Ricky Torres

Conference Period 1st


Teacher email



This course is designed to help students develop language skills, to communicate, and to express themselves in another language. This course emphasizes vocabulary, grammar, and proper usage of verbs, listening, speaking, writing, culture, and memorization.

Aims and Objectives

ü  To help each student attain proficiency in reading, writing, listening, and speaking in a minimal period of time.

ü  Build an understanding of the cultural differences that exist among all Hispanics countries and the United States.

ü  Make Spanish meaningful, important, and enjoyable to learn.

ü  Stress the advantages of knowing another language.

ü  Emphasize the importance of memory work and retention.

Instructional Strategies

·  Traditional lecture method

·  Cooperative learning

·  Creative activities/exercises

·  Group activities

·  Role playing

·  Oral/Written communications

·  Audio-visual enrichment

·  Cultural studies

·  Technology usage

·  Other strategies beneficial to learning process


1.  Notebook should be a well-organized folder to keep:

Notes, Worksheets/handouts/Homework, Quizzes/Tests

2.  Pen or pencil

3.  Notebook paper

4.  Spanish-English pocket dictionary (Recommended)

Technology Resources







No skill can be mastered without practice. Therefore, enthusiastic participation on the part of each student will be expected. Students will be graded on class work, homework, quizzes, test, projects, oral proficiency and participation.

Major Grades: Test / Six weeks Exam/ Oral Proficiency/Projects/ = 40%

Daily Grades: Class work/Quizzes/Homework/Participation/Warm up= 50%

Reading Writing Assignment Assessments = 10%

Make Up Work

1.  Students shall be expected to make up assignments and tests after absences.

2.  For any class missed, the teacher will assign the student make-up or alternative work based on the instructional objectives

3.  A student shall be responsible for obtaining and completing the make-up work in a satisfactory manner and within the timeframe corresponding to the number of days absent.

4.  Late work is graded in the same manner in all classes at the intermediate and high school levels. The table below shows the percent of the earned grade that a student will be awarded for late work:

Days Late Percent of Grade

Received by Student

1 Day 85%

2 Days 75%

3 or more Days 50%


Tutorials will be after school from 2:45 to 3:45 pm on W-Th. This time will be used for students not mastering the material, make-ups, and/or re-test.

Ø  Re-test: Students are allowed to re-test on unit tests but not on 6 weeks exams or finals. Retest will take place during tutorials or by appointment.

Instructional Sequence

(Instructional sequence will be flexible for the whole year)

(Cultural differences will be taught)


1st Six Weeks / 2nd Six Weeks / 3rd Six Weeks

Unit Tests are planned for on the 3rd and the final week of the grading period.

1st Six Weeks

Unit 01:

• ask how someone is and say how you are

• introduce people and say where they are from

• give phone numbers, the time, the date, and the day

• spell words and give e-mail addresses

And you will use

• subjects, verbs, and subject pronouns

• numbers 0–31

• the alphabet

• the verb ser

• punctuation marks and written accents

Writing: Write a note to a pen pal in a Hispanic country stating who you are, where you come from, saying your age and your birthday. Include a greeting and a farewell message.

Communication: Be able to introduce someone, and ask simple questions about someone else.

Culture: Talk and describe certain places of interest about Spain, also food and music.

Project: Hispanic country project (September)

2nd Six Weeks

Unit 02:

• describe people

• ask someone’s age and birthday

• talk about what you and others like

• describe things

And you will use

• ser with adjectives

• gender and adjective agreement

• questions

• nouns and definite articles

• gustar, ¿por qué?, and porque

• the preposition de

Writing: Write a paragraph about yourself and your best friend. Describe 2 things that you like and one that your friend likes. Mention what type of food you both like and dislike.

Communication: Have a conversation with your best friend about each other likes and dislikes and what someone else is like.

Culture: Talk about the places that you would visit in Puerto Rico and why that may be interesting. Food and music.

Project: Character description (October)

3rd Six Weeks

Unit 03:

• describe people

• ask someone’s age and birthday

• talk about what you and others like

• describe things

And you will use

• ser with adjectives

• gender and adjective agreement

• questions

• nouns and definite articles

• gustar, ¿por qué?, and porque

• the preposition de

Writing: Write a note to a pen pal describing the weather in the city where you live. Stay what you like about it and what you don’t like. Also talk about something you like to do and say how often you do it and one thing you don’t like to do.

Communication: See a picture of a place and be able to describe the weather shown.

Culture: Talk about the influences Hispanic culture has on Texas culture.


4th Six Weeks / 5th Six Weeks / 6th Six Weeks

4th Six Weeks

Unit 04:

• say what you have and need

• talk about classes

• talk about plans

• invite someone to do something

And you will use

• indefinite articles, ¿cuánto?, mucho, and poco

• tener and some tener idioms

• venir and a la/las with time

• ir a with infinitives

• regular and irregular -er and -ir verbs

• tag questions

Writing: Write a paragraph telling four classes that you have at school and when you have them. Mention some of the school supplies you might need for them.

Communication: Be able to hold a short conversation about your weekend activities while mentioning some things you have and don’t have to do.

Culture: Write a paragraph about the 2 national parks in Costa Rica and tell about which animals and plants are present in the ecosystems.

5th Six Weeks

Unit 05:

• describe people and family relationships

• talk about where you and others live

• talk about your responsibilities

And you will use

• possessive adjectives

• stem-changing verbs: almorzar, dormir, volver, merendar, entender, and empezar

• estar with prepositions

• negation with nunca, tampoco, nada, and nadie

• tocar and parecer

Writing: Write a paragraph describing your family, how many people there are and what they look like. Talk about where you live, and with whom and the chores you have to do at home and what you think about them.

Communication: Talk about your family and home life to another person.

Culture: Name 3 of Chile’s geographical areas and tell characteristics of each that makes it unique.

6th Six Weeks

Unit 06:

• comment on food

• take an order and make polite requests

• talk about meals

• offer help and give instructions

And you will use

• ser and estar

• pedir, servir, preferir, poder, and probar

• direct objects and direct object pronouns

• affirmative informal commands with pronouns

Writing: Imagine you are preparing a dinner for your parents anniversary. Write a conversation between you and a sibling in which you talk about what you want to serve and what he needs to help you with.

Communication: Talk about different foods from different Hispanic countries and the main ingredient of some famous Hispanic dishes.

Culture: Same as communication!



Student’s Conduct

Basic school and district policies and responsibilities will be adhere to in all class activities

1.  Respect and honor the rights, feelings, and ideas of others.

a.  Use appropriate language

b.  Allow others to speak without interruptions

c.  Stay within your personal space

2.  Recognize and comply with the teacher’s instructions

a.  Remain seated until dismissed

b.  Respond promptly to directions

c.  Do all my work when given

3.  I will not use the following without permission of the teacher:

a.  Computer

b.  Telephone or other electronic devices(cell phone, ipod etc)

c.  Teacher’s personal items

4.  I will do the following:

a.  Wear my ID every day to school

b.  Bring my necessary supplies to class (notebook, book, pen or pencil, folder etc.)

c.  My homework

d.  Be prepare every day for class

e.  Study

f.  Be on time to class

g.  Have an open mind when learning

h.  Refrain from eating or drinking in class without special permission.

(TURN IN THIS PORTION TO THE TEACHER for Five Extra Credit Points on your first test.)

(Print--Student’s Name) (Date)

I have read the attached syllabus /discipline plan and agree to comply with its


Home phone#

(Student’s Signature)

Parent E- mail address______

(Parent’s Signature)

cell/Work #______