Publication No. 14

Shelf Life Recommendations

Explosives & Initiating Devices




The shelf life of explosives, accessories and devices are very dependent on the nature of their composition or construction. The best expert advice is that, under controlled good storage conditions, the product groups listed in this Code will perform satisfactorily provided they are stored and used in accordance with the Federation Codes issued covering use, storage and transport:

Code of Good Practice Storage of Explosives and Code of Good Practice - Blasting

Reference to these Codes should be made for details regarding the advised conditions.

For the purpose of this Code of Good Practice explosives products and devices in general use are divided into two groups:

Permitted those explosives and products tested and approved for use in dangerous gassy mines such as coalmines and similar environments.

Nonpermitted those explosives and devices in general use other than in gassy or dangerous conditions.

1.1 The shelf life limits are those for explosive materials in original packing (outer case/box) and which are stored under the precisely defined storage conditions.

Maximum temperature 30oC

Maximum humidity 65%

Good ventilation.

1.2 The limits are intended to apply as long as the product is in its original packing as issued or that packing is effectively resealed by the manufacturer.

1.3 If the storage conditions are such that they don't protect the explosive, particularly from changes in temperature the product may become defective and the shelf life conditions thereby nullified.

1.4 It is particularly important to remember that manufacturers have no control and/or influence in the quality of storage and handling outside of their own premises and, therefore, these recommendations cannot be considered as a warranty but must remain recommendations.

1.5 It is strongly recommended that, in order to have legal validity, the shelf life limit should be notified to the customer either/and/or by printing on the outer packing or by issuing support data.

1.6 The recommended shelf life limits given below are based on practical information and storage data supplied by members.

1.7 If any member manufacturer recommends limits substantially different from those given below these should be appropriate to the particular composition and based on practical storage evidence and supportive data.

1.8 It is emphasised that these recommendations are intended specifically for the European Market and that overseas shippers should take the shipping and overseas storage conditions into account when recommending the appropriate overseas shelf life.

1.9 Manufacturers should ensure that their recommendations on shelf life are formally passed to the purchaser and that he has an undertaking from the purchaser that he will pass these instructions to the final user or any other intermediate party.




Packaged Explosives

NG Gelatines 6 months

NG Powders 6 months

Watergels 6 months

Emulsions 6 months

Initiating Devices

Electric Detonators

Zero delay (Instantaneous) 24 months

Other delays 24 months

Detonating Cord 12 months


Packaged Explosives

NG Gelatines 12 months

Powders 12 months

Watergels 12 months


Cartridges 12 months

Repumpable 3 months

ANFO 6 months

Black Powder 12 months

Initiating Devices

Electric Detonators

Zero delay (Instantaneous) 24 months

Other delays 24 months

Non Electric Detonators

Zero delay (Instantaneous) 24 months

Other delays 24 months

Detonating Cord 48 months

Boosters 48 months

Plain Detonators 18 months

Safety Fuse 24 months