ARENA Onsite Program– Worksheet for Information Collection
Thank you very much for your interest in the Alaska-based onsite portion of the 2016 Arctic Remote Energy Networks Academy (ARENA) program. This worksheet is intended to help you collect, refine and retain the information you will use for the application. After you have the information assembled to your satisfaction, you should be able to easily copy and paste it as text in the online Google form.
General Information Section
Field / Your Response and/or NotesFirst Name
Last (Family) Name
Title (Dr., Ms., Mr., etc.)
Age (for liability and travel purposes – affirm you are 21 or older)
Gender (male, female – this will be used for housing assignments)
Mailing Address: Street
Mailing Address: City
Mailing Address: State/Province
Mailing Address: Country
Mailing Address: Zip or Postal Code
Country of Citizenship (country for which your passport has been issued – we will be in touch later with the personnel selected as participants to request more detailed information to support visa applications)
Organization Name (name of the employer or organization that will benefit from your ARENA participation)
English Language Skills (all instruction and program activities will be in English, no plans are in-place for onsite translation)
Chronic Health Conditions and Allergies (will be used to ensure arrangements are made for any needed accommodations)
Dietary Restriction(s) (will be used to arrange suitable options if needed for any of the program-provided food items)
Statement of Qualifications Section
Field / Your Response and/or NotesEducation & Training (list all of your educational degrees and/or training certificates, and include the name of the granting institution and the year each one was received)
Employment (list the name of each employer, and include how long you were employed there along with your position title(s) and a key accomplishment in each position)
Publications (list these by title, and include the date and name of the publication where it appeared)
Other Relevant Experience (describe any other parts of your experience that relate to your energy career)
Energy Career Forecast (please briefly describe your long-term career aspirations, and indicate what role you envision for yourself 5 years in the future)
Resume or Curriculum Vitae (CV) (copy and paste text from your resume or CV, or have it available in PDF format for transmittal per email to the indicated address.)
Applications from ARENA (Indicate how ARENA participation will help you and your community, keeping your response to 300 words or less)
Endorsement letters (you should choose these authors carefully, making sure they know you well and can provide commentary that helps the selection panel understand you as thoroughly as possible.)
ARENA Experience Tailoring Section
Field / Your Response and/or NotesProgram Track (The Project Management track is intended to serve the needs of utility managers, project developers, and other individuals focusing primarily on overall system perspectives. The Technology, Design, and Operation track addresses interests and requirements for technology developers, engineers, and other technical personnel.)
HOMER Certification (This microgrid applications analysis software is widely used, and certification in its use can be a useful professional skill. Information about HOMER is available at
Areas of Interest (You will need to pick 3 items from the presented list. We will use these to shape details of the onsite program to the greatest degree possible.)
The options from which you choose are: Hydrokinetic Hydropower (e.g., River, Wave); Run-of-the-River Hydropower; Solar Photovoltaic; Solar Thermal; Wind Turbines; Battery Energy Storage; Flywheel Energy Storage; Advanced Diesel Generator Control Systems; Load Management; Data Collection and Analysis; Low Temperature Geothermal; Biomass Systems; Combined Heat and Power; Heating Districts; Thermal Energy Storage; Other (briefly describe the area of interest)