Sociology in Our Times (7th Edition)

Category / Chapter 4: Learning Objectives
Remembering previously learned material / 1.  Define socialization and explain why this process is essential for the individual and society.
2.  Explain Freud's views on the conflict between individual desires and the demands of society.
3.  Present the stages of psychosocial development proposed by Erikson.
4.  Outline the stages of cognitive development as set forth by Piaget.
5.  State the major agents of socialization and describe their effects on children's development.
The ability to grasp the meaning of the material / 6.  Describe Mead's concept of the generalized other and explain socialization as an interactive process.
7.  Describe the major strengths and weaknesses of Erikson’s developmental theory.
8.  Compare and contrast the moral development theories of Kohlberg and Gilligan.
9.  Explain what is meant by gender socialization and racial socialization.
The ability to use material in new and concrete situations / 10.  Demonstrate some of the symbolic uses of the cell phone among teenagers.
11.  Describe the process of resocialization and explain why it often takes place in a total institution.
ANALYSIS: The ability to break down material into its component parts so that its organizational structure may be understood / 12.  Distinguish between sociological and sociobiological perspectives on the development of human behavior.
13.  Outline the stages of the life course and explain how each stage varies based on gender, race/ethnicity, class, and positive or negative treatment.
SYNTHESIS: The ability to put parts together to form a new whole / 14.  Compare the key components of the human development theories of Cooley and Mead.
EVALUATION: The ability to judge the value of material for a given purpose / 15.  Explain why cases of isolated children are important to understanding of the socialization process.
16.  Evaluate the contribution of Cooley and Mead to our understanding of the socialization process