Webinar Resource Handout
Strategic Partnership Planning CFPHE Group Technical Assistance | November 10th, 2016
There are many resources when looking for funding of your research. You can use the list below as a tool to start but know there are many, many more options out there; don’t be afraid to Google! This specific tool lists options that are free to use, however there are paid database options out there as well.
Government Funding
Both local governments and the national government are able to award funds for research.Funding can be given to individuals or organizations. Funding from the government is often carried out through universities, private research organizations, specialized government agencies and others. Governmental funding comes along with numerous regulations and rules which make it difficult for organizations who do not typically receive government funding to easily manage these funds without instituting new policies and procedures.
- Grants.gov | Grants.gov is a collection of available grants from Federal agencies, including National Institutes of Health, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, the Department of Education, the National Science Foundation and many more.
- The National Endowment for the Humanities | NEH offers a wide variety of grant programs for both individuals and organizations.
- US Department of Health and Human Services | The HHS supports contractors and grantees with the vision of protecting the health of all Americans and providing essential human services.
- Fulbright Study/Research Program | This yearly program specializes in study and research grants with international Universities.
- National Institutes of Health | NIH offers a substantial list of available grants focused on behavioral and medical research.
- National Center for Advancing Translational Sciences | NCATS supports an array of grant programs and in-kind services designed to support the Center's work to transform scientific knowledge into better human health.
- Center for Disease Control and Prevention | Housed on Grants.gov, over 1,000 grant programs are funded by the CDC.
- Health Resources and Services Administration | HRSA makes grants to organizations to improve and expand health care services for underserved people, focusing on the following program areas: health workforce, HIV/AIDS, maternal & child health, primary health care/health centers, rural health, healthcare systems, and more.
- Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality | Grant announcements from the Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality for supporting research to improve the quality, effectiveness, accessibility, and cost effectiveness of health care.
- US Environmental Protection Agency | The EPA makes grants for research involving air quality, climate change, health research, sustainability, water research, and more.
Grant-Making Foundations
Organizations that support charitable activities in order to serve the common good are often referred to as grant-making foundations. There are independent foundations (such as the Alfred P. Sloan Foundation) that are founded by an individual, a family, or a group of individuals. There are also corporate foundations,which are funded by companies as separate legal entities (such as The Coca-Cola Foundation, Inc.). There are both local and national foundations. There are so many foundations out there that offer funding; a couple ways to search include looking upfoundations in your area, or by health topic.
- Foundation Center | Foundation Center is a foundation directory that allows you to search by state, city, or ZIP code. The site pulls Foundations based on your search criteria and also provides statistics such as total assets and total giving.
- The Grantsmanship Center | The Grantsmanship Center is a collection of grantmaking foundations, searchable by state. The website also contains resources to help you get started in and navigate the grant process.
- Robert Wood Johnson Foundation | The RWJF is focused on health, health care, and substance abuse.
- Alfred P. Sloan Foundation | The Alfred P. Sloan Foundation funds research related to science and engineering and their overlaps with civics, education, and economics.
- The David and Lucile Packard Foundation | This family foundation focuses on efforts aimed at improving the lives of children and the power of science to improve the human condition and planet.
- The Spencer Foundation – Lyle Spencer Research Awards | This yearly award is oriented towards education research.
- William T. Grant Foundation | The William T. Grant Foundation funds research focused on creating safe, healthy, and character-building environments for young people.
- The Russell Sage Foundation | Dedicated to programs of social science with an emphasis on equality and social justice, the Russell Sage Foundation has available funding year-round.
- The John Randolph Haynes Foundation | Focused primarily on Los Angeles, the John Randolph Haynes Foundation grants funding to organizations only.
- The Horowitz Foundation | Providing approximately 15-20 grants each year, the Horowitz Foundation focuses on social sciences research.
- The Damon Runyon Cancer Research Foundation | Damon Runyon provides today's best young scientists with funds to pursue innovative cancer research.
- The Foundation for Alcohol Research | The aim of the Foundation for Alcohol Research grant program is to energize the field by helping researchers begin their careers, and position them to attract greater alcohol funding from other sources with the track record resulting from a Foundation grant.
- Bush Foundation |The Bush Foundation Community Innovation program offers two open grant opportunities - The Bush Prize for Community Innovation and Community Innovation Grants - to support communities to pursue innovative solutions to their challenges.
- American Nurses Foundation | The American Nurses Foundation provides funds to beginner and experienced nurse researchers to conduct studies that contribute toward the advancement of nursing science and the enhancement of patient care. Funds are available annually.
Non-profit and Professional Associations
Along with other work, many non-profit organizations and professional associations are able to give grants for research.Similar to searching for grant-making foundations, try looking up non-profits and associations based on a health topic or location to find funding that is a good fit for the needs of your partnership.
- The Patient-Centered Outcomes Research Institute (PCORI) | PCORI funds comparative clinical effectiveness research, or CER, as well as support work that will improve the methods used to conduct such studies.
- The American Heart Association | The AHA supports beginning investigators and research involving cardiovascular health.
- The American Cancer Society | Among other grants, the ACA offers funding that supports the clinical and/or research training of health professionals.
- The World Health Organization | Focused on research on diseases of poverty, this program supports initiatives related to infectious disease in developing countries.
- Society for Women’s Health Research | The SWHR funds research related to clinical practice, disease prevention and manifestation, and medical education.
- March of Dimes | General research grants offer funds for research based on but not limited to studies, studies of reproductive health, environmental toxicology, and studies in social and behavioral sciences that focus on factors contributing to adverse pregnancy outcomes.
- Obesity Society | This program is offered by The Obesity Society (TOS), as a member service, to foster and stimulate new research ideas in any area of investigation related to obesity.
- The American Psychological Association | APA and its affiliate organizations provide a wide range of grants, scholarships and awards with the aim of advancing the science and practice of psychology as a means of understanding behavior and promoting health, education, and human welfare.
- Alzheimer’s Association | The Alzheimer's Association International Research Grant Program funds investigations that advance understanding of Alzheimer's disease, help identify new treatment strategies, provide information to improve care for people with dementia, and further our knowledge of brain health and disease prevention. The awards support investigators at every professional stage.
- National Association of Chronic Disease Directors | NACDD provides funding opportunities for various health organizations and communities. Some past projects have included programs such as funding for Bicycle Advocacy and Facilities.