Within the Christian church, the celebration of marriage is first and foremost a worship experience of the community of faith. For this reason, members of the church are defined as the bride or groom, or the parents or grandparents of either, who have been active members of Lakewood United Methodist Church for at least six months at the time at which the wedding reservation is made. Non-members who are interested in celebrating their wedding within a Christian context and along the guidelines of our church’s wedding policy are also welcome at Lakewood and we hope that theymay find here a resource for their life together both before and after the actual ceremony. Respecting the ongoing financial stewardship of our members, however, the fees asked of non-members desiring to be wed at Lakewood will reflect theirstatus as guests of the congregation who are not expected to be among its regular contributors.



Sanctuary Usage- 0 -$1,000.00______

Utilities Usage$200.00$200.00______

(Includes four hours of AC/utilities; additional hours $100 each)

Custodial Services for Wedding$ 150.00$ 150.00______

(Salary for staff)

Audio-Visual Technician$ 75.00$ 75.00______

(Includes rehearsal and wedding)

Wedding Team Member$ 100.00$ 100.00______

Pew Torches (if desired)$ 75.00$ 100.00______

(Set up for 18 torches down center aisle)


Informal/Walk-In Wedding$ 75.00$ 100.00 ______

Founders Court Reception (100 max)$ 100.00$ 200.00______

(Includes rental and utilities for three hours)

Custodial Fees for Founders Court$ 75.00$ 75.00______


Asbury Hall Reception(100-700)$ 200.00$ 400.00______

(Includes rental and utilities for three hours)

Custodial Fees for Asbury Hall$ 200.00$ 200.00______


Refundable Deposit - 0 -$ 150.00______

(Due at reservation, returned one week after ceremony)

Organist Honorarium$ 150.00$ 200.00______

(Includes meeting, rehearsal and wedding)

Church soloist (if desired)$ 100.00 each$ 150.00 each______

Pastor’s Honorarium At Discretion of

Groom$ 200.00______

UMW Reception Services$ 250.00 for 1st 200 people

(Same for member/non-member)Additional $1 per extra person______

Cleaning fee for use of UMW tablecloths$50.00______

Sound Support at Reception$ 50.00/hr$ 50.00/hr______

Total fees paid:_______


(continued on back)

Responsible Party’s Name: ______Date: ______

Responsible Party’s Email & Phone Number: ______

Officiating Pastor: ______Date of Wedding: ______

Organist: ______Church soloist: ______

Wedding Team Member: ______Sound Tech: ______