Ducat ENG 103 - 1141, 103H - 1142 Fall 2012 - Mt. San Jacinto College

“Education” Assignment

The texts

  • TIA chapters 1-6 on argument and research.
  • All the essays in TIA Chapter 11 clusters 1, 2, and 3 regarding secondary and post-secondary education in the US: its structure, methods, pedagogy, curriculum, and more.
  • Supplemental materials including:
  • Google search on “Gainful employment rule.”
  • “Behind the Billboards”
  • “Student Loans Saddle Both Kinds of Seniors Graduates and Grandparents”
  • California college completion rates
  • Articles at
  • Blumenstyk, Goldie. "Loan-Default Rate at For-Profit Colleges Would Double Under New Formula." The Chronicle of Higher Education, 4 Feb 2011 accessed 4 Feb 2011
  • Pathways to Prosperity.” Pathways to Prosperity Project. Harvard Graduate School of Education. 1 Feb 2001 accessed 4 Feb 2011
  • “Texas College Completion Rates.” Complete College America, accessed 30 Jan 2012
  • Wilson, Robin. "For-Profit Colleges Change Higher Education's Landscape." The Chronicle of Higher Education, 7 Feb 2010 accessed 3 Feb 2011
  • “College, Inc.” Frontline. pbs.org.4 May 2010 accessed 3 Feb 2011
  • "Justice with Michael Sendal" episode 8 - "What's a Fair Start?" / "What Do We Deserve?"
  • “Prop 30: Summary”
  • “Prop 30:Arguments and Rebuttals”
  • Intelligence Squared debate: Too Many Kids Go to College

This list is subject to change, especially because I may have inadvertently omitted a text or two, or may find something new.

Read, discuss

We have written about and discussed many of the texts.


You will write an essay regarding some aspect of the secondary/post-secondary educational system. I will not tell you which aspect to address, so this is a very important part of your process. Just remember, your selection must be appropriately narrow, in order to allow you to match the length of the paper (4 pages).

Research your concept

You are welcome to read additional texts which may help you in this project, but as the list above demonstrates, we have done quite a bit of guided work in this topic.

You must use at least four sources, two from the Chapter 11 clusters and two from the supplemental materials, video or film.


Write a paper in which you take a position of some complexity regarding an element of secondary or post-secondary education.

Please make sure to have a forecast statement which announces “1) the name of each of the major ideas in your paper and (2) the order in which those ideas will appear” (

You must develop your argument fully and coherently; you must support your claims with adequate evidence;and you must explain how each piece of evidence supports your claim. You must consider what others would say (counterargument), and then respond to their concerns (rebuttal).

This is not an exhaustive list of the expectations – please refer to the writing rubric on your syllabus.

Review, revise, and rewrite

We will reviewcollaboratively, and there will be time. The revised version of this paper must be substantially different from the first draft.


The body of this paper must have at least 1000 words. It must be typed in Times New Roman 12 pint font and in MLA manuscript format, including works cited page. The rough draft is due (to turnitin.com and in class) on Oct. 4. The final draft is due (to turnitin.com and in class on) Oct. 11.Ask me if you do not understand the expectations.