LSS PAC Meeting
Held September 19, 2016 at Room 128 at LSS
In attendance: Julie Swift, Kim Yettaw, Laurie Bowick, Rich Smallwood, Liz Yuen, Tara Dobby, Erika Peebles, Amanda Burgart, Bob Andrews, Adriana Andrews, Donald Peters, Joslyn Peters, Lisa Stephens, Neetu Jouhal, Jeff Dickson, John Hantke, Dawne Tomlinson
Meeting Called to order at 7:29 pm by Julie Swift
Minutes Done by Kim Yettaw – PAC Secretary
Reviewed previous LSS PAC Meeting Minutes from May 16, 2016
Motion to Accept May 16, 2016 Minutes by Laurie Bowick/Tara Dobby Second/Motion Carried
Administration Report:
Dawne Tomlinson- School year has started out well. LSS has 2 new VP’s. Jeff Dickson who is new to the VP role but has been teaching at LSS for 10 years and John Hantke who is new to LSS but was a VP at another school. There are many exciting things for LSS in the year ahead. Plan to attend the Meet the Teacher information evening September 22.
President’s Report:
Julie Swift – nothing to report
Vice President’s Report:
Laurie Bowick- nothing to report
Secretary’s Report:
Kim Yettaw – nothing to report
DPAC Report:
Next meeting is September 22, 2016 at 7:00. Julie encouraged parents to attend and let her know if anyone is interested in attending the meetings that can pass on the information to LSS PAC.
Treasurer’s Report:
Tanya Young-not here, nothing to report
Community Round Table committee
Dawne explained that this committee meets on Tuesdays about every 5-6 weeks from 3:45-5:00. It is a discussion session for students, parents, teachers, to address things in the community.
Dawne discussed the schools future renovation. About 2 years ago there were 3 different options put forward. LSS needed to be seismicallyupgraded, close and move to HD Stafford or expand Brookswood School and move into it. None of these options seemed to be a good decision. With lots of discussions and consultation the trustees voted to ask the government for the 26.2 million to rebuild the school instead of doing just an upgrade. In June 2016 the government approved giving LSS the money to rebuild the school. During the summer, Dawne visited schools in Victoria and Harvard to be able to use these as examples to better build our school. The architects are working on the plans. Input from staff, parents and students will be given to utilize the space the best way possible.
High ceilings, lots of glass, doors that will open to the outdoors are only some of the possibilities. The final plans need to be given to the Architect by December. The project is scheduled in sections starting June 2017 and expected to be 3 years to complete.
Old Business:
Nothing to report
New Business:
Craft Fair date is November 19, 2016. It is the only fundraiser we do and it is a very successful one. Liz and Rich did a great job last year and Tara Dobby volunteered to take over the Craft Fair. Someone will need to put the ads on Craigslist, Facebook and Kjiji. Vistaprint can make more signs. Student volunteers need to help with table set up and help crafters with things they need to bring in.
Lisa volunteered to do the advertising. Neetu also said she would help out. Anyone else interested can contact Tara.
Julie mentioned that there is a fundraiser to raise awareness for the Langley Youth Homeless on Saturday September 24 11-4 at Langley Events Center. The youth are trying to have a shelter built in Langley to help youth that have nowhere to go.
PAC meeting dates October 17, November 14, December 12, January 16, February 13, April 10, May 15
Meeting Adjourned by Julie Swift at 8:25pm
Donald and Joslyn &
Other contacts:
Dawne Tomlinson –