Read Me Now
April 27, 2006
- Make sure your database has a reasonable amount of data in it (15-20 rows per table is NOT reasonable)
- Your test plan can guide me to what you want me to check (although it will not be all I check).
- Here’s an abbreviated topic study guide for the final exam.
April 25, 2006
- Link to information on using ACCESS PROJECT
- Line to Pat Tucker’s information on Attaching and Detaching SQL Server
- Project Demonstation sheet has been updated Projects\Project Demonstration SignUp Sheet.htm
- Link to information on executing stored procedures in Access project and SQL Server
To see examples of how to write stored procedures look at the SQL Server Northwind database.
April 20, 2006
- The Project Demonstration Sign-Upsheet has been posted on my door
- The final project information has been updated
April 19, 2006
- Here’s the link to the slides on Chapter 9 – Multi-User Databases. The slide with the vocabulary terms is # 18. Sorry for the late posting.
April 11, 2006
- Here is the link to project information
- Here is the link to screens from previous project
- Quiz on Tuesday on Chapter 9
- Material on SQL Server in Chapter 11
- Remember that you should be working on the front end for your database (create input forms and output reports)
- Have a happy holiday – remember no class this Thursday.
- More information MAY be posted between now and next Tuesday – check in and see.
April 6, 2006
- Here are the links to the quiz to do for homework: 3:30 class (Section 1) 5:00 class (Section 2) These are open book assignments HOWEVER, they are individual assignments, not group assignments and submission must be printed.
- Here is the link for the modified Chapter 7 slides
- Here is the link for the SQL examplesshows CREATE and ALTER commands
- You need as a group to meet and carefully re-read your project specifications and make modifications to your Semantic Object models and to your forms and data dictionaries to make sure that they meet the specifications and that you will be able to provide all of the needed information. Additional tasks and deliverable.
- The project specifications have been scanned and posted by Aaron Sharpe.
April 4, 2005
- At least one data dictionary was missing a project cover sheet.
- Here are the links to the questions from the in-class exercises. Note that your questions due for Thursday (see March 30th) MAY NOT duplicate the ones on these pages. Note too that the assignment for Thursday is a project assignment and requires a project cover sheet.
- Photograph
- Cars
- University
- Theatre
- Here is the link to the Chapter 7 slides.
- Remember to look at the slides from Appendix E on Blackboard
March 30, 2006
- FROM NOW ON – Every Project related piece of work must have a filled out project cover sheet to be accepted for grading
- Link to Semantic object slides
- Assignment #14 is to learn about the remaining 4 semantic object models: hybrid, association, parent/subtype, archetype/version in preparation for a quiz on semantic object models on Tuesday.
- Project Assignment: due Tuesday April 4th
- Project Assignment: due Thursday, April 6th
March 29, 2006
- Here is a link to the chapter 6 slides from class
- No written homework – you were asked to read the rest of Chapter 6 and Appendix E
March 27, 2006
- Here is a link to homework assignment #13.
- Note that there will be a 5 question quiz tomorrow based on Homework Assignment #13
- Please bring your graded exams to class tomorrow.
- Note: if you want a particular question on your exam reconsidered, you need to type up an explanation of why you think it should have been graded as correct. You need an explanation for each question you want reconsidered. You should staple the explanation to the question page. I will look at them and consider what you say and respond.
March 21, 2006
- Homework for Thursday is up on Blackboard. It is HW #12. It is an individual assignment which is open book. Your answers must be typed in not handwritten.
- Link to Multi-Valued dependencies slides
- Link to Data Dictionary slides – there will be an assignment relating to these slides to do over the weekend.
- Link to page to turn in on Thursday indicating who is in your group and what your preferred project is.
- We will continue with Appendix E on Thursday – It would be good if you read through it before class
- The next project step will be to construct a data dictionary.
- Please remember that Rachel Langhans is speaking at the ACM meeting tomorrow night (Wednesday, March 22,2006) at 7:30 pm. See the notice about place on the ACM website or on the ACM bulletin board.
- We are also looking for ACM officers for next year. Please consider putting forth your name as a candidate for office.
March 16, 2006
- Here is a link to the promised clarification of deliverables due on Tuesday the 21st
March 15, 2006
- Exam tomorrow: regular classroom, regular time. Below is some information relating to discussions in yesterday’s class that you may find useful.
- A link to the Music Semantic Object Model developped in the 5pm class. It shows:
- the semantic object model
- the SQL Server tables created automatically from the semantic object model
- the relationship diagram created in SQL Server from the tables in SQL Server (Brandon, this may be the answer to what you asked in class).
- A link to a set of directions showing how to change the primary key from inside Table Designer (the semantic object modeler we are using).
March 14, 2006
- Here’s a link to Professor Harris’ presentation from March 2nd on Data Conversion
- Reminders:
- Exam on March 16th – don’t miss it! – No makeups will be given
- Your group work on the database projects is due in class today.
February 28, 2006
- Exam postponed until after Spring break – March 16th
- See Blackboard for key to HW 11
- See Blackboard for discussion of Lab 3
- See Useful URLs for link to Semantic Object Model Software – Appendix E in text
- Link to Screen captures for ODBC here
February 22, 2006
- Please read the rest of chapter 5 about patterns (and see Part II and Part III chapter slides)
- Please make sure that you have stapled your entity/attribute/cardinalities to whichever of the four (4) database project descriptions you got on the 16th of February and passed it on to another member of your group for him/her to comment on it, enhance it, create forms for some of the entities. That should be done by this Thursday (the 23rd) so you can pass it on again for the third member of your group to work on over the weekend.
- I have posted the group contact information I have on Blackboard under Course Documents.
- NOTE: I have computed homework, lab and quiz grades using the 5th highest grade in the class as the maximum and determining each student’s % in each category based on that maximum. Students whose %s were low in two or more categories or whose % in one category was particularly low have received e-mails with the %s.
- Homework due tomorrow, February 23rd.
- link tophoto of white board MHA project from 3:30 class alternate view another view
February 16, 2006
Lab Assignment due Tuesday, February 21st
ERwin Installation screen captures here
Using Erwin screen captures here
- Please remember that you are to carefully read the Project handout you received and to make notes about the entities and the attributes, to make rough sketches the forms that will be needed, and the assumptions. Staple your notes to the handout. Bring it to class on Tuesday. Remember that this is a first pass at the design. It is not supposed to be a finished product. If you missed class today, someone in your group should have your handout. If not e-mail me and I’ll arrange to get it to you.
- I have left a copy of the author’s screens and form information for the ArtGallery database outside my office. Please do not remove it. It is there for you and your class mates to look at.
February 15, 2006
Homework for tomorrow: February 16th
Install Erwin - see link on February 14th for slides showing steps and Useful URLS for link to site
February 14, 2006
3:30 class will start at 3:30 in ISAT/CS 236... Please be there as close to 3:30 as possible...
Here are the slides from the ERWin site
February 9, 2006
If you were absent today, be sure to read the e-mail I sent you and pick up the handout.
The Lab Assignment started in class is due on Tuesday the 14th and is to be a group effort – groups formed in class
Read through Chapter 5 up through page 135 & look at the slides for Pt 1 & Pt 4 before answering the questions in Assignment
Remember to update your terminology list.
Look in Useful URLs for the link to the free trial version of Erwin.
February 7, 2006
Reminder: Part II of the Lab Assignment is due on Thursday.
Here’s the link to the exercise on Multivalued dependencies we went over in class.
Homework for Thursday February 9th -
Look at Useful URLs for some information about differences between ACCESS and SQL SERVER and about
data migration from ACCESS to SQL SERVER provided by Andrew Richter.
Follow this link to a summary of SQL syntax provided by John Magnotti
February 3, 2006
Homework for Tuesday, February 7th includes a LAB assignment. The lab assignment is in two (2) parts.
Part I is due on Tuesday, February 7th.
Part II is due on Thursday, February 9th .
I encourage you to work in teams on the Labs and for each team member to create and save the database on their machine.
January 31, 2006
Read Chapter 3 again
Homework for Thursday, February 2nd – please type in your answers before printing the page
Some new terms have been added to the Summary of Relational Terminology. Make sure yours is up-to-date.
There may be a quiz
January 28, 2006
Homework for Tuesday, January 31st – Please read the directions VERY carefully.
January 26, 2006
Screen captures from SQL Server – review of class one, two, three
Homework for Tuesday January 31st will be posted tomorrow
Read Chapter 3
Install SQL Server 2000 – Developer
January 24, 2006
My slides on chapter 2
Homework for Thursday, January 26th – may be done individually or in teams.
January 20, 2006
Homework for Tuesday, January 24th – use the same teams as for the last assignment.
Re-read chapter 2 and review slides from book
There may be a quiz on the homework or on the material in the chapter...
January 19,
Chapter 2 slides from book – part 1 and part 2
January 17, 2006
Here’s a summary of relational terminology
Relational Algebra slides
Homework for the 19th – teams have been assigned (don’t change)
Read chapter 2.
Final exam re-scheduled (tentatively) to May 2nd at 7pm …
January 15, 2006
See the following comments on Lab 1 in order to improve your submission for Tuesday
January 12, 2006
Note 1: a copy of the text is on 2 hour reserve at the CISAT library
Notes: Here is the partial discussion of Lab 1 homework with key definitions.
Please do the following things before next class
1. read chapter 1
2. determine the answers to these questions in preparation for a quiz
3. go through one of the SAP demos – URLs are available on Useful URLs page – and write a few sentences on what is going on
in the demo
- make sure that you have been able to download and install SQL Server …
- IF your printout was not “perfect” bring in a perfect copy on Tuesday.
January 10, 2006
Please do the following threefour things before the next class
- buy the book if you haven’t already done so
- download SQL Server
- do Lab 1 and turn it in on Thursday
- Check your quiz answers against the Pren-Hall website.