The Ashland School Committee met on Thursday, June 22, 2006. The meeting was called to order at
7:30 PM at the Mindess School.
PRESENT: Dr. Richard Hoffmann, Superintendent
Dr. Kay Wood, Assistant Superintendent
Mrs. Mary Lou Hunt, Business Manager
Mrs. Yolanda Greaves, School Committee Chair
Mrs. Claudia Bennett, Vice Chair
Ms. Marcia Reni, Member
Ms. Patricia Callen, Member
Ms. Robin Scott, Recording Secretary
ABSENT: Mr. John Blake, Secretary
Ms. Anne Silverman and Ms. Eileen Glassman discussed concerns surrounding Ms. Andrea Slote’s transfer from the Looping Program to the Neighborhood Program. Ms. Silverman said it is unfair to the students and parents that chose the Looping Program. Discussion ensued. Additionally, Ms. Silverman outlined problems with the Sexual Education Program that is currently in place and made suggestions on how to improve the program. Dr. Wood said the Rape Aggression Defense (RAD) program is already in place which is intended to improve the Sex Ed Program. Mrs. Reni said that she would be willing to follow up on this issue and update the School Committee accordingly. Discussion ensued.
Dr. Hoffmann recognized and congratulated the following teacher/mentors for their fantastic job with study groups and workshops: Jennifer Lundwall, Robin Todtenkopf, Eileen Habacker, Elizabeth Cooney, Len Rabinowitz, Scott Smith, Aleisha Egan, Patricia Daly, Lynne Hammond, Bob Shilalie, Chad Kipp-McGowan, Carol Conova, Barbara Jenkins, Scott Soderberg, Dana Labb, MaryLee Mullin-Palencia, Kristen Lamothe, Eileen Ryan, Marilyn Matarese, Paula Talmanson, Anne Stacy, Andrea Roshier, Tricia Tomaso, and Deborah Peck. In addition the following individuals presented a 2 ½ hour workshop specifically designed for new teachers throughout the school year: John Bacon, Susan Furste, Susan Gala, Gretchen Herrick, Sheryl Krasner, Anne Stacy, Jennifer Temple, Len Rabinowitz, France Murphy and Cindy Murphy.
The Superintendent congratulated Ms. Pat White, Preschool Director who recently received a fellowship at Cambridge College. He recognized Sam Tejada who was the recipient of the All Scholastic Golf scholarship, and Anton Nikolou who received the All Scholastic Tennis scholarship. Dr. Hoffmann thanked the Middle School students and Michelle Bernstein for raising $1,100.25 for the Leukemia. He recognized Ms. Karen Weiner who discovered a bookkeeping error and recently received a refund check in the amount of $1,972.47, for the Ashland Post Office. He congratulated Mr. Robert Lyndsey, Commander of Legion Post 77 who has done an outstanding job promoting the Bike Safety Program. Dr. Hoffmann recognized Mr. Dan Powers, Physical Education Teacher at the Mindess School for his Boston Globe Teacher Honor Roll Nomination.
The Athletic Task Force representatives Phil Moresi, Athletic Director, Mike Tempesta, High School Principal, Debbie DeLuca, Parent, Arlene Argir, Mindess School Principal, and Sue Bronstein, High School Teacher approached the table to discuss their recommendations. The Task Force discussed a number of issues related to athletics and how to improve the program. The critical topic was a review of the requirements above and the requirements/standards set by the MIAA. Policy #63 – Co-Curricular Eligibility Standards requires students to maintain a 70 average in order to be eligible to play sports and certain other co-curricular activities was suspended on August 12, 2004 and since then the MIAA rule (can not fail 2 major subjects) has been in place.
The Task Force recommended that the School Committee amend its policy to require athletes to pass five courses with only one failure allowed (all students must take 6 courses) in order to be eligible for sports
Mr. Moresi recommended that the School Committee amend its policy (which is currently suspended) to require students to pass four (4) major courses allowing them to fail two(2) courses, in order to be eligible to participate in sports and co-curriculum activities.
Mrs. Greaves said that the Task Force recommendations will be taken under advisement and discussed further. Discussion ensued.
Mr. Tempesta presented an updated schedule for the new High School. He said the schedule was changed two years ago from a traditional seven (7) periods per day schedule to an extended time block schedule. One concern was the “drop two” schedule which means that some classes didn’t meet for four (4) days. This sometimes hinders achievement and equity with labs for example not enough time to get through the classes. Mr. Tempesta said the new scheduling is needed to expand AP courses as well as for staffing, resources, equity, and multiple problems with the old schedule. Dr. Wood said she continues to work with the department chairs to find ways to purchase text books for each grade level. The Assistant Superintendent agreed to provide the School Committee with a list of the items that were cut from the budget.
Dr. Hoffmann led the discussion on articulating a list of key goals and objectives that support achievement of the Strategic Plan for the 2006-07 school year, as follows:
· Communications
· Student Learning
· School Facilities & Technology
· Personnel & Professional Development
· Education Funding
· School Culture and Leadership
· Community Outreach and Partnerships
Dr. Hoffmann is working towards establishing a five (5) year Strategic Plan. The School Committee decided to further discuss the goals for the 2006-07 Strategic Plan at their upcoming Summer Workshop.
Dr. Hoffmann presented the Wellness Policy to the School Committee. Several minor changes were made to the Wellness Policy in accordance with recommendations made by the School Committee at their meeting on May 25, 2005 (please see below). Mrs. Greaves read the Wellness Policy aloud, as follows:
· Nutrition Standards for a la carte items will be based on the U.S. Dietary Guidelines for Americans. One serving of an item must not contain more that 10 grams of fat and the sale of foods containing 35% or more added sugar by weight is prohibited.This does not include foods of high nutritional value, such as seeds and nuts. Bake Sales or other fund raising activities must have at least 50% of items offered for sale meeting the nutrition standards set forth in the Wellness Policy.
· We will provide opportunities for every student to develop the knowledge, skills and attitudes necessary to engage in physical activities and physical fitness classes.
· The schools will provide opportunities for students to regularly participate in physical activity and understand the short and long term benefits of a physically active and healthy lifestyle.
Amendment: The schools will provide opportunities for students to regularly participate in physical activity and understand the short and long term benefits of a physically active and healthy lifestyle.
· We will provide the atmosphere and resources that encourage students to seek assistance for emotional challenges that are impacting their health and well being or the health and well being of a friend or family member
Mrs. Bennett motioned to accept Wellness Policy #74, as amended. The motion was seconded by Mrs. Callen. Members were polled and all were in favor.
The School Committee voted the positions of School Committee subcommittees, liaisons and Ad Hoc Committees so that members may plan ahead for their involvement on these committees in the 2006-2007 school year. A list of the changes are as follows:
2006-07 School Year
Subcommittees (Policy 9.1, meet quarterly)
Reports to SC:
Finances – TBA Quarterly Reports
Curriculum – Patricia Callen, Yolanda Greaves Annually in June
Activities – Marcia Reni, Claudia Bennett Annually in January
Facilities – Claudia Bennett, Fran Blake Annually in October
Technology – Claudia Bennett Annually in January
Ad Hoc Committees (Regulation 9.7, meet as needed) Reports: periodic as needed
Transportation – Yolanda Greaves
Policies – Marcia Reni
Legislative – Claudia Bennett
Safety & Security – Fran Blake
Communications –Yolanda Greaves
Field Use – ON HOLD
Strategic Plan / Long Range Planning – Yolanda Greaves
School Funding Alternatives – Marcia Reni
Transition Planning – Claudia Bennett
Healthy Foods – Yolanda Greaves
Labor Management – ON HOLD
Liaisons (Regulation 9.7, will attend Regular Meetings) Reports: periodic as needed
K-8 PTO – Claudia Bennett
Finance Committee / Selectmen – ON HOLD
SPED PAC – Patricia Callen
Boosters – ON HOLD
Metrowest Chamber of Commerce – Fran Blake
Ashland Business Association – Fran Blake
Each year there is a full day summer workshop scheduled to map out priorities for the upcoming year. There was some discussion; however the School Committee did not select a date during the regular meeting.
A motion was made by Mrs. Bennett to add an item to the agenda. Mrs. Reni seconded the motion. Members were polled and all were in favor.
Dr. Hoffmann proposed naming one of the Warren School courtyards in honor of Julian Doktor, retired Guidance Counselor, for his years of service.
A motion was made by Mrs. Bennett to approve naming of one of the Warren School courtyards after Julian Doktor, as proposed by Dr. Hoffmann. The motion was seconded by Mrs. Callen. Members were polled and all were in favor.
A motion was made by Mrs. Reni to approve the May 11, 2006 regular School Committee minutes, as written. The motion was seconded by Mrs. Callen. Members were polled and all were in favor.
A motion was made by Mrs. Bennett to approve the May 25, 2006 regular School Committee minutes, as written. The motion was seconded by Mrs. Reni. Members were polled and all were in favor.
Mrs. Reni attended the first grade play “EIEI oops” that she said was wonderful. She commended Mrs. Stacy and Robbie Elbaum for going the extra mile and doing an outstanding job.
Mrs. Bennett said the Neighborhood students did an outstanding job in the “Free to be you and me” performance. She attended the overnight field trip to Plimoth Plantation that she said was a lot of fun.
Mr. Bennett attended the memorial for Elaine Weisenfeld, former Middle School teacher and said that Mr. Carney did an outstanding job despite the weather.
Dr. Hoffmann attended the flag raising ceremony presented by the Student Council that he said was prideful. He said the new kindergarten booklet will be distributed to the incoming kindergarten students during orientation. He said the retirement parties for Katherine Cullinane, Julian Doktor, Lois Cooper, Sue Conte, and Carol Armbruster were honorable and well attended.
Dr. Wood met with the Technology Council and said Michele Apuzzo is working on internet safety and has begun planning the Technology Fair.
A motion was made by Mrs. Bennett and seconded by Mrs. Reni to adjourn the regular meeting and go into executive session for the purpose of non-union negotiations.
Mrs. Greaves polled the School Committee. Mrs. Reni, Mrs. Callen, Mrs. Bennett and Mrs. Greaves – all voted yes. The School Committee will not be returning to open session.
The School Committee will not be returning to open session. Members were polled and all were in favor.
Respectfully submitted,
Fran Blake