JULY 28, 2017
Satan, damnation and hellfire
The Hell you don’t say. Be very careful to whom you listen
By Michael Voris, July 28, 2017
Every single issue flying around in the Church right now — the Amoris Laetitia controversy, Holy Communion to the divorced and civilly remarried, homosexuality in the clergy, the abuse of the Church's social teaching by political liberals, the near-silence on abortion, the complete blackout on teaching about contraception, horrible catechesis, the blather about ecumenism, the constant chatter about "evangelization — every single one of these issues and their ripple effect in all spheres of society such as politics, news, technology, social media censorship, all of it, revolves around one single issue that never gets talked about: Hell.
It is beyond shocking that when you consider next to His Own Divinity, Our Lord spoke of nothingmore frequently than He did Hell, that practically no Catholic ever speaks of it. Even those Catholics who comprise the chattering classes — the intellectuals of the East Coast corridor who go to bishops' cocktail parties, who author long books on this pope or that — they all sit around far above the fray of the spiritual combat wherein souls perish every day by the tens of thousands.
Consider that every day around the globe approximately 150,000 human beings are brought before the judgment seat of God and the vast majority are damned. Nearly every saint has said so. Every apparition that has touched on the subject has shown this. You never find an apparition revealing that all or most of humanity is saved. You never find the writings of a saint, a mystic, a father, a doctor or an evangelist who says most or all are saved. It is quite the contrary. Practically all of them say the exact opposite. In fact, many of them were scared for their own eternal destiny.
If the main mission of the Church is to work toward the salvation of souls, it is singularly strange and deeply troubling that almost no one in the Church ever talks about it. The subject is never brought up by anyone anywhere. When I was in the Vatican Press Hall after one of the sessions of the 2014 Synod on the Family, I had a brief encounter with Fr. Thomas Rosica, who asked me about couples in "irregular unions." He asked if I thought there was anything praiseworthy about their relationships.
I answered him immediately, "Not if they go to Hell, Father."
He was flabbergasted and breathlessly said to me, "Michael, the Church doesn't teach that."
Well, if the Church doesn't teach that, exactly what was the Son of God talking about when He said most people follow the broad path to damnation and only a few find the narrow gate to Heaven and enter it?The problem is that the Church does teach this, but those charged with telling you the truth about what the Church teaches lie to you. God help them when they are brought into that divine tribunal. As they have lived, so shall they die.
The refusal to even breathe a syllable about Hell when that is exactly what the message of the Church is all about, Heaven or Hell, tells you how far the Church has fallen in its fidelity to Our Savior. If a Churchman refuses to talk about Hell, denies it or downplays it, that is a sure sign something is wrong with him spiritually. He has betrayed his mission or is poorly formed or is more concerned with the praise of men than pleasing God — take your pick. But he is endangering his soul, certainly, and yours as well.
Be very careful, very careful about Catholic ordained clergy who will not talk about Hell. They are on the road to Hell themselves and have no concern for your soul. Their eternities will be horrifying.
11 of 161 readers’ comments
1. Almost two years ago, only God knows why, I started seeing demons everywhere 24/7, and I told my pastor that I was seeing demons everywhere, and that terrorized me. First, he prayed for me and that did not provide any relief. I drove him crazy so he sent me to an exorcist, he told me that I have an oppression. Since that I saw many priests, but they don't care or are simply clueless? It will shock you to know that the churches are full of demons, as if it's their house. Also, I saw at least 50% of the priests doing mass today they are already in hell. I argue with my spiritual Father over and over about this and nothing. Please let's pray for the priests for them to have the courage to defend God's churches before is too late. Hold on to The Blessed Virgen Mary, when the time come we will need her. Jesus you said the gates of hell will not prevail. Jesus I trust in you.
2. I live in Munich. I used to speak to priests often, PETIONING them to include hell, damnation and sin in their sermons because we laity need more spiritual direction. Most of them were taken aback by my request: it NEVER brought results anyway. The story is, that Cdl. Reinhard Marx (President of the German Bishops’ Conference) has forbidden priests to speak on these issues. It would "scare" the laity. I once made mention of the devil and demonic possession to him directly after a Holy Mass; he became furious and yelled at me to stop speaking nonsense as he stormed past me (out of the sacristy) I have many witnesses because many of us were crowded outside the sacristy. Isn't this UNFATHOMABLE?!!!
3. The bottom line is....if nobody goes to hell, then there is no mortal sin. If there is no mortal sin, then there is no need for salvation through Christ and the sacraments.
4. Even the pope has said something along the lines of 'no one is condemned forever' and that at death one is simply 'annihilated'. So what can you expect on down that line?
5. “Pope Francis’ Apostolic Exhortation Amoris Laetitia appears to contain such heresy. Paragraph 297 states: No one can be condemned forever, because that is not the logic of the Gospel! Here I am not speaking only of the divorced and remarried, but of everyone, in whatever situation they find themselves.”
6. It’s really a tragedy that nobody talks about Hell and the scariest part is that place is a million times worse than anybody on earth can imagine...if we read about Hell in Saints lives and in other books we understand the demons will torture every soul (and one day,body and soul) that falls into that dark pit of horror in such a way that even if we saw our worst enemy in that place we would almost certain cry for him and ask God for misery.God Help this Priests who doesn´t tell and spread the truth because their torment will be tremendous!
7. And if anyone has experienced the demonic here on earth then you realize how real Hell is and how evil and putrid it is. It's a game changer in the sense that you gain discernment and can notice the bits of Hell on earth that exist, and you have to continually remind yourself to see the beauty of God's creation. But, you understand how important it is for the Church to point out to the laity that Satan is real, demons are real, and Hell is real, and this whole life we live is a test that determines where we will spend eternity.
We are living in the era when we are told that what is bad is good, as foretold in the Bible. Jesus didn't say He would call it all off at the 11th hour and say "Oh, forget what I said, and forget what My Father said." But the Church of Nice acts like that's what they are expecting. Tragic.
8. Hell does not fit the anti-church narrative. Despite the fact that Church Militant is fighting valiantly against the forces of evil in both the corporeal and spiritual realms, anti-church would have us believe that no such battle needs to take place - since everything is about love and acceptance. By their flawed logic there is no need to act like soldiers - because fighting is violent, and violence is not good (even if what you're fighting is evil).
Anti-Church fails to recognize that we as soldiers don't enjoy violence - we only engage in this cosmic battle because we must - for the sake of our friends and family, and in honor of The Sovereign Lord of all creation Jesus and Our Most Blessed Queen of Heaven - who will crush the serpents head.
We look forwards to the day of our final rest where the fighting will end - where we can finally rest in the embrace of God. “You have made us for yourself, O Lord, and our heart is restless until it rests in you.”
9. Without a doubt, the behavior of most men merits going to hell, and the saints are well aware of this. However, I believe there are tens of millions of changes of heart upon reaching the death bed. Long drawn out illnesses allow for two things: the living get time to make peace and say good bye, and the dying are given time to reflect and to repent. According to SAINT Faustina's diary, these would be the end times, and at least for this period, the doors of mercy are wide open. So I believe the majority who do not enter the narrow gate can be purified in Purgatory. It is God's preference that they go through the door of his mercy rather than the door of his justice.
10. The problem is, there are those who believe they can have all the fun they want now and when on their deathbeds, send for a priest and get the Last Rites and a quick trip to Heaven. They do not take into account that death may come suddenly like a thief in the night: car or plane crashes, terrorist bomb goes off in the restaurant, brain aneurism, shot in a street robbery, etc. And then they get a one-way ticket on the down escalator.
Thinking here of a former boss, fallen away Catholic, having lots and lots of "fun," and wearing his T-shirt from Las Vegas proudly: "He who dies with the most toys wins." He didn't win as he didn't see death coming suddenly for him.
11. Twenty-two years ago, our youngest went through preparation for First Communion and First Penance. I sat through all the sessions for First Penance with her. Nary a word was spoken of sin, hell, repentance, forgiveness, wrongdoing, penance, reparation, reconciliation. We went to the penance ceremony with the rest of the class, but I would not allow my daughter to receive the sacrament. She had not been properly prepared for it. After that, I prepared her myself and when I thought she was ready, we went down to talk with the priest who grilled her. She received the sacrament and then made her First Holy Communion at Christmas Midnight Mass by herself and had her picture taken with the choir. It was glorious.
Over the last 4 months, I noticed that a number of Catholic ministries have been warning us about the devil and Hell. Some of the articles have named names, from Fr. James Martin, homosexualist, to Francis, Pope:
Pope Francis is playing with fire. Hell fire
By John-Henry Westen, March 27, 2017
For months the Vatican has been sending Catholics a steady stream of indications that Pope Francis agrees with the modernists’ view allowing Communion for divorced and remarried Catholics.
We had his signature on a letter supporting the Buenos Aires bishops’ interpretation of Amoris Laetitia. We had testimony to the Pope’s view by Germany’s Cardinal Marx, one of the Pope’s Council of 9 Cardinals. We had the Maltese bishops say so. We had the chief interpreter of legislative texts at the Vatican say so. And we’ve seen numerous articles published in the Vatican newspaper advocating this break with Tradition.
There have been a couple of opposing voices, such as that of Cardinal Muller, the Prefect of the Congregation for the Doctrine of Faith, and most recently the Chilean bishops.
While the statements from Cardinal Muller seemed to be more his own opinion than that of the Pope, the Chilean bishops recently made comments to one of Chile’s major papers that seemed to indicate Pope Francis himself gave them a conservative interpretation of his exhortation forbidding Communion for divorced and remarried Catholics. In addition, some Catholic bloggers have interpreted the Chilean bishops’ statements to indicate that Pope Francis also opposes communion for Catholic politicians who support abortion. Some have even taken from the bishops’ remarks that the Pope rejects a married priesthood, contradicting what he said to the German newspaper Die Zeit in an interview only a short time after their meeting.
To sort all this out is not easy. One key comes from the Catholic Herald’s Dan Hitchens. He points out correctly that the reporter who interviewed the Chilean bishops, and those commenting on the bishops’ remarks, may actually be engaging in wishful thinking.
The original article in El Mercurio intermingles the personal statements of members of the Chilean bishops’ conference with secondhand accounts of what the Pope told those same bishops. For the most part, the only statements attributable to the Pope are vague anecdotes.
But as we’ve laid out above, there is massive confusion in the Church about where exactly the Pope stands on the matter. Even though a thorough assessment clearly shows the Pope backing communion for divorced and remarried Catholics, there are cardinals and bishops who suggest the Pope means the opposite.
For those who knew Cardinal Jorge Bergoglio prior to his election to the pontificate, this is nothing new. I spoke to a few priests from Buenos Aires who worked with Cardinal Bergoglio in different capacities and from them learned that confusion is emblematic of his ministry. One anecdote in particular was very instructive. I was told that people from opposite camps would both come out of meetings with Cardinal Bergoglio believing he supported their position. “He’s with us but can’t say so publicly,” they would relate, as would those who met with him from the opposing camp.
While in an archdiocese this may work for a time, this learned priest told me, in the Vatican where just about everything the Pope says is trumpeted to the world, these kinds of discrepancies become evident more quickly. Francis, the priest told me, is very much a Peronist — named for former Argentina President Juan Domingo Perón. Like Perón, Pope Francis plays with both left wing and right wing factions.
The priest tells a story about President Peron that helps to understand Francis. Once Peron was in his car and at a fork in the road his driver asked him which way he would like to go, to which Peron replied: “Put the flicker on for a right turn, but go left.” One last note about Bergoglio, related by the priest, is that when pushed, he will go left out of a great apprehension of being labeled a right-winger by the media.
Shortly after the publication of Amoris Laetitia, a forward-thinking critic warned that it would become unworkable for the Church if the bishops in Germany would wink at divorce and remarriage while across the border in Poland it would be mortally sinful. Yet who could have envisioned that we’d see bishops and cardinals voicing opposing opinions on what the Pope himself believes and teaches?
The dichotomy is clear evidence that the Pope himself, in refusing to clarify despite the formal and public request of the four Cardinals and associated pleas by countless other Catholic clergy and laity, is guilty of betraying the entire Church. By letting this charade continue he has sown confusion into the hearts of the faithful. This confusion could lead to mortal sin and thus eternal damnation.
Pope Francis is indeed playing with fire. Hell fire.
2of 196 readers’ comments
1. And this is something that is almost never preached from the pulpits these days: mortal sin and hell-fire. And the confusion coming from the pope is adding to this horrible possibility.
2. So true!
Priests SHOULD do as Fr. Corapi once suggested about when they preach: "Let us start with hell...so we don't end up there!"
However, that hasn't happened anywhere I've been. I haven't heard anything from the pulpit about mortal sin and hell-fire for over 40 years! I've only heard the seemingly "everybody is going to heaven" homily...because God is merciful...nothing at all indicating that God really does punish sin.
Our Lady of Fatima showed them hell. Why pro-lifers should care 100 years later