Articles analyzed in “An Examination of Search Methodologies of Meta-Analyses in Peer-Reviewed Articles Related to Crop Science.”
- Abalos D, Jeffery S, Drury CF, Wagner-Riddle C. 2016. Improving fertilizer management in the U.S. and Canada for N2O mitigation: understanding potential positive and negative side-effects on corn yields. Agriculture, Ecosystems & Environment 221:214-221.DOI: 10.1016/j.agee.2016.01.044.
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- Aguilera E, Lassaletta L, Gattinger A, Gimeno BS. 2013. Managing soil carbon for climate change mitigation and adaptation in Mediterranean cropping systems: a meta-analysis. Agriculture, Ecosystems & Environment 168:25-36.DOI: 10.1016/j.agee.2013.02.003.
- Aguilera E, Lassaletta L, Sanz-Cobena A, Garnier J, Vallejo A. 2013. The potential of organic fertilizers and water management to reduce N2O emissions in Mediterranean climate cropping systems. A review. Agriculture, Ecosystems & Environment 164:32-52.DOI: 10.1016/j.agee.2012.09.006.
- Antle JM, Ogle SM. 2012. Influence of soil C, N2O and fuel use on GHG mitigation with no-till adoption. Climatic Change 111(3/4):609-625.DOI: 10.1007/s10584-011-0193-7.
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- Barral MP, Benayas JMR, Meli P, Maceira NO. 2015. Quantifying the impacts of ecological restoration on biodiversity and ecosystem services in agroecosystems: a global meta-analysis. Agriculture, Ecosystems & Environment 202:223-231.DOI: 10.1016/j.agee.2015.01.009.
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- Beenhouwer Md, Aerts R, Honnay O. 2013. A global meta-analysis of the biodiversity and ecosystem service benefits of coffee and cacao agroforestry. Agriculture, Ecosystems & Environment 175:1-7.DOI: 10.1016/j.agee.2013.05.003.
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- Burzaco JP, Ciampitti IA, Vyn TJ. 2014. Nitrapyrin impacts on maize yield and nitrogen use efficiency with spring-applied nitrogen: field studies vs. meta-analysis comparison. Agronomy Journal 106(2):753-760.DOI: 10.2134/agronj2013.0043.
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- Chivenge P, Vanlauwe B, Six J. 2011. Does the combined application of organic and mineral nutrient sources influence maize productivity? A meta-analysis. Plant and Soil 342(1/2):1-30.DOI: 10.1007/s11104-010-0626-5.
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- Diaz DAR, Mengel DB, Lamond RE, Duncan SR, Whitney DA, Maxwell TM. 2012. Meta-analysis of winter wheat response to chloride fertilization in Kansas. Communications in Soil Science and Plant Analysis 43(18):2437-2447.DOI: 10.1080/00103624.2012.708077.
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- Feng J, Chen C, Zhang Y, Song Z, Deng A, Zheng C, Zhang W. 2013. Impacts of cropping practices on yield-scaled greenhouse gas emissions from rice fields in China: a meta-analysis. Agriculture, Ecosystems & Environment 164:220-228.DOI: 10.1016/j.agee.2012.10.009.
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- Geisseler D, Scow KM. 2014. Long-term effects of mineral fertilizers on soil microorganisms - a review. Soil Biology & Biochemistry 75:54-63.DOI: 10.1016/j.soilbio.2014.03.023.
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- Van Groenigen KJ, Kessel Cv, Hungate BA. 2013. Increased greenhouse-gas intensity of rice production under future atmospheric conditions. Nature Climate Change 3(3):288-291.DOI: 10.1038/nclimate1712.
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