• The format of this RFQ has been simplified.
  • Only the following pages require signatures:
  1. Exhibit A – Bid Response Packet, Bidder Information and Acceptancepage
  2. Must be signed by Bidder
  3. Exhibit A – Bid Response Packet, SLEB Partnering Information Sheet
  4. Must be signed by Bidder
  5. Must be signed by SLEB Partnerif subcontracting to a SLEB

Please read EXHIBIT A – Bid Response Packet carefully,INCOMPLETE BIDS WILL BE REJECTED. Alameda County will not accept submissions or documentation after the bid response due date.




Traffic Signal and Street Light Material

For complete information regarding this project, see RFQ posted ator contact the County representative listed below. Thank you for your interest!
Contact Person:Nicholas Roberts, Contracts Specialist
Phone Number: (510) 208-9616
E-mail Address:



2:00 p.m.


August 19, 2013


Alameda County, GSA–Purchasing

1401 Lakeside Drive, Suite 907

Oakland, CA 94612

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Traffic Signal and Street Light Material




























Specifications, Terms & Conditions

for Traffic Signal and Street Light Material



It is the intent of these specifications, terms and conditions to search for qualified vendors who are interested in providing traffic and streetlight materials required by the County of Alameda Public Works Agency (PWA).

The County intends to award a three-year contract (with option to renew) to the bidder(s) selected as the lowest responsible bidder(s) whose response meets the County’s requirements.

It is the intent of these specifications, terms and conditions to procure the most environmentally preferable products with equivalent or higher performance and at equal or lower cost than traditional products. Specific requirements from the County’s Sustainability Program that are related to this Bid are included in the appropriate Bid sections.


These materials will be used by the PWA to maintain electrical systems and fixtures for highways and city streets throughout the County. These systems include, but are not limited to:traffic signals, street, highway and sign lighting, toll bridge electrical systems, Intelligent Transportation Systems (ITS) and road traffic count stations.


1.BIDDER Minimum Qualifications

a.Bidder shall be regularly and continuously engaged in the business of providing traffic signal and streetlight materials for at least five (5) years as evidenced by references; and

b.Bidder shall possess all permits, licenses and professional credentials necessary to supply product and perform services as specified under this RFQ.

c.LED Minimum Qualifications

(1)The manufacturer shall have previously supplied LED indicators to other Cities, Counties or municipalities of greater or equal size to Alameda County.


All materials furnished by any vendor(s) awarded a contract pursuant to this RFQ shall conform to Section 86, “Signals, Lighting, and Electrical Systems,” of The State of California’s 2010 Standard Specifications.

1.CONTROLLER ASSEMBLY (Exhibit A, Table 1,Item No. 1)

a.The controller assembly is defined as a waterproof cabinet, controller unit, load switches, flash mechanisms, signal conflict monitoring circuitry, detector amplifiers, alternating current filters, and other auxiliary equipment. The cabinet shall be a steel Sahra cabinet, or equivalent, painted County silver/gray made for external anchor bolts. Interior rails to be standard Sahra, or equivalent, and compatible with existing County panels.

The following describes the minimum auxiliary equipment operational capabilities which shall be furnished and installed in the controller cabinet assembly:

(1)All interior panels are to be metal and individual (i.e. flasher, type 90 controller termination, detector termination, load bay, power, lighting and “D” panel). All panels to be directly interchangeable by size, shape and termination in existing County intersections. Panels shall have all unused holes and outlets covered. All areas including side of panels shall prohibit incidental contact to circuits.

(2)Solid-state switches and flashers shall be in accordance with The State of California’s 2010 Standard Specifications Section 86-4.05A(3), “Flasher” and shall not be less than 20 amps.

(3)A conflict monitoring device in accordance with National Electrical Manufacturers Association (NEMA) Standard Publication No. TS1, “Monitoring Device”, shall be interchangeable with NEMA plus 12 channel safety monitor, which shall display all channels and intervals separately.

(4)A door mounted security switch shall be connected to “D” panel for communication to County Central Computer.

(5)A door mounted safety monitor override switch for safety monitor removal shall be provided.

(6)A door mounted switch for cabinet lighting shall be provided. Lighting shall be F16T8 type fluorescent.

(7)Detector sensor units shall be Type A, Detector Systems No. 913, or approved equivalent. The last sentence in the second paragraph of section 86-5.01A (2), “Sensor Unit Construction”, of The State of California’s 2010 Standard Specifications is amended to read: “Each connector shall be provided with a threaded shell.”

(8)The Contractor shall provide two (2) convenience receptacles. Convenience receptacles shall confirm to The State of California’s 2010 Standard Specifications Section 86-3.04D(2) “Convenience Receptacle”. Mount convenience receptacle in a readily accessible location inside the cabinet. Convenience receptacle must be a duplex, 3-prong, NEMA 5-15R grounding-type outlet that complies with UL Standard 943.

(9)Pre-emption equipment shall be as specified in NEMA Standards Publication No. TS1 except unit shall be capable of vehicle identification and shall be software programmable for distance reception. A test switch for each of the six (6) pre-emption inputs shall be installed in the auxiliary panel.

(10)All cabinets shall contain a 120/240-volt AC mercury lighting controllerr with test switch and termination block for lighting in, lighting out and PEC termination.

(11)All cabinets are to be wired for eight (8) phase, four (4) pedestrian, four (4) overlap, and all red flash operation. Controller must be directly interchangeable with the NAZTEC 981 Controller as per Section D (Specific Requirements), item 2 of these special provisions and also interface with NAZTEC Street Wise Central without use of external logic packages, special software or modifications. All work shall be in accordance with The State of California’s 2010 Standard Specifications Section 86 and this RFQ.

(12)A test switch for each of the sixteen (16) vehicle detectors, four (4) pedestrian, and six (6) EVP inputs shall be installed.

(13)A 24-position terminal block shall be installed for the traffic signal interconnect cable termination, with two (2) twisted pairs wired to “D” panel for communication to ta NAZTEC 981 TS2 on street master.

(14)All labeling in cabinet shall be by the engraving method.

2.CONTROLLER MASTER UNIT (Exhibit A, Table 1,Item No. 2)

a.The NAZTEC 981 TS2 controller shall utilize NTCIP software in accordance with the federal protocol functional specifications. The controllers shall be the same size and shape as existing County 820A controllers, and shall be able to replace an existing 820A controller with no modification except for changing the existing 820A “D” panel.

b.The type 2070 controllers shall utilize software that allows interface via hardwire telemetry to the NAZTEC and NTCIP functional specifications. The 2070 software shall be based on NAZTEC Street Wise. All 2070 controllers shall be Caltrans approved for both hardware and software. Any changes needed to make the controller acceptable to Caltrans shall be at the controller manufacturers’ expense.

c.Type 2070 Controllers shall not be used unless specified by the County.

d.Any and all future controller, master, or central software updates or enhancements will be supplied to Alameda County, at no cost, for a period of ten (10) years from the date of purchase from manufacturer.

3.SERVICE ENCLOSURE (Exhibit A, Table 1,Item No. 3)

a.The service enclosure shall be 120/240 volt AC with a 4-jaw meter socket, test block, landing lug, lug neutral and solid neutral containing 100/3 main breaker (Westinghouse No. QC3100 or equivalent), 50/2 lighting breaker (Westinghouse No. QC2050 or equivalent), and 50/1 signal breaker (Westinghouse No QC1050 or equivalent).

b.Service to the traffic signal system shall be a Type II service as shown on sheet ES-2B of the standard plans. Cabinet shall meet or exceed “Tesco 11000 Series” with landing lug, lug neutral, and solid neutral.


a.Pedestrian push buttons shall confirm to the provisions in The State of California’s 2010 Standard Specifications Section 86-5.02 “Pedestrian Push Button Assemblies” and this RFQ.

b.Pedestrian push button housing shall be metal, one piece non-adjustable type B. Assembly hardware shall be stainless steel. Button shall be American Disability Association style Polara Bulldog with momentary LED audible chirp, green housing with stainless steel button or approved equivalent.

c.Pedestrian push button signs shall be international symbol type as shown on sheet ES-5C of Caltrans Standard Plans and 125 mm x 175 mm in size.

5.FUSED SPLICE CONNECTORS (Exhibit A, Table 1,Item No. 5)

Traffic signal standards and mast arm assemblies shall conform to the State of California’s 2010 Standard Specifications and this RFQ.

a.Dead load shall be based on the loading configuration shown on project plans. The dead load safety factor is the material yield stress divided by dead load stress (signals, signs, etc.). The dead load safety factor shall be greater than the following:

(1)4.0 for mast arms under 16.75 meters/54.95 feet;

(2)3.2 for 16.75 meters/54.95 foot mast arms.

b.There shall be no apparent corners or angel points in the profile of the mast arm. The mast arms shall have a rising straight section from the mast arm base plate at the pole, a constant radius curved section, followed by a straight horizontal section projected to the required length. The two (2) straight sections shall connect to the ends of the constant radius section as a smooth and tangential extension of the constant radius section. The length of these three (3) mast arm sections shall not vary more than two (2) inches/50 mm for identical arms, regardless of tenon spacing. The mast arm rise (vertical distance from pole base plate to outboard end of straight horizontal section) shall not vary more than 76 mm/2.99 inches for identical arms when loaded in accordance with project plans. All arms (regardless of tenon spacing) at the outboard end of horizontal section, when standing and loaded, with the pole completely vertical in all side planes (not raked or leaning) shall be zero (0) degrees of negative horizontal (down) and shall be no more than two degrees of positive horizontal (up), and this shall be achieved without the use of wedges or shims. All mast arms shall be tip tenon on end and include sign rails and fasteners when signs are indicated. Street name signs shall be standard and bolted to the mast arm unless otherwise indicated on the plans.

c.All holes shall be retapped after galvanizing. Anchor bolts shall be hot dipped galvanized over the entire length.

d.There shall be no interference in seating and tightening of cap screws in securing arm to pole. All cap screws shall be galvanized.

e.Pedestrian poles shall be 64 millimeters diameter, with a 64 millimeters threaded companion flange. Pedestrian poles shall be covered with a threaded pipe cap when side mounted pedestrian push buttons are used.

6.SIGNAL FACES AND SIGNAL HEADS (Exhibit B, Table 1,Item No. 7)

a.Signal faces, signal heads, and auxiliary equipment, as shown on the plans, and the installation thereof, shall confirm to the provisions in The State of California’s 2010 Standard Specifications Section 86-5.02 and this RFQ.

b.Mast arm mounted signal faces shall be so mounted and oriented in a manner that will make them visible to approaching traffic 305 meters/333.5 yards in advance of the intersection.

c.Far-side right signal faces shall be mounted and adjusted to face the center of approaching traffic at the limit line. Near-side right and far-side left signal faces shall be mounted and adjusted to face the center of approaching traffic 60 meters/65.6 yards in advance of the limit line. Location and orientation of signal faces shall be approved by the Engineer prior to drilling of standards.

d.Signal heads shall be Caltrans approved and shall be metal and made for old Automatic Signal and Econolite Signal “dog-ear” style visors. The heads shall be capable of reversible doors. Only non-gassing gaskets shall be used.

e.The lamp socket shall be bail mounted and double riveted in sockets. The signal heads shall be electro-statically painted dark green; back plates and visors shall be electro-statically painted flat black. A 300 millimeter/11.81 inch signal head cell shall be 355 millimeters/13.97 inches in length.

f.Lamps shall be furnished by the Contractor.

g.All sections of signal head shall be Type 1 LED as specified in Section D (Specific Requirements), Item 7 and shall be GELcore, or approved equal.

h.Signal head framework shall be Caltrans approved. Thru-bolt assemblies shall have two washers (one lock washer and one bronze saddle washer) and one steel nut. Framework set screws shall be hex-head steel bolts. Allen bolt or slot-head screws will not be allowed. Framework will be electro-statically painted dark green. Mast arm slipfitters and plumbizers shall be bronze.

i.Terminal strips in pole mounted signal terminal compartments shall be the 12-terminal, barrier type, with two (2) No. 10 screws per terminal which will accommodate not less than three (3) spade-type lugs on each screw. The terminal compartment shall be bronze and the terminal strips shall be mounted on an aluminum mounting pad. Assembly hardware shall be brass. Terminal compartment doors shall be flat with no company logos.

j.When ordered as “parts”, assemblies shall come assembled in a box (one (1) framework per box) and marked as what it is and the location where it goes (information should be identifiable from intersection traffic signal drawing).

k.Pedestrian signals shall be the metal type and shall be Type A. The Contractor shall provide and install LEDs in all of the signals. Pedestrian signals shall be identical in size and design as McCain or I.C.C.

l.Pedestrian signal message symbols will be the international type as shown on Sheet ES3B of the Standard Plans and shall be tempered glass. UPRAISED HAND/WALKING PERSON sections shall be Type 2 LED as specified in Section D (Specific Requirements), Item 7 and shall be GELcore or approved equal.


a.The LED signal modules shall have prominent and permanent directional marking(s) that have an “up arrow” for correct indexing and orientation within the signal housing. The manufacturer’s name, trademark, serial number, and other necessary identification shall be permanently marked on the back side of the LED signal module. A label shall be placed on the LED signal module certifying compliance with this specification. The LED signal module shall be a single, self-contained device not requiring on-site assembly for installation into an existing traffic signal housing.

b.The assembly and manufacturing process for the LED signal assembly shall be such as to assure all internal LED and electronic components are adequately supported to withstand mechanical shock and vibration from high winds and other sources.

c.All LED indications shall comply with the Institute of Transportation Engineers (ITE) interim LED Purchase Specification Part 2 Standards for LED Signals, including color, intensity candlepower distribution and beam spread, and the Caltrans LED Signal Procurement Specifications. The ITE Standards can be viewed and the following website:

d.The manufacturer shall have previously supplied LED indications to other Cities, Counties or municipalities and shall provide references thereto within Exhibit A of this RFQ.

e.The installation of all indications shall require no physical modification of the existing fixture other than the possible removal of the reflector, lens, or socket.

f.The number of LEDs per signal head shall be sufficient to achieve the intensity of Table 1 of ITE. Arrows shall be 3 rows of LEDs on all parts of the arrow signal. Outline arrows are not permitted.

g.The operating voltage shall be between 92 and 135 VAC 60 Hz +/- 3 Hz. The operating temperature shall be between 4.5 degrees C and 74 degrees C.

h.The LEDs shall be circuited in series/parallel so a failure of any single circuit or diode shall not result in more than 1% reduction in total luminous intensity. Failure of an individual LED in a string shall not cause the loss of more than 1 LED.

i.The enclosure shall conform to NEMA 250 Section 4.7.20 and for type 4 enclosure.

j.All lenses shall be replaceable and withstand a 1.0 meter/3.28 foot drop test. They are to be UV stabilized, a minimum of 3 mm thick, free of bubbles and imperfections. Chromaticity, intensity, and distribution shall be measured in accordance with ITE Standards at 44 points, meeting specifications after a 60 minute warm-up.

k.Lead wires of 18 AWG (min.) and 105 degrees C insulation shall be a minimum of 900mm/35.43 inches long with NEMA (spade) terminals for connection to existing terminal block.

l.Existing indication kit shall include all the necessary components to complete the LED conversion. Included, but not limited to, are the lens, LEDs, circuit board, wire leads with strain relief, electronics, rigid housing, installed neoprene one piece gasket to form a sealed housing, and shall use existing mounting hardware. The electronics/power supply shall be integrated inside the module.