Faculty Senate

Friday, December 8, 2017 @ 9:00 a.m.

Battle Mountain– #2; Elko –GTA #130; Ely –#112;Pahrump – #124; Winnemucca–#124


Voting Representatives:John Rice, George Kleeb, Michael Whitehead, Laura Pike, Reme Huttman, Tamara Mette, Brandis Senecal, Daniel Murphry, Pete Bagley (P), David Sexton, Mary Gilbertson (P), Sarah Carone, Ping Wang, Brian Zeiszler, Robert Hannu

Absent Voting Members: Bryan Asusta, Lisa Campbell,Rita Pujari (P), Delores Whittaker (P)

Other Members Present:Gretchen Skivington, Brandy Nielsen, Mary Doucette, Tami Potter, Du Xunming, Lynne Owens, Jonathan Foster, Scott Gavorksy, Laurie Walsh, Thomas Cunningham

Visitors:Tina Nelson

  1. Approval of minutes –Action
  1. John Ricemoved to approve the minutes of November 17,2017.Scott Gavorskyseconded.Motion passed unanimously.
  1. None
  1. senate chair report –Information/Possible Action
  1. Leadership Council- Email vote is open to approve prior recommendations from November Senate meeting. Chair Foster has voiced the importance of holding Leadership Council monthly.
  2. BOR Meeting-NSHE Operating Reserve Surplus was discussed. GBC will have around one million dollars to use. Plan on use of funds will need to be submitted and approved before hand
  3. Logo Contest-BOR approved student contest to design a new NSHE logo. Due date is February 15, 2018. Winning logo will be announced at March BOR meeting and the winning student will receive two thousand dollar prize.
  4. Joe Crowley- Thanks to John Rice for the Crowley resolution. It is framed and will be sent to the Crowley family.
  5. Chair & Vice Chair Elections- John Rice was selected for interim Senate Chair and Jin Jung was selected as Chair Elect.
  1. Academic Standards–No Report
  1. Part-time Instructors –No Report
  1. Assessment – No Report
  1. Budget & Facilities –No Report
  1. Compensation & Benefits – No Report
  1. Curriculum & Articulation – WrittenAction

Lynne Owens asked for a motion to approve new courses.

Items for approval-

CRJ 444 Criminological Theory—new course; pending approval from other institutions

CRJ 469 Psychology and the Legal System—new course; pending approval from other institutions

HMS 439 Gambling Disorders and Behavioral Addictions—new course

Informational items can be found in packet.

George Kleeb motioned to approve, Laura Pike seconded, no abstentions. Motion passes unanimously.

  1. Department Chairs – Written Report
  1. Distance Education – Written Report
  1. Faculty & Administrative Evaluations –Verbal Report

The committee is working on the student evaluation Idea Form. The committee has worked with Cathy Fulkerson and Brandis Senecal to create an eight question survey to find out if the from is a problem because of the additional work or if faculty would like the committee to look for another form, etc. Pat Anderson would like faculty to complete the survey before the holiday season.

  1. Faculty/Staff Safety – NoReport
  1. Gen Ed Committee – Written, Verbal, & Action

John Rice presented the recommendations.

  1. Recent changes in the Gen Ed requirements have some students seeking to graduate under the upcoming 2018 catalog requirements. The committee was asked for a recommendation on how the institution should address these requests.
  2. The committee discussed this item at length and determined that if it is in the best interest of the student making the request, the student be permitted to use the 2018 catalog requirements for graduation in May, 2018 and August, 2018. Signature of the Committee Chair is required for approval. The entire committee need not hear the requests. RECOMMEND APPROVAL BY SENATE
  3. Consideration and possible recommendation regarding Engineering Degree Sample as submitted by Jan, Kathy and Laura. (See attached)
  4. Approved as presented. RECOMMEND APPROVAL BY SENATE
  5. Consideration and possible recommendation of General Education definition as submitted. (See Below)
  6. Approved as submitted. RECOMMEND APPROVAL BY SENATE
  7. Consideration and possible recommendation regarding “Highlights Sheet” from Jan. The Highlight Sheet compares former General Ed requirements with new requirements adopted during this semester. It will assist faculty and students in moving forward with General Education Requirements. Approved as presented. (See Attached) RECOMMEND APPROVAL BY SENATE
  8. A motion was made and a recommendation was approved to include GRC 103 and 156 in the AA Foundations area under the subcategory of Humanities and Fine Arts. The change will appear on the GE page and on the GE grid. RECOMMEND APPROVAL BY SENATE
  9. A motion was made to delete BUS 113 and 114 from the GE grid. The courses had been added to accommodate the TAACCT Grant. The work on the grant is now completed and the courses are no longer needed in the GE grid offerings. Motion approved. RECOMMEND APPROVAL BY SENATE
  10. Jan King was recognized for her many years of service to GBC and higher education in Nevada, and specifically for her work on the General Education Committee. Her contributions have been invaluable and she will be missed. The committee presented her with a fine bottle of Nevada wine. Committee recommends a hearty proclamation of THANK YOU to Jan for her work! RECOMMEND APPROVAL BY SENATE

George Kleeb made a motion to pass the recommendations, David Sexton seconded. No abstentions. Motion passes unanimously.

  1. Library – VerbalReport

The library is in the process of looking at redesigning the webpage. The process of this may cause broken links. Please contact the library if you see any issues with the site.

  1. Personnel –Written Report
  1. Student Relations –NoReport

Non-senate Committees

  1. Arts and Cultural Enrichment – No Report
  2. Child Care Center Advisory Committee –Written Report
  3. Diversity & Inclusion – Written Report
  4. Virtual HumanitiesCenter –Written Report
  1. iNtegrate 2 Ad Hoc – Written Report
  1. TAACCCT – Written Report
  1. Teacher Education Committee – No Report
  1. NEW BUSINESS–Information
  1. PUBLIC COMMENT –Information
  1. ADJOURNMENT – Possible Action
  1. Moved to adjourn the meeting at 9:36.

Faculty Senate Meeting Friday, December 8, 2017 Page 1 of 4