Appendix 5: Short Course Approval Submission Document
- SCIF and UIF(s) must be attached to this application if credit bearing
- Where some/all units proposed for short-course delivery are pre-approved within UoB’s course approval process, that approval documentation may be provided but must be accurately cross-referenced within the template below
Proposed course management team / To include
Short Course Coordinator (plus role and department) for both approval and accreditation
full details of any partners to the proposal,
The proposed course / Short Course Title with award [UG/PG non credit bearing /credit Bearing]
Overview, credits (level [4,5,6,7]and volume), structure, content, mode, delivery schedule[including start and end dates], aim, [PG or UG]
Relationship to any University awards/ progression opportunities if applicable
RelevantUniversity fields (including proportion of proposed short course associated with each)
Accreditation (current and/or proposed accreditation by any organization other than the University)
Context, Rationale and Demand / To include evidence of fit with the University strategy/business plan, employer engagement strategy, shared confidence in the course, including projected numbers, number of deliveries per year market and growth and recruitment strategy.
Learning aims Outcomes / Course aims
Course and (any) sub-course outcomes
Management and operational quality assurance of provision / Responsibilities of the course leader, administrative support, succession planning, partnership working and formal linkage with partners
For accreditation proposals, details must be provided of arrangements for the University’s verification of the standards and quality of provision during the proposed period of delivery
Publicity Recruitment and Admissions. / Publicity plan and marketing strategy. Any specific issues concerning entry criteria.
Budget for development, additional costs, revenue for university/faculty
Admissions process
Physical Resources / Learning and Teaching facilities on campus /off campus, IT and library access.
Staffing Resources and Staff development / Evidence of sufficient appropriately qualified and experienced staff. Staff development plan in place to support the new course(s), including CVs of any staff not employed by UoB
Learning and Teaching Strategy / Evidence of adherence to principles of University education strategy
Assessment strategy / Evidence of adherence to principles of University assessment strategy
Information to participants / Student Handbook and other supporting documents.
Briefing document for other relevant parties (e.g. mentors and line managers of potential learners)
Student Guidance and Support / Responsibility for provision of learner advice and support
Confirmation of arrangements for appeal, complaint and discipline
Equality and inclusivity / Identify any issues and actions proposed in response
Application signed by Faculty Dean
Name………………………………………………… Signature ………………………………………… Date…………………….