitted by April 13, 2012 for approval
3. Preferred Communication Methods:
a. The successful responder will create a Microsoft Office compatible report that identifies the preferred effective communication methods of targeted groups. This includes strategies for both community leaders and the general public. This will include:
- Devising an identification approach with MnDOT’s Project Manager
- A Draft database and report with 50% complete, submitted for review
- A Final database and report with 100% complete, submitted by the end April 2012 for approval
4. Customer Added Value:
a. The successful responder will develop and assist with presenting workshops/forums for assessing targeted groups understanding and perceptions of MnDOT’s products and services. This includes strategies for both community leaders and the general public. This will include:
- A Microsoft Office Compatible Approach/Presentation, including:
o Devising an identification approach with MnDOT’s Project Manager
o A Draft approach and presentation with 50% complete, submitted for review
o A Final approach and presentation 100% complete, submitted by June 2012 for approval
- Workshops/Forum, including:
o Co-facilitation of one forum with MnDOT’s Project Manager, between July and August 2012
o Co-facilitation of one forum with MnDOT’s Project Manager, between February and March 2013
- Microsoft Office Compatible Reports, including:
o A Draft report of findings and feedback with 50% complete, submitted within 14 days of each forum/workshop
o A Final report 100% complete, submitted within 30 day of last forum held in that calendar year and not to exceed Contract end date, that encompasses the findings and feedback of all targeted groups
5. Coordinated Communication Tools:
a. The successful responder will create coordinated methods and templates to reach targeted groups, share information and gather input from targeted groups that includes print, radio messages and social media. This messaging will incorporate MnDOT’s workforce, hiring, Disadvantaged Business Enterprises (DBE) and special event information. All paid media will come from Contract funds. This will include:
- Devising an identification approach with MnDOT’s Project Manager
- A Draft approach and templates with 50% complete, submitted for review
- A Final approach and templates 100% complete, submitted by May 2012 for approval
- Sustained presence messaging, incorporating preferred effective communication methods:
o Creating content for three quarterly messages that incorporates preferred effective communication methods for each targeted group between May and December 2012
o Creating content for two quarterly messages utilizing the preferred effective communication methods for each targeted group between January and June 2013.
Desired Skills:
Responders’ skills will be rated on their:
- Demonstrated experience in marketing, advertising and public relations
- Demonstrated expertise in multicultural community engagement
- Operation of a full-service market, advertising or public relations business
Responders are encouraged to propose additional tasks or activities if they will substantially improve the results of the project. These items should be separated from the required items on the cost proposal.
Proposal Content
The following will be considered minimum contents of the proposal and must be submitted in the order listed:
1. Contact Information: Responder’s company name, business address, the contact person’s name, telephone number, fax number and email address (as available).
2. Project Understanding: A statement of the objectives, goals and tasks to show or demonstrate the responder's view of the nature of the Contract.
3. Background and Experience (Company and Personnel): An outline of the responder’s background and experience with examples of similar work done and a list of personnel who will conduct the project, detailing their training and work experience. No change in personnel assigned to the project will be permitted without the written approval of MnDOT’s Project Manager. Specifically, responders’ must demonstrate the following minimum qualifications:
- Experience operating a full-service market, advertising or public relations business
- At least five years demonstrated experience in marketing, advertising and public relations
- Expertise in multicultural community engagement
4. Detailed Work Plan: A detailed work plan that will identify the major tasks to be accomplished and be used as a scheduling and management tool, as well as the basis for invoicing. The work plan must present the responder’s approach, task breakdown, deliverable due dates and personnel working on the project and the hours assigned to each individual to reach the project results.
5. Detailed Deliverables: A description of the deliverables to be provided by the responder.
6. MnDOT Participation: Identification of the level of MnDOT’s participation in the Contract, as well as any other services to be provided by MnDOT and details of cost allowances for this participation.
7. Forms and Documents: The forms and documents required under any other section of this RFP.
8. Cost Proposal: Provide, in a separate envelope, one copy of the cost proposal, clearly marked on the outside “Cost Proposal”, along with the responder’s official business name and address. For purposes of completing the cost proposal, MnDOT does not make regular payments based upon the passage of time; it only pays for services performed or work delivered after it is accomplished. Terms of the proposal as stated must be valid for the length of the project. If proposing an hourly rate, unit rate or lump sum, include a breakdown (labor, overhead, profit & expenses) showing how the rate was derived. If proposing a cost plus fixed fee (profit) budget, the responder’s Overhead Rate must not exceed 160%. The responder must utilize their current MnDOT approved Overhead rate, not to exceed 160%. For the purposes of this Cost Proposal, responders should utilize a fixed fee (profit) of 10%. Actual fixed fee (profit) will be determined/calculated by MnDOT upon selection. The responder must include a total project cost along with the following:
· A breakout of the hours by task for each employee.
· Identification of anticipated direct expenses.
· Identification of any assumption made while developing this cost proposal.
· Identification of any cost information related to additional services or tasks, include this in the cost proposal but identify it as additional costs and do not make it part of the total project cost.
· Responder must have the cost proposal signed in ink by authorized member of the firm. The responder must not include any cost information within the body of the RFP technical proposal response.
MnDOT has estimated that the cost of this contract should not exceed $100,000.00. For purposes of developing a cost proposal, responders should assume no more than $25,000 will be needed for media services, with the remaining project budget going towards the consulting piece.
NOTE: Responders MUST clearly separate their “consulting” costs from their media costs in the cost proposal. Responders will ONLY be rated on their consulting costs.
Responders who have any questions regarding this RFP must submit questions by e-mail only to:
Ashley Duran, Contract Administrator
All questions and answers will be posted on MnDOT’s Consultant Services Web Page at under the “P/T Notices” section. All prospective responders will be responsible for checking the web page for any addendums to this RFP and any questions that have been answered. Note that questions will be posted verbatim as submitted.
Questions regarding this RFP must be received by MnDOT no later than 2:00 p.m. Central Standard Time on Tuesday, January 10, 2012.
MnDOT anticipates posting answers to such questions no later than 2:00 p.m. Central Standard Time on Wednesday, January 11, 2012.
No other MnDOT personnel are allowed to discuss the RFP before the proposal submission deadline. Contact regarding this RFP with any personnel not listed above may result in disqualification.
Proposal Submittal
All proposals must be mailed (United States Postal Service), expressed (UPS, FedEx or other similar express carrier) or dropped off to the attention of:
Ashley Duran, Contract Administrator
Minnesota Department of Transportation
Consultant Services Section, Mail Stop 680
395 John Ireland Boulevard
St. Paul, Minnesota 55155-1800
All proposals must be received no later 2:00 p.m. Central Standard Time on Wednesday, January 18, 2012. Please note that MnDOT procedures do not allow non-MnDOT employees to have access to the elevators or the stairs. You should plan enough time and follow these instructions for drop-off:
· Enter through the Rice Street side of the Central Office building (1st Floor).
· Once you enter through the doors, you should walk straight ahead to the Information Desk.
· Proposals are accepted at the Information Desk only. The receptionist will call the Contract Administrator to come down and to time stamp the proposal.
Submit 1 hard copy of the proposal, along with one electronic copy of the entire submittal. Proposals are to be submitted in a sealed mailing envelope or package, clearly marked “Proposal” on the outside. An authorized member of the firm must sign each copy of the proposal in ink.
Proposal Evaluation
Representatives of MnDOT will evaluate all responses received by the deadline. In some instances, an interview may be part of the evaluation process. A 100-point scale will be used to create the final evaluation recommendation.
The Factors and Weighting on Which Proposals Will Be Judged:
1. Cost Detail 30%
2. Work Plan Outline and Marketing Strategies 15%
3. Team Qualifications and Project Management 20%
4. Qualifications of Key Personnel and Demonstrated Experience Engaging Multi-Cultural Communities 20%
5. Project Understanding, Methodology and Approach 15%
Proposals will be evaluated on a “best value” basis with 70% qualifications and 30% cost considerations. The review committee will not open the cost proposal until after the qualifications points are awarded.
General Information
Responders must adhere to all terms of this RFP.
Late responses will not be considered. Fax and e-mail responses will not be considered. All costs incurred in responding to this RFP will be borne by the responder.
MnDOT Not Obligated To Complete Project
This RFP does not obligate MnDOT to award a Contract or complete the project, and MnDOT reserves the right to cancel the solicitation if it is considered to be in its best interest.
Proposal Certifications
By submitting a Proposal, responders warrant that the information provided is true, correct and reliable for purposes of evaluation for potential Contract award. The submission of inaccurate or misleading information may be grounds for disqualification from Contract award and may subject the responder to suspension or debarment proceedings, as well as other remedies available to MnDOT, by law.
Disposition of Responses
All materials submitted in response to this RFP will become property of MnDOT and will become public record, in accordance with Minnesota Statutes §13.591, after the evaluation process is completed. Pursuant to the Statute, completion of the evaluation process occurs when MnDOT has completed negotiating the Contract with the successful responder. If the responder submits information in response to this RFP that it believes to be trade secret materials, as defined by the Minnesota Government Data Practices Act, Minnesota Statutes §13.37, the responder must: