Dear Mahmoud Marei,

Proposal Title: Curriculum Leadership in Changing Demographics: A new Challenge to School Leadership.

We look forward to your participation in the 2016 Convention. To ensure your session goes well, we have a few reminders to share with you today.

First, when you submitted your proposal, you agreed to share your paper via UCEA’s online system a few weeks prior to the convention, October 28, 2016.

How do I Upload my Final Paper?

Login to RegOnline, and then click "Submit or Edit a Proposal." Under the "Submissions" tab to the right will be a link to 'upload' your final proposal. If you have any questions regarding the submission process, please email .

Why by October 28th?
A successful session is one that includes both powerful presentations and subsequent discussions that build on the ideas presented, articulate themes across research projects and raise questions and lines of discussion that open new possibilities. We know you will come prepared to share your research at UCEA, but in order for the session to be a success, we need you to take three further steps: 1) share your paper with your session colleagues and session facilitator by October 28, 2) read the other papers included in the session, and 3) share initial thoughts and questions with your co-presenters and session facilitator prior to the convention.

Why Facilitator?
Based on feedback from convention participants and surveys, UCEA is continuing with a new paper session format this year. Instead of assigning a “discussant” to lead a discussion following the paper presentations, we are empowering paper au thors to collaboratively design the discussion portion of the session. Who knows better than you the way your work connects with one another?

Will there be a Session Facilitator?
Yes. Each session will have a session facilitator, whose responsibilities include introducing presenters, keeping time, posing the discussion questions you helped to create, and helping to identify individuals in the audience with questions.

Why Upload a Final Copy?
Session authors/presenters are expected to login to All Academic to upload final papers and download the papers of the other presenters. Please keep in mind that the initial proposal will remain in lieu of your final paper if you do not upload a revised paper by the deadline. It is IMPERATIVE that as an author or presenter you upload your final paper on or before October 28, 2016 to allow sufficient time for the other session presenters/authors to read your paper and generat e discus sion questions. This requirement is vital to the quality of UCEA paper sessions. Additionally, presenters should provide an electronically accessible copy of the paper for attendees.

What Do I do after I have Read My Colleagues’ Papers?
After you have read your colleagues’ papers communicate with one another and your session facilitator (via email, skype or phone) to identify common themes and generate discussion questions across the session papers. After each author has completed his or her presentation during the Convention, these themes and questions will be used to initiate conversation with one another and the audience.

How Long do I have to Present?
A typical paper presentation is between 10 and 12 minutes. Projectors and screens are provided in the breakout rooms; however, computers are not. If you are bringing a mac laptop, please be sure to bring an adaptor for the projector. If you are pres enting i n an IGNITE! Session, please limit your slides to around 20, and keep in mind that your presentation should last no more than 5 minutes. Presenters should provide an electronically accessible copy.

The registration system is open and can be accessed at: Late registration rates ends November 4th at midnight EDT.

We appreciate your interest and support of the UCEA Convention and look forward to seeing you in Detroit, Michigan this Fall!

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The 2016 UCEA Convention Program Committee


Dear Mahmoud:

Hello! We hope this finds you doing well.

We wanted to send a note to all accepted proposal submitters to the 2016 UCEA Graduate Student Summit with three pieces of information.

1. Early Bird Registration Rates for the UCEA Graduate Student Summit and Convention
Early bird registration rates for the UCEA Convention are available until Monday, September 5 at 11:59pm EDT. Since each of you are scheduled to present at the GSS, you must register for the GSS, too, during the registration process. The early bird UCEA member graduate student registration fee for the Convention is $75 ($95 for non-UCEA member graduate students), and the registration fee for the Graduate Student Summ it is an additional $35. Register now for early bird pricing via the registration portal here (

2. Graduate Student Room Share Forum for the GSS and Convention
The UCEA GSC has created a graduate student room share forum for people to post requests for sharing rooms during the GSS and/or Convention. Please note that, by using the forum, you agree to the forum’s terms of use/disclaimer. You can access the graduate student room share forum here (h ttps://d

3. Uploading Your Final Work
Please keep in mind the following requirements when uploading final work for the GSS. Accepted papers, Ignite! slides, and roundtable paper outlines must be uploaded to the AllAcademic System no later than three weeks prior to GSS, which is Friday, October 28, 2016. We have asked distinguished faculty members and senior graduate students to chair your sessions and offer feedback on your work, and uploading your work in advance for both them and your session’s fellow participants is a professional courtesy and contributes to the quality of your session as well as the overall summit.

If you are presenting a paper, p lease up load your final paper by the deadline; your faculty mentor will then login to the AllAcademic system to download and review your paper. Ensure you adhere to APA formatting conventions. You will have 12 minutes to present your work, so rehearse accordingly.

If you are presenting an Ignite! presentation, please upload your final slides file by the deadline. Ignite! presentations follow a specific series of conventions. See this page ( for some guidance on how to craft an Ignite! presentation. As a structural reminder, each Ignite! presentation should have no more than 20 slides and you should set each slide to advance automatically after 15 seconds for a total of 5 minutes.< br>
& nbsp; If you are presenting a roundtable outline/paper, please upload your final outline/paper by the deadline; your roundtable mentor will then login to the AllAcademic system to download and review your outline/paper. Ensure you adhere to APA formatting conventions. You will have, at minimum, 15 minutes to present your work, so rehearse accordingly.

We anticipate releasing a draft of the GSS program by October 1, so be on the lookout for that! Finally, we'll send out more updates as the summit approaches.

If you have questions, feel free to send a note to . We're happy to help!

Our best,
The UCEA Graduate Student Council


Dear Mahmoud,

I hope this message finds you in the midst of a wonderful fall semester.

Your Jackson Scholars Research Seminar presentation will take place at 9:00 AM on Thursday, November 17th, in session 032, and your session chair is Professor Lisa Bass, whose email address is . You may note that this is a change from the facilitator name listed in the program found online, however, Dr. Bass is happy to be the chair for your session and is looking forward to hearing from you soon.

Each participant will have 7 minutes to present. After all of the presentations are complete, your session chair will lead a discussion about what has been presented.

Please contact Dr. Bass to briefly introduce yourself, to explain your purpose for contacting her, and to send her your PowerPoint presentation when you have it available in a reasonable amount of time before the convention. You may also send a brief one-page handout to your presentation chair if you would like to. These items should be emailed to your presentation chair no later than November 9, 2016. Also be prepared to answer questions about the research you present, and to ask questions of fellow presenters.

All participants should bring a laptop with your presentation file on it (and any necessary adapters to connect it to A/V equipment). Please let me know if this presents a problem for you. Also bring a flash drive with your PowerPoint presentation file on it.

As always, please do not hesitate to let me know if you have any questions.

All my best,
