Improving and Maintaining Safe Prescribing Standards using “Check and Correct”
The purpose of this process is to bring the drug charts up to minimum safe standards
Report all deficiencies to the Consultant and correct the chart before moving to next patient
Date / …../...../2011 / Person completing form / Ward or UnitNumber / 1 / 2 / 3 / 4 / 5 / 6
Safe Prescribing Standard / Bed
If up to standard tick the box, if not enter count of corrections made
1) Patient name, correct consultant, ward, and hospital number on Front Page and Page 2 all complete / Tick or count of corrections made
2) All items are readily legible, clear, and unambiguous – could the patient easily read and check the drug names? / Tick or count of corrections made
3) Drug idiosyncrasies (allergy) box completed? / Tick or count of corrections made
4) If any drugs prescribed in units other than “mg” is the unit written in longhand e.g. micrograms, not mcg,
Units not “U”e.g. INSULIN and DALTEPARIN? / n/a = Not applicable oror
count of corrections made / n/aor
or count of corrections / n/a or
or count of corrections / n/a or
or count of corrections / n/a or
or count of corrections / n/a or
or count of corrections / n/a or
or count of corrections
5) For all ANTIBIOTICS both a duration and indication are written? / n/a = Not applicable oror
count of corrections made / n/aor
or count of corrections / n/aor
or count of corrections / n/aor
or count of corrections / n/aor
or count of corrections / n/aor
or count of corrections / n/aor
or count of corrections
6) On the last drug round were all prescribed drug doses administered? If not, why not? Was doctor informed? Should drug be stopped? / Tick or count of doses omitted or n/a
7) Is Oxygen in use? Has it been prescribed and target 02 saturations set clearly? / 02 not in use oror
count of corrections made / 02 not in use
oror count of corrections / 02 not in use
or or count of corrections / 02 not in use
or or count of corrections / 02 not in use
or or count of corrections / 02 not in use
or or count of corrections / 02 not in use
or or count of corrections
8) PRN drugs all have dose and where appropriate a maximum frequency e.g. morphine, paracetamol? / Tick or count of corrections made
9) Has the main prescriber used rubber stamp or written his or her surname in CAPITALS once on the chart and added bleep or GMC number? / Tick or cross and write name of main prescriber
10) Does patient have a wristband on now? / Tick or cross
11) Is the wristband the correct colour?
Black – no known reactions
Red – important drug reactions / Tick or cross
h:\_1_gordon\_assessment_and_feedback\_ward round pack\prescribing check and correct tool 6 charts 20111012.doc