Mr Barnett’s ‘7-Up’: The following students should report to Mr Barnett’s office at 8.45am on the day stated. Please do not go to registration – you will be registered at the meeting. During September, we are asking students the question “If you could do one or two things to improve ElginAcademy, what would they be?”
Wednesday 17 September 2014
Amar Sahota 3I
Amber Lees 3G
Anais Bliault 3I
Andrew Little 3I
Andrew Rawding 3S
Bailey Mone 3R
Ben Reaich 3R
Friday 19 September 2014
Graeme Bethune 5R
Holly Carmichael 5R
Inez Holliday 5G
Innes Mackay 5R
Isidora Harris-Tebeni 5G
Jack Williamson 5M
Jacqualine Bannigan 5G
Year Assemblies: Assemblies will be held as follows.
S6 – Tuesday 16 September
S5 – rearranged to Thursday 18 September
Pupils and staff should go straight to the Assembly Hall on their allocated day and register their class in the Hall. All pupils should be seated together in their registration class.
Senior & U15 Football: Game on Wednesday 17 September away to Lossie (kick off 4:30pm). Bus leaves school at 3:45pm and will cost £3/player. Money must be handed in to either Mr Baker, Mr Robertson or
Mr McAvinue before Wednesday or game will be cancelled. Thank you. (MB)
Gift Card Found: A gift card was found outside the ElginAcademy building. If you think this may belong to you please contact the school office. Thank you.
Debating Club: The Debating Club are playing Just a Minute in G12 at 1 pm on Thursday 18 September. If you think you'll be able to talk for one minute without hesitation, deviation or repetition on subjectssuch asThe Worst Day of My Life or How to Bath a Dog or My Favourite Teacher. Even if you don't want to speak and just want to listen you are more than welcome to enjoy the fun.See Drew Scott S6 for further information.(JH, EH, SS)
ML Corridor: This week the Modern Languages Department is delighted to welcome an assistant teacher from Germany. She will be working in ElginAcademy every Thursday from now until Easter with pupils learning German from S1 to S6. Some of our Higher German pupils Anja, Carly and Emma have chosen this week's tune, Get Lucky auf Deutsch by Alexi Bexi. Hope you all enjoy! Thanks to all the pupils and teachers who have suggested tunes they would like to hear. Please keep the tunes coming and pass your suggestions to any Modern Languages teacher. Merci. Danke. Gracias. (LL)
Talent Show Rehearsals: Rehearsals for the Talent Show will take place on Monday and Tuesday at 3:30 in the assembly hall. All must attend or see Mr Webster if you are unavailable. (AW)
DANCE AUDITIONS - School production: All pupils who have signed up to dance as part of the school production and anyone else who now fancies being a dancer, should come along toB57 at 12.50 on Tuesday 16 September please bring your lunch & dance/jazz shoes or pumps. Thank you! (AO-L)
S1- Curriculum Open Evening: Pleaseencourage one of your parents to come along tonight from 5.30pm onwards. They are welcome to attend even if a slip hasn't been returned. This is a chance for them to find out about your curriculum. (TD)
S1 & S2Novelties Book Group: Group will meet at lunchtime on Wednesday. A great turnout last week - with great enthusiasm and ideas - more of the same this week! (ST)
S2 MidYis Testing: The S2 Mid Yis Testing will take place in the assembly hall on Wednesday 17 September 2014.
- Those students in S2 5/6should report to the hall directly after registration and they will return to class during period 2.
- Students in S21/2/3/4 should report to the hall directly after break time and they will return to class during period 4.
All students should bring a blue or black pen, a pencil and rubber with them. Apologies for any inconvenience this may cause. (KJG)
Ski Trip: Can all those going on the ski/snowboarding trip remember that a payment was due on the 5th October. Payment needs to be made ASAP. Can those who are wishing to snowboard please see Miss Morton as soon as possible. (KM)
ROA Special Assemblies: There will be special assemblies next week to launch our focus outcomes. Can pupils please report to class as normal, and then be escorted to the hall by their class teacher. Pupils should ensure they have their planners and something to write with when they make their way to the hall. The assemblies will be at the following times on Tuesday 16September
S1 – Period 3
S2 – Period 4
S3 – Period 5*
S1/S2 Cookery Club: Cookery Club will run on WEDNESDAY next week at 3.20 - 4.20 and will cost £1.00. Please sign up in the Home Economics Departmentif you are interested by Tuesday at the latest. We will be making Fairy Cakes this week. (KA)
Career Planning Appointments with Skills Development Scotland – Monday 15 September
9:50Kayleigh Cunningham 6I11:00Khodi Anderson 6G11:55Olo Kizkurno 5M
Career Planning Appointments with Skills Development Scotland – Tuesday 16September
9:50Rachael Dickison 5M11:00Jasmine Robertson 5G11:55 Cameron Dyche 5G
1:40Mateusz Bernacki 6I2:30Christopher Yule 6M
Apprenticeship Opportunity: ST Building companyin Forresis looking for a 16/17 year old apprentice Carpenter & Joiner. If youare interested candidateseither email or to contact Gillian Mackenzie CITB Apprenticeships Officer on 07770231761.
Elgin Youth Cafe Job Vacancies: Elgin Youth cafeare currently looking to recruit four young people to join their hospitality team, working within the Bar & Kitchen areas of the cafe during evening openings. They must be 16 years of age or older and will be employed on 4 month contracts. They will work between 7 & 10 hours a week and are currently paid £4/hour. The closing date for applications is Tuesday 23September. For more information and/or would like copies of the job description and application, please contact Iain Sneddon on 548300 or email at . Thanks
S5 Focus Group - Curriculum Structure: Could the following pupils please report to the Meeting Room (G54) period 2 on Monday 15 September 2015?
Sean Allen, Abbie Bell, Katrina Buckle, Sian Copland, Blair Duncan, Sean Grant, Carrie McVicar, Jake Purdy, Alysanne Shaw, Ruth Woodcock. Apologies for any inconvenience this may cause. (KJG)
S6 Yearbook: The first meeting of the yearbook committee will be held at 1pm in G12 on Tuesday 16 September. If you have signed up for yearbook you must attend.If you are unable to attend then you need to give your name to Mrs Havinden or Miss Morton before Tuesday. (JH)