Herzlichen Willkommen zum Deutsch III/IV an der East Hamilton!
Welcome to German III/IV at East Hamilton
Instructor: Mr. HudsonRoom #2308 Year: 2017-2018
Course Name : German 3/4
Textbooks Used: Deutsch Aktuell 3 (6th ed.)
Supplementary Texts or Special Materials: Handouts & Deutsch Aktuell: Workbook
Website: classroom.google.com
Group code for Google Classroom: 8rgyfro
Course Description:
Students continue to develop proficiency in listening, speaking, reading, and writing in German. Emphasis is on a thorough tense study, grammatical structure, and language development. Discussion of German culture, history, and literature will be introduced in context with learning the language.
Most of the class will be conducted in German, and students will be expected to be active participants. The language introduced and practiced will be meaningful to the students, as they will each have opportunities to draw upon personal experiences when speaking in class, working with a small group, or working individually on an essay or project.
Course Outline and Content:
Discussions, readings, and the textbook will be used as the foundation for establishing the themes and providing a good source of vocabulary for the students. This class will cover five different units dealing with different periods of German history and literature. The very beginning of the course will reintroduce topics first examined in levels one and two. Throughout the course, meaningful topics will be added to previous units to build and enrich knowledge of the language and culture.
Materials Needed:
•3 ring binder 2”-3”
•Lined paper in binder of spiral notebook
•Pen or pencil
•Crayons or Colored Marker Set
Recommended but not required:
•German-English dictionary
•Index cards for vocabulary flash cards
•Thumb drive for saving computer work
Your notebook is an important part of class. It (along with the textbook) will have “everything” needed for daily assignments, homework, quizzes, tests, and anything else we do in class. All pages should be organized according to the date they were issued or completed in class.
It is your responsibility to check on make-up work when you return after being absent. While you are absent you may log onto:
You will need to check the school handbook to determine when your work is due according to absence policies. You should attempt to turn in your assignments on the day you return. However, you will receive a zero at the end of the fifth day if your assignments have not been turned in – NO EXCEPTIONS!
OTHER – passes (signing in/out) – Before leaving the classroom you must: 1) sign out and 2) have a pass if you need to leave class for any reason.
HOMEWORK - is posted daily online:
Homework is due the next time class meets; otherwise it counts as a zero.
High School:
Grading scale: 93-100 A Averages: Tasks (daily work, homework) 50%
85-92 B Assessments (quizzes, tests) 50%
75-84 C Quarter 1 – 37.5 % of Semester Grade
74-70 D Quarter 2 – 37.5 % of Semester Grade
69- 0 FFinal Exam – 25% of Semester Grade
Daily Procedures for Class
• The bell does not start class. The teacher does not start class. Class begins with taking your assigned seat quietly along with all needed materials and supplies and beginning the posted assignment on the board (Daily Warm Up/ Abflug).
• When instructions are to be given, I will raise my right hand. Instructions will be given once.
• When wanting to receive my attention, please raise your hand.
• The bell does not dismiss class. The teacher dismisses class. Turn in all classroom work for the day with me/on my cart.
Discipline Plan for German 3
Classroom Rules
•Have all appropriate materials and supplies at your desk and be seated quietly when the bell rings.
•Respect the people, equipment, and furnishings inside the classroom.
•Follow directions the first time they are given.
•Observe all rules in the student handbook.
•Raise hand with one finger pointed towards ceiling for permission to speak; Raise hand with two fingers pointed towards ceiling for permission to leave your seat.
If You Choose to Break a Rule
First Time: Name on Board. Warning
Second Time: Isolation from rest of class. Complete “My Action Plan” sheet
Finish all classwork for homework if missed in class
Third Time: All of secondary disciplinary procedure and parents/guardians
Fourth Time: Referral written, and student sent to office.
Praise (daily)
Positive notes home (random)
Whole class free time (weekly on Fridays for 15 minutes)
“Raise a Grade” certificate (monthly)
The joy of learning (each day of the school year)
Pacing Guide/Lehrplan
August / Review: German 1 and 2 SkillsFilm, Drama und Schauspielerei in Deutschland
September / Drehbücher und Fritz Lang
Deutsche Filme ohne Ton: die 20er Jahre
Die ersten Filme mit Ton: 1930- 1940
October/ Oktober / Die Propaganda
Die Brücke Film – 1959
NS-Zeit und der Zweite Weltkrieg Hintergrund
Projekt: Was ist Dir absurd? Was findest du komisch?
November / Die Weiße Rose Gruppe - die weiße Rose (1982 film)
Antifaschistischer Widerstand in Deutschland
Dezember / Legende in Deutschen Filmen - Nibelungenlied
Die Nibelungen
January/ Januar / Rosenstraße Film - 2003
Der Holokaust und die Nachwirkung auf Deutschland
Februar / Nachkriegszeit- Das Wunder von Bern Film
Sport in Deutschland
März / Film in der DDR vs (gegen) Film in der BDR
Fernsehen - Goodbye Lenin (tentative)
April / Neuer Deutscher Film: 1960- 1980/ Margaretha von Trotta und Volker Schlöndorf, Fassbinder
May/ Mai / Nachkriegszeit- Modernes Deutschland - Heutige Probleme
STUDENTS: I have read this classroom discipline plan and understand it. I will honor it while in German III.
Signature: ______Date______
PARENTS: My child has discussed the classroom discipline plan with me. I understand it and will support it.
Signature: ______Date______
TEACHER: I will be fair and consistent in administering the discipline plan for German III.
Signature: ______Date______
Thank you