Jobs Victoria Employment Network – Stage 2

Frequently Asked Questions

These questions should be read in conjunction with the JVEN Stage 2 Program Guidelines and Information Package.

When was the Jobs Victoria Employment Network established?

Jobs Victoria Employment Network (JVEN) was launched in May 2016. $39.2 million was allocated to 38 new employment services in August 2016 under Stage 1, significantly expanding resources to assist unemployed people into workacross Victoria. For more information on existing services, please see

When will the JVEN operate?

JVEN services commenced from August 2016 and funding will continue until June 2020. All JVEN services will need to be completed by 31 May 2020 to allow time for acquittal.

JVEN and jobactive

Can jobactive providers be members of a JVEN consortium led by another organisation?

Organisations with contracts to deliver employment assistance under the Commonwealth’s jobactive program will only be considered for JVEN funding in areas outside the Employment Region for which they have a jobactive contract. This applies whether the organisation is applying as a stand-alone organisation or as a member of a consortium.

However, a JVEN provider can purchase services from an organisation which has a jobactive contract, where the services purchased are not employment placement activities (e.g. education and training services or settlement services). This proposed delivery model should be described in the JVEN application, clearly explaining how the services to be delivered are separate from the jobactive services provided by that organisation. The department may require that sub-contracting arrangements are reflected in the funding agreement between the department and the JVEN provider. These arrangements would be subject to normal audit processes.

In summary, the involvement of organisations that have a contract with the Commonwealth to deliver jobactive services is limited to:

  • Provision of employment placement services in regions outside their jobactive delivery region/s
  • Provision of services that are delivered independent of their jobactive/employment services functions – such as education, training or settlement services – in any location.

How can jobactive providers be involved in the JVEN program?

jobactive providers are encouraged to work collaboratively with JVEN providers to complement employment assistance to clients who are registered with jobactive but would benefit from additional support through JVEN.

Are Disability Employment Services (DES) considered in the same way as jobactive?

DES services are not excluded from applying for JVEN. However, they will need to demonstrate that their proposed JVEN services would not duplicate existing DES services. Please also refer to the question, below, regarding eligibility of DES clients to access JVEN services.

Jobseeker eligibility

Are Disability Employment Services DES) clients eligible for assistance under JVEN?

JVEN is open to any Victorian jobseeker who is long-term unemployed or at risk of long-term unemployment,and who lacks adequate support through other services. However, it is the view of the Commonwealth Department of Social Services (DSS) that JVEN duplicates services delivered by a DES provider. Consequently, DSS has directed that DES clients may not concurrently access JVEN and DES.

Is the JVEN program voluntary or mandatory for participants?

As the JVEN program is a State Government initiative, participant involvement in the program is completely voluntary.

Can jobseekers from border areas but resident in NSW or South Australia be assisted under the program?

No, JVEN clients must be resident in Victoria.

JVEN services

What areas are covered by the priority locations identified in the Stage 2 Guidelines?

Please see the JVEN Information Package on the Business Victoria website for a breakdown of local government areas for each prioritised location.

Can JVEN services include work experience as part of work preparation?

Yes, work experience placements may be used to help jobseekers to increase their work-readiness where the placement complies with Australian industrial legislation and occupational health and safety legislation, is covered by appropriate insurance cover and does not displace existing employees. Clients who are also jobactive clients may be able to access a work experience placement through their jobactive provider under the Commonwealth’s National Work Experience programme.

Does JVEN recognise self-employment as an employment outcome?

No. There are other programs and resources available to help people establish small businesses.

Is there a maximum period a client can participate within the program?

There is no maximum period a client can participate within a program. It is expected that some participants will need more assistance and support than others.

Employment outcomes

The guidelines state that funding will be linked to achievement of 26-week employment outcomes. What evidence will be required to claim these outcomes?

The following evidence of the sustained employment will be required:

  • payslip/s that show 26 weeks of employment
  • a letter or email from the employer confirming the employment details (hours, duration, position) where the employer is not the same entity as the service provider/grantee.
  • where the grantee/service provider is also the employer (e.g. a labour hire company) payslips or copies of invoices to host employers with employee details will be required.

Can JVEN clients be placed into jobs located in other states (e.g. in NSW and South Australia close to the border with Victoria)?

Yes, as long as the clients are a resident of Victoria.

How will the program accommodate jobseekers who can only work part-time, for example because of family responsibilities or disability?

JVEN services will aim to place jobseekers into employment that meets their needs, and for some jobseekers this will be part-time employment. The JVEN program also aims to meet employers needs and it is acknowledged that local labour force vacancies may only be in part-time positions, for example in industry sectors such as hospitality.

Will JVEN services receive lower payments for achieving part-time outcomes?

No. Part time employment outcomes (15-29 hours per week over 26 weeks) are acceptable outcomes under JVEN where they meet the needs of the jobseekers or because the industry/employer only offers part time employment. There will be no financial penalty for achievement of a part time employment outcome.

Application and assessment

Can an organisation submit more than one application?


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