19th September 2016
Dear Parents/Carers,
Year 2 Visit to Studland Beach
To enrich our learning during our ‘Once Upon a Time’ topic we would like to take Year 2 to Studland Beach on Tuesday 4th October.
We will be working with the National Trust where the children will take part in a variety of activities that supports their geography learning about coastal locations.
Please could you ensure that your child wears sensible outdoor clothing and footwear so that they are able to fully explore the environment in any weathercondition. Children do not need to wear their school uniform, apart from their school jumper. As our weather is changeable, please ensure your child has a raincoat in their bag.
Children in KS1 are entitled to free school meals so if required HC3S can provide a packed lunch for the visit. If you would like the kitchen to provide a packed lunch please indicate on the form attached. Please note the kitchen can only cater for medical requests that they have previously been notified about for the school lunch box, no other requests will be considered. If you do not indicate on the form a school packed lunch will not be provided and must be sent in from home. Please provide your child with two drinks (non-fizzy) in a backpack. A healthy snack will be provided and given to the children when we arrive at Studland.
We will be leaving school at 9.30am and returning at 2.30pm. Children should arrive at school as normal in the morning and will be ready to be collected as usual at the end of the school day.
We would be very grateful for a voluntary contribution of £8.50 per child to cover the cost of coaches and activities at Studland. We will still need to collect sufficient contributions in order for the visit to go ahead. If you wish, you could pay in two installments, see attached form. Please come and speak to your child’s class teacher if you have any concerns.
Please could you return the attached permission slip and contribution in a sealed envelope with your child’s full name written on it to the school office no later than:Friday 30th September.
(Cash or cheques made payable to Sandford Primary School, please.)
We are in need of additional helpers on the day so if you would like to join us please complete the section on the form attached.We will inform you nearer the date should we request your help, in the event that we have lots of volunteers we will draw names from a hat.
We are very much looking forward to our visit and learning more about our coastal locations.
The Year 2 Team
Year 2 Studland Beach Visit – Tuesday 4th October 2016
I hereby give permission/do not give permission for my child to attend the year 2 visit.
I enclose a voluntary contribution of £8.50 towards the Studland Beachvisit.
I would like to pay in 2 instalments and enclose £______
Please delete below as applicable
- Yes please, I would like the school kitchen to provide my child with a packed lunch and I understand that HC3S can only cater for dietary/medical requests that have been previously arranged with the kitchen.
- No thank you, I will provide my child with a packed lunch from home
Any medical issues to be aware of …………………………………………………………….
Parent Signature………………………………………Date……………………………………….
Please complete below only if you are willing to be an adult helper for our visit
Name……………………………………. Telnumber…………………………………
(Mrs Bolar or Mr Sampson will notify you if needed prior to the visit taking place)