Zion Church Member Survey 2016
In the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit, Amen.
Please help us! The Profile Committee is now very busy working on the procedures and paper work that will, in the end, aid us in finding a new Pastor for Zion. Take a minute or two and fill out the following survey to help usagain understand who we are and, (more importantly) what we want to become in the future. What do you think? Remember your thoughts and ideas are very important to us.
Thank you so much,
The Profile Committee members
Please return your survey to:
The Profile Committee
Care of: Zion Church of the City of Baltimore
400 E. Lexington Street
Baltimore, MD 21202
What is your vision for Zion in the next 3-5 years?
Our characteristics:
1)We will be formal and programmatic☐True ☐ False ☐ Not Sure
2)We will have clearly defined goals and plans for our future☐True ☐ False ☐ Not Sure
3)We will be racially and economically diverse☐True ☐ False ☐ Not Sure
4) We will seek to strengthen and increase our ties to our German heritage ☐True ☐ False ☐ Not Sure
Our Leadership style:
1)We will welcome ideas that are provoking and challenging☐True ☐ False ☐ Not Sure
2)We will rely on our leaders for direction☐True ☐ False ☐ Not Sure
3)We will have learned how to use conflict constructively☐True ☐ False ☐ Not Sure
Our programming:
1)Our facilities will be often used by the community groups☐True ☐ False ☐ Not Sure
2)We will train people to minister outside our walls☐True ☐ False ☐ Not Sure
3)We will focus on ideas and beliefs☐True ☐ False ☐ Not Sure
Our theological perspective:
1)We will be obviously Lutheran in identity and practice☐True ☐ False ☐ Not Sure
2)We will participate in synod and ELCA activities☐True ☐ False ☐ Not Sure
3)We will focus on Biblical studies and doctrine☐True ☐ False ☐ Not Sure
Please choose your top 5 ministry tasks for your vision for Zion over the next 3-5 years. These tasks involve the new pastor and congregation working together. Select the 5 most important to you, with number 1 being most important and 5 being least important.
☐ Administration / ☐ Building a Sense of Children’s Ministry / ☐ Campus/Young Adult Ministry☐ Chaplaincy (works outside the church) / ☐ Children’s Ministry / ☐ Christian Education
☐ Communications/Media / ☐ Community Organizing / ☐ Conflict Management
☐ Counseling/Social Work / ☐ Early Childhood Administration / ☐ Ecumenical Work
☐ Evangelism/Mission / ☐ Financial Management / ☐ Global Service
☐ Innovation/Creativity / ☐ Interim Ministry / ☐ Interpret Theology
☐ Inter-personal Climate / ☐ Ministry in Crisis / ☐ Ministry in Daily Life
☐ Ministry with Seniors / ☐Multicultural Ministry / ☐ Music/Worship/Arts
☐Outdoor/Camping Ministry / ☐Parish Nurse/Health / ☐ Participant in the Larger Church
☐ Pastoral Care and Visitation / ☐ Preaching/Worship Self Care/Family Life / ☐ Public Policy/Advocacy
☐ Recruit and Equip Leaders / ☐Self Care/ Family Life / ☐ Small Group Ministry
☐ Social Ministry / ☐ Spiritual Formation/Direction / ☐ Stewardship
☐Strategic Mission Planning / ☐ Teaching / ☐ Volunteer Coordination
☐ Youth and FamilyMinistry
Please choose your top 5 Gifts for Ministry for your vision for Zion over the next 3-5 years. This is a description of the type of minister that you believe is right for Zion. Select the 5 most important to you, with number 1 being most important and 5 being least important.
☐Help people develop their spiritual life.
☐Help people understand and act upon issues of social justice.
☐Provide care and nurture.
☐Be active in visitation of members and non-members.
☐Be effective in working with children.
☐Build a sense of community among the people with whom he/she works.
☐Help others develop their leadership abilities and skills for ministry.
☐Be an effective administrator.
☐Be an effective communicator.
☐Be an effective teacher.
☐Encourage support of the Church’s wider mission.
☐Work regularly in the development of stewardship growth.
☐Be active in ecumenical relationships.
☐Be effective in working with youth.
☐Organize people for community action.
☐Be skilled in planning and leading programs.
☐Have a strong commitment and loyalty to the Lutheran Church.
☐Understand and interpret the mission of the Church from a global perspective.
☐Deal effectively with conflict.
☐Bring joy and good humor to relationships.
☐Be able to share leadership and work in a team.
☐Be able to use technology and media.
☐Appreciate cultural diversity in language and customs.
☐Have talents in the areas of music, arts, and writing.
Additonal comments: ______
Please Initial here: ______