What is the NSCC?
The NSCC, formally the “The National Scalextric Collectors Club”, was founded in 1981 to bring together those people who collected Scalextric cars. The club has since grown to over 1000 members, not just in the UK, but worldwide. It has also expanded to include all makes of slot car, old and new.
Why should I join?
There are many benefits in joining the club but the best recommendations usually come from existing members. Here are a few of their comments:
“When I restarted my interest in Scalextric in 1989, I wanted to obtain some of the older cars that were available when I was young. I went to a toy fair and was introduced to the NSCC. I bought many of my cars from the excellent monthly Journal and found out dates of slot-car only swapmeets. These meets are held about 6 times a year and they are currently the best way to obtain some bargains and rare cars. The Journal contains lots of new model information from many of the manufacturers, interesting articles on old slot-cars, tracks and race meetings and is a good source of suppliers selling all sorts of slot related product. The NSCC also commissions club cars with unique liveries and short production runs and these are some of the most collectable cars available. I've found many good people involved in the NSCC and some have become close friends.”
Adrian Leggett (Member since 1990)
“Like the Hoover, Biro and other objects with generic trade names, slot car
racing was only known to me as "Scalextric". When I started racing I learned of other modern makes such as Ninco, Fly, SCX,...and it was difficult to find out what the different models that each manufacturer made were and how they performed as my local toyshop didn't have them all in stock.
The NSCC provides a monthly magazine with full colour pictures, reviews of
new cars, articles on how to tune a car, how to build a car, racing tips and techniques and, best of all, the information is from people who know a whole lot more than me - all in a handy monthly magazine delivered to my door - the cost? Less than a slot car!
There are special competitions for members, special cars for members
and also reduced admission to swap meets to add to my collection or to buy
that rare car and to touch and feel it before parting with hard earned cash – much better than eBay!”
Jamie Coles (Member since 2003)
Membership Fees
The membership year runs from 1st January to 31st December each year
Subscription rates:
UK / £24.00Europe / £27.00
Rest of World / £34.00
Add to these fees a £2.00 joining fee.
Please allow 28 days for your application to be processed.
The club reserves the right to refuse applications at its discretion.
In accordance with the Data Protection Act your name and address are stored solely for the purpose of mailing club magazines and correspondence. They will not be passed to any 3rd party for any purpose.
Please send the completed application and fee to:
Andy Smith
Yorke House
Manor Court
LE12 6SJ
United Kingdom
Membership Application Form
Personal Details
Full Name…………………………………..…………………………Age……………
If you DO NOT want your name and address published
in the Journal and membership list please tick here
I enclose a cheque/PO for £………… This must be in Sterling (GBP) and drawn on a British bank.
I wish to pay buy VISA or MasterCard
Card NumberExpiry
Date / /
Name on Card ……………………………………………….…..…………………….
2010 Membership Application Form
The club for all collectors, racers and enthusiastsof 1/32nd scale slot cars
“For me the NSCC provides a chance to meet up with fellow slot car enthusiasts, not only through members’ swapmeets, but also at specially organised events where you can get help and advice as well as discuss all aspects of the hobby.
There are many types of enthusiast in the club, from the casual racer to the most ardent collector, and the monthly Journal provides an illuminating insight into the "Scalextric" worldwide obsession. Even with the advent of the Internet spreading the word about the hobby, I still feel the NSCC has a lot to offer to me today. With the opportunity to purchase exclusive club cars thrown in as well, why not join?”
Stephen Langford (Member since 1989)